14 research outputs found


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    A New Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based On DWT-DCT-RLC

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    Abstract: The paper presents an imperceptible and robust digital watermarking algorithm using a combination of the DWT-DCT , which improves the robustness via using new embedding strategy. Apply 4-level DWT to the host image. Then, DCT transform of each directional middle frequencies DWT subband is computed; A binary watermarked logo is coded by Run-Length Code(RLC);The watermark bits are embedded in the coefficients of the DCT block based on the energy of each corresponding to coefficient in the highest level selected using the value of RLC. Performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme is invisible and robust against common image manipulations like JPEG compression, noise adding, sharpening, filtering. I Introduction Image watermarking is the process of embedding the ownership information into host data so that intellectual copyrights can be identified. Along with the rapid growth of novel watermarking schemes, various attacking attempts have also been developed to destroy watermarking II Theory A.Run Length Code Run-length code (RLC) is a very simple form of data compression in which runs of data (that is, sequences in which the same data value occurs in many consecutive data elements) are stored as a single data value and count, rather than as the original run. This is most useful on data that contains many such runs: for example, simple graphic images such as icons, line drawings, and animations

    Anti-surge Control Technologies of Large-sized Chinese Gas Compression Pump

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    Abstract In this paper, we take Jinan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.'s Gas-steam Combined Cycle Power Generation Gas GCP as the object of study. This is the first application of Chinese large-sized gas compression pump in the field of steam-gas combined cycle power generation and thus initiates the application of technologies of Chinese large-sized gas compression pump. To broaden the pump's relatively narrow working area where the centrifugal compressor functions stably and to minimize the surge incurred therein, we established the anti-surge mathematical model and anti-surge control algorithm applicable to this gas compression pump; according to default settings, we tested anti-surge safety curve and thus figured out the estimated anti-surge safety curve to be incurred in application; then we concluded the anti-surge safety curve of the gas compression pump by fitting the test results of anti-surge safety curve into the estimated anti-surge safety curve. In practice, this gas compression pump not only satisfied the requirement for control function, but also reached the leading level in the same industry of China


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    Sebagai salah satu teknik perlindungan data multimedia, watermarking telah banyak dikembangkan. Teknik watermarking dapat dilakukan pada domain transformasi, dengan menggabungkan metode Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) dan Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).Watermarking pada citra digital harus memperhatikan tiga kriteria: security, robustness, dan imperceptibility. Dua kriteria terakhir merupakan hal yang paling sering bertentangan pada watermarking domain transformasi. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) sebagai salah satu metode yang paling populer dari aplikasi aljabar linear telah banyak dimanfaatkan dalam pengolahan sinyal termasuk watermarking. Penggabungan DWT-DCT dan SVD ditujukan untuk mengatasi konflik di antara robustness dan imperceptibility. Nilai Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) dan Normalized Cross Correlation (NC) yang diperoleh dari percobaan menyatakan bahwa skema hybrid watermarking ini menghasilkan watermark yang tahanterhadap berbagai serangan, serta kualitas yang tinggi dari citra yang disisipi watermark. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik antara robustness dan imperceptibility yang muncul pada watermarking domain transformasi dapat diatasi.Kata kunci : Watermarking, DWT, DCT, SV

    Blind 3D Model Watermarking based on Multi-Resolution Representation and Fuzzy Logic

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    ABSTRACT Insertion of a text message, audio data or/and an image into another image o


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    Dokumen ijasah memiliki arti penting bagi pemiliknya sebagai bukti seseorang telah menyelesaikan satu tahap studi yang ditempuh. Ijasah juga termasuk syarat utama ketika seseorang melamar kerja. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) memerlukan sistem yang handal untuk mengelola legalisir ijasah dengan cara digital dan online. Meskipun unggul dalam penyimpanan, ijasah dalam bentuk digital dapat dimodifikasi dan disalahgunakan dengan mudah. Untuk itu, perlindungan terhadap legalisir ijasah digital sangat diperlukan untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang. Metode verifikasi pertama adalah Quick Response (QR) Code. Metode kedua disebut watermarking. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan, metode ini dapat diaplikasikan pada legalisir ijasah di lingkungan UDINUS untuk mempermudah pencarian data dan meminimalkan kemungkinan modifikasi dokumen ijasah digital. Kata Kunci: legalisir, ijasah, QR Code, watermarking

    Robust recursive watermarking technique in discrete wavelet transform

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    Presently, data sharing and information searching is easier to perform on the internet and has resulted in the digital contents becoming widely available and easily accessible. However, many users abuse these contents through piracy and forgery practices, thus there is a need for copyright protection which can be achieved with digital watermarking. A robust digital watermark should be able to withstand intentional and unintentional attacks but the various available techniques for watermarking have yet to attain the best defence performance against these attacks. This study proposed an alternative watermarking technique referred as Recursive Watermarking Technique (RWT) on digital image content where multiple watermarks are embedded in the host image. In this technique, multisegmentation was carried out. Embedding and extracting of watermark was performed in the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) domain, after the image segmentation process. Besides that, reconstruction image stage was carried out to get the most robust watermark. These multiple watermarking processes in RWT have the capability to minimize the effect of the attacks. The robustness of RWT against attacks was tested against motion blur, Gaussian noise (1%, 5% and 10%), salt and pepper noise (0.02), cropped image, JPEG compression, intensity adjustment, sharpen and mosaic tile attacks. The results showed that RWT has a higher NC value which is equal to 1. At the same time, Gaussian blur, salt and pepper noise (0.05 and 0.1), and histogram equalization attacks gained an NC value of 0.99. These results imply that RWT is able to withstand the attacks successfully and performs better than the other known techniques