36,919 research outputs found

    Bivariate Gamma Distributions for Image Registration and Change Detection

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    This paper evaluates the potential interest of using bivariate gamma distributions for image registration and change detection. The first part of this paper studies estimators for the parameters of bivariate gamma distributions based on the maximum likelihood principle and the method of moments. The performance of both methods are compared in terms of estimated mean square errors and theoretical asymptotic variances. The mutual information is a classical similarity measure which can be used for image registration or change detection. The second part of the paper studies some properties of the mutual information for bivariate Gamma distributions. Image registration and change detection techniques based on bivariate gamma distributions are finally investigated. Simulation results conducted on synthetic and real data are very encouraging. Bivariate gamma distributions are good candidates allowing us to develop new image registration algorithms and new change detectors

    Exact asymptotic distribution of change-point mle for change in the mean of Gaussian sequences

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    We derive exact computable expressions for the asymptotic distribution of the change-point mle when a change in the mean occurred at an unknown point of a sequence of time-ordered independent Gaussian random variables. The derivation, which assumes that nuisance parameters such as the amount of change and variance are known, is based on ladder heights of Gaussian random walks hitting the half-line. We then show that the exact distribution easily extends to the distribution of the change-point mle when a change occurs in the mean vector of a multivariate Gaussian process. We perform simulations to examine the accuracy of the derived distribution when nuisance parameters have to be estimated as well as robustness of the derived distribution to deviations from Gaussianity. Through simulations, we also compare it with the well-known conditional distribution of the mle, which may be interpreted as a Bayesian solution to the change-point problem. Finally, we apply the derived methodology to monthly averages of water discharges of the Nacetinsky creek, Germany.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS294 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust Orthogonal Complement Principal Component Analysis

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    Recently, the robustification of principal component analysis has attracted lots of attention from statisticians, engineers and computer scientists. In this work we study the type of outliers that are not necessarily apparent in the original observation space but can seriously affect the principal subspace estimation. Based on a mathematical formulation of such transformed outliers, a novel robust orthogonal complement principal component analysis (ROC-PCA) is proposed. The framework combines the popular sparsity-enforcing and low rank regularization techniques to deal with row-wise outliers as well as element-wise outliers. A non-asymptotic oracle inequality guarantees the accuracy and high breakdown performance of ROC-PCA in finite samples. To tackle the computational challenges, an efficient algorithm is developed on the basis of Stiefel manifold optimization and iterative thresholding. Furthermore, a batch variant is proposed to significantly reduce the cost in ultra high dimensions. The paper also points out a pitfall of a common practice of SVD reduction in robust PCA. Experiments show the effectiveness and efficiency of ROC-PCA in both synthetic and real data