1,424 research outputs found

    State-space solutions to the dynamic magnetoencephalography inverse problem using high performance computing

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    Determining the magnitude and location of neural sources within the brain that are responsible for generating magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals measured on the surface of the head is a challenging problem in functional neuroimaging. The number of potential sources within the brain exceeds by an order of magnitude the number of recording sites. As a consequence, the estimates for the magnitude and location of the neural sources will be ill-conditioned because of the underdetermined nature of the problem. One well-known technique designed to address this imbalance is the minimum norm estimator (MNE). This approach imposes an L2L^2 regularization constraint that serves to stabilize and condition the source parameter estimates. However, these classes of regularizer are static in time and do not consider the temporal constraints inherent to the biophysics of the MEG experiment. In this paper we propose a dynamic state-space model that accounts for both spatial and temporal correlations within and across candidate intracortical sources. In our model, the observation model is derived from the steady-state solution to Maxwell's equations while the latent model representing neural dynamics is given by a random walk process.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS483 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Probabilistic algorithms for MEG/EEG source reconstruction using temporal basis functions learned from data.

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    We present two related probabilistic methods for neural source reconstruction from MEG/EEG data that reduce effects of interference, noise, and correlated sources. Both methods localize source activity using a linear mixture of temporal basis functions (TBFs) learned from the data. In contrast to existing methods that use predetermined TBFs, we compute TBFs from data using a graphical factor analysis based model [Nagarajan, S.S., Attias, H.T., Hild, K.E., Sekihara, K., 2007a. A probabilistic algorithm for robust interference suppression in bioelectromagnetic sensor data. Stat Med 26, 3886–3910], which separates evoked or event-related source activity from ongoing spontaneous background brain activity. Both algorithms compute an optimal weighting of these TBFs at each voxel to provide a spatiotemporal map of activity across the brain and a source image map from the likelihood of a dipole source at each voxel. We explicitly model, with two different robust parameterizations, the contribution from signals outside a voxel of interest. The two models differ in a trade-off of computational speed versus accuracy of learning the unknown interference contributions. Performance in simulations and real data, both with large noise and interference and/or correlated sources, demonstrates significant improvement over existing source localization methods

    Testing covariance models for MEG source reconstruction of hippocampal activity

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    Beamforming is one of the most commonly used source reconstruction methods for magneto- and electroencephalography (M/EEG). One underlying assumption, however, is that distant sources are uncorrelated and here we tested whether this is an appropriate model for the human hippocampal data. We revised the Empirical Bayesian Beamfomer (EBB) to accommodate specific a-priori correlated source models. We showed in simulation that we could use model evidence (as approximated by Free Energy) to distinguish between different correlated and uncorrelated source scenarios. Using group MEG data in which the participants performed a hippocampal-dependent task, we explored the possibility that the hippocampus or the cortex or both were correlated in their activity across hemispheres. We found that incorporating a correlated hippocampal source model significantly improved model evidence. Our findings help to explain why, up until now, the majority of MEG-reported hippocampal activity (typically making use of beamformers) has been estimated as unilateral

    Non-parametric statistical thresholding for sparse magnetoencephalography source reconstructions.

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    Uncovering brain activity from magnetoencephalography (MEG) data requires solving an ill-posed inverse problem, greatly confounded by noise, interference, and correlated sources. Sparse reconstruction algorithms, such as Champagne, show great promise in that they provide focal brain activations robust to these confounds. In this paper, we address the technical considerations of statistically thresholding brain images obtained from sparse reconstruction algorithms. The source power distribution of sparse algorithms makes this class of algorithms ill-suited to "conventional" techniques. We propose two non-parametric resampling methods hypothesized to be compatible with sparse algorithms. The first adapts the maximal statistic procedure to sparse reconstruction results and the second departs from the maximal statistic, putting forth a less stringent procedure that protects against spurious peaks. Simulated MEG data and three real data sets are utilized to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods. Two sparse algorithms, Champagne and generalized minimum-current estimation (G-MCE), are compared to two non-sparse algorithms, a variant of minimum-norm estimation, sLORETA, and an adaptive beamformer. The results, in general, demonstrate that the already sparse images obtained from Champagne and G-MCE are further thresholded by both proposed statistical thresholding procedures. While non-sparse algorithms are thresholded by the maximal statistic procedure, they are not made sparse. The work presented here is one of the first attempts to address the problem of statistically thresholding sparse reconstructions, and aims to improve upon this already advantageous and powerful class of algorithm

    Multimodal Integration: fMRI, MRI, EEG, MEG

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    This chapter provides a comprehensive survey of the motivations, assumptions and pitfalls associated with combining signals such as fMRI with EEG or MEG. Our initial focus in the chapter concerns mathematical approaches for solving the localization problem in EEG and MEG. Next we document the most recent and promising ways in which these signals can be combined with fMRI. Specically, we look at correlative analysis, decomposition techniques, equivalent dipole tting, distributed sources modeling, beamforming, and Bayesian methods. Due to difculties in assessing ground truth of a combined signal in any realistic experiment difculty further confounded by lack of accurate biophysical models of BOLD signal we are cautious to be optimistic about multimodal integration. Nonetheless, as we highlight and explore the technical and methodological difculties of fusing heterogeneous signals, it seems likely that correct fusion of multimodal data will allow previously inaccessible spatiotemporal structures to be visualized and formalized and thus eventually become a useful tool in brain imaging research

    Dynamic Decomposition of Spatiotemporal Neural Signals

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    Neural signals are characterized by rich temporal and spatiotemporal dynamics that reflect the organization of cortical networks. Theoretical research has shown how neural networks can operate at different dynamic ranges that correspond to specific types of information processing. Here we present a data analysis framework that uses a linearized model of these dynamic states in order to decompose the measured neural signal into a series of components that capture both rhythmic and non-rhythmic neural activity. The method is based on stochastic differential equations and Gaussian process regression. Through computer simulations and analysis of magnetoencephalographic data, we demonstrate the efficacy of the method in identifying meaningful modulations of oscillatory signals corrupted by structured temporal and spatiotemporal noise. These results suggest that the method is particularly suitable for the analysis and interpretation of complex temporal and spatiotemporal neural signals

    Electromagnetic Source Imaging via a Data-Synthesis-Based Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network

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    Electromagnetic source imaging (ESI) requires solving a highly ill-posed inverse problem. To seek a unique solution, traditional ESI methods impose various forms of priors that may not accurately reflect the actual source properties, which may hinder their broad applications. To overcome this limitation, in this paper a novel data-synthesized spatio-temporally convolutional encoder-decoder network method termed DST-CedNet is proposed for ESI. DST-CedNet recasts ESI as a machine learning problem, where discriminative learning and latent-space representations are integrated in a convolutional encoder-decoder network (CedNet) to learn a robust mapping from the measured electroencephalography/magnetoencephalography (E/MEG) signals to the brain activity. In particular, by incorporating prior knowledge regarding dynamical brain activities, a novel data synthesis strategy is devised to generate large-scale samples for effectively training CedNet. This stands in contrast to traditional ESI methods where the prior information is often enforced via constraints primarily aimed for mathematical convenience. Extensive numerical experiments as well as analysis of a real MEG and Epilepsy EEG dataset demonstrate that DST-CedNet outperforms several state-of-the-art ESI methods in robustly estimating source signals under a variety of source configurations.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, and journa