1,996 research outputs found

    Optimization and design of a cable driven upper arm exoskeleton

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    This paper presents the design of a wearable upper arm exoskeleton that can be used to assist and train arm movements of stroke survivors or subjects with weak musculature. In the last ten years, a number of upper-arm training devices have emerged. However, due to their size and weight, their use is restricted to clinics and research laboratories. Our proposed wearable exoskeleton builds upon our extensive research experience in wire driven manipulators and design of rehabilitative systems. The exoskeleton consists of three main parts: (i) an inverted U-shaped cuff that rests on the shoulder, (ii) a cuff on the upper arm, and (iii) a cuff on the forearm. Six motors, mounted on the shoulder cuff, drive the cuffs on the upper arm and forearm, using cables. In order to assess the performance of this exoskeleton, prior to use on humans, a laboratory test-bed has been developed where this exoskeleton is mounted on a model skeleton, instrumented with sensors to measure joint angles and transmitted forces to the shoulder. This paper describes design details of the exoskeleton and addresses the key issue of parameter optimization to achieve useful workspace based on kinematic and kinetic models.</jats:p

    Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots

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    Modeling and Design of a Spring-loaded, Cable-driven, Wearable Exoskeleton for the Upper Extremity

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    An approach to the design of wearable exoskeletons on the basis of simulation of the exoskeleton and a human body model is proposed in this paper. The new approach, addressing the problem of physical human-exoskeleton interactions, models and simulates the mechanics of both the exoskeleton and the human body, which allows designers to effectively analyze and evaluate an exoskeleton design for their function in concert with the human body. A simulation platform is developed by integrating a biomechanical model of the human body and the exoskeleton. With the proposed approach, an exoskeleton is designed for assisting patients with neuromuscular injuries. Results of the analysis and optimization are included

    Adaptive Control of Arm Movement based on Cerebellar Model

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    This study is an attempt to take advantage of a cerebellar model to control a biomimetic arm. Aware that a variety of cerebellar models with different levels of details has been developed, we focused on a high-level model called MOSAIC. This model is thought to be able to describe the cerebellar functionality without getting into the details of the neural circuitry. To understand where this model exactly fits, we glanced over the biology of the cerebellum and a few alternative models. Certainly, the arm control loop is composed of other components. We reviewed those elements with emphasis on modeling for our simulation. Among these models, the arm and the muscle system received the most attention. The musculoskeletal model tested independently and by means of optimization techniques, a human-like control of arm through muscle activations achieved. We have discussed how MOSAIC can solve a control problem and what drawbacks it has. Consequently, toward making a practical use of MOSAIC model, several ideas developed and tested. In this process, we borrowed concepts and methods from the control theory. Specifically, known schemes of adaptive control of a manipulator, linearization and approximation were utilized. Our final experiment dealt with a modified/adjusted MOSAIC model to adaptively control the arm. We call this model ORF-MOSAIC (Organized by Receptive Fields MOdular Selection And Identification for Control). With as few as 16 modules, we were able to control the arm in a workspace of 30 x 30 cm. The system was able to adapt to an external field as well as handling new objects despite delays. The discussion section suggests that there are similarities between microzones in the cerebellum and the modules of this new model

    Design, modeling and implementation of a soft robotic neck for humanoid robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorSoft humanoid robotics is an emerging field that combines the flexibility and safety of soft robotics with the form and functionality of humanoid robotics. This thesis explores the potential for collaboration between these two fields with a focus on the development of soft joints for the humanoid robot TEO. The aim is to improve the robot’s adaptability and movement, which are essential for an efficient interaction with its environment. The research described in this thesis involves the development of a simple and easily transportable soft robotic neck for the robot, based on a 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). For its final integration into TEO, the proposed design is later refined, resulting in an efficiently scaled prototype able to face significant payloads. The nonlinear behaviour of the joints, due mainly to the elastic nature of their soft links, makes their modeling a challenging issue, which is addressed in this thesis from two perspectives: first, the direct and inverse kinematic models of the soft joints are analytically studied, based on CDPM mathematical models; second, a data-driven system identification is performed based on machine learning techniques. Both approaches are deeply studied and compared, both in simulation and experimentally. In addition to the soft neck, this thesis also addresses the design and prototyping of a soft arm capable of handling external loads. The proposed design is also tendon-driven and has a morphology with two main bending configurations, which provides more versatility compared to the soft neck. In summary, this work contributes to the growing field of soft humanoid robotics through the development of soft joints and their application to the humanoid robot TEO, showcasing the potential of soft robotics to improve the adaptability, flexibility, and safety of humanoid robots. The development of these soft joints is a significant achievement and the research presented in this thesis paves the way for further exploration and development in this field.La robótica humanoide blanda es un campo emergente que combina la flexibilidad y seguridad de la robótica blanda con la forma y funcionalidad de la robótica humanoide. Esta tesis explora el potencial de colaboración entre estos dos campos centrándose en el desarrollo de una articulación blanda para el cuello del robot humanoide TEO. El objetivo es mejorar la adaptabilidad y el movimiento del robot, esenciales para una interacción eficaz con su entorno. La investigación descrita en esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un prototipo sencillo y fácilmente transportable de cuello blando para el robot, basado en un mecanismo paralelo actuado por cable de 2 grados de libertad. Para su integración final en TEO, el diseño propuesto es posteriormente refinado, resultando en un prototipo eficientemente escalado capaz de manejar cargas significativas. El comportamiemto no lineal de estas articulaciones, debido fundamentalmente a la naturaleza elástica de sus eslabones blandos, hacen de su modelado un gran reto, que en esta tesis se aborda desde dos perspectivas diferentes: primero, los modelos cinemáticos directo e inverso de las articulaciones blandas se estudian analíticamente, basándose en modelos matemáticos de mecanismos paralelos actuados por cable; segundo, se aborda el problema de la identificación del sistema mediante técnicas basadas en machine learning. Ambas propuestas se estudian y comparan en profundidad, tanto en simulación como experimentalmente. Además del cuello blando, esta tesis también aborda el diseño de un brazo robótico blando capaz de manejar cargas externas. El diseño propuesto está igualmente basado en accionamiento por tendones y tiene una morfología con dos configuraciones principales de flexión, lo que proporciona una mayor versatilidad en comparación con el cuello robótico blando. En resumen, este trabajo contribuye al creciente campo de la robótica humanoide blanda mediante el desarrollo de articulaciones blandas y su aplicación al robot humanoide TEO, mostrando el potencial de la robótica blanda para mejorar la adaptabilidad, flexibilidad y seguridad de los robots humanoides. El desarrollo de estas articulaciones es una contribución significativa y la investigación presentada en esta tesis allana el camino hacia nuevos desarrollos y retos en este campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Cecilia Elisabet García Cena.- Secretario: Dorin Sabin Copaci.- Vocal: Martin Fodstad Stole

    Robot Assisted Shoulder Rehabilitation: Biomechanical Modelling, Design and Performance Evaluation

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    The upper limb rehabilitation robots have made it possible to improve the motor recovery in stroke survivors while reducing the burden on physical therapists. Compared to manual arm training, robot-supported training can be more intensive, of longer duration, repetitive and task-oriented. To be aligned with the most biomechanically complex joint of human body, the shoulder, specific considerations have to be made in the design of robotic shoulder exoskeletons. It is important to assist all shoulder degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) when implementing robotic exoskeletons for rehabilitation purposes to increase the range of motion (ROM) and avoid any joint axes misalignments between the robot and human’s shoulder that cause undesirable interaction forces and discomfort to the user. The main objective of this work is to design a safe and a robotic exoskeleton for shoulder rehabilitation with physiologically correct movements, lightweight modules, self-alignment characteristics and large workspace. To achieve this goal a comprehensive review of the existing shoulder rehabilitation exoskeletons is conducted first to outline their main advantages and disadvantages, drawbacks and limitations. The research has then focused on biomechanics of the human shoulder which is studied in detail using robotic analysis techniques, i.e. the human shoulder is modelled as a mechanism. The coupled constrained structure of the robotic exoskeleton connected to a human shoulder is considered as a hybrid human-robot mechanism to solve the problem of joint axes misalignments. Finally, a real-scale prototype of the robotic shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton was built to test its operation and its ability for shoulder rehabilitation

    Upper limb soft robotic wearable devices: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Soft robotic wearable devices, referred to as exosuits, can be a valid alternative to rigid exoskeletons when it comes to daily upper limb support. Indeed, their inherent flexibility improves comfort, usability, and portability while not constraining the user’s natural degrees of freedom. This review is meant to guide the reader in understanding the current approaches across all design and production steps that might be exploited when developing an upper limb robotic exosuit. Methods: The literature research regarding such devices was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The investigated features are the intended scenario, type of actuation, supported degrees of freedom, low-level control, high-level control with a focus on intention detection, technology readiness level, and type of experiments conducted to evaluate the device. Results: A total of 105 articles were collected, describing 69 different devices. Devices were grouped according to their actuation type. More than 80% of devices are meant either for rehabilitation, assistance, or both. The most exploited actuation types are pneumatic (52%) and DC motors with cable transmission (29%). Most devices actuate 1 (56%) or 2 (28%) degrees of freedom, and the most targeted joints are the elbow and the shoulder. Intention detection strategies are implemented in 33% of the suits and include the use of switches and buttons, IMUs, stretch and bending sensors, EMG and EEG measurements. Most devices (75%) score a technology readiness level of 4 or 5. Conclusion: Although few devices can be considered ready to reach the market, exosuits show very high potential for the assistance of daily activities. Clinical trials exploiting shared evaluation metrics are needed to assess the effectiveness of upper limb exosuits on target users

    Predicting the metabolic energy costs of bipedalism using evolutionary robotics

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    To understand the evolution of bipedalism among the homnoids in an ecological context we need to be able to estimate theenerrgetic cost of locomotion in fossil forms. Ideally such an estimate would be based entirely on morphology since, except for the rare instances where footprints are preserved, this is hte only primary source of evidence available. In this paper we use evolutionary robotics techniques (genetic algoritms, pattern generators and mechanical modeling) to produce a biomimentic simulation of bipedalism based on human body dimensions. The mechnaical simulation is a seven-segment, two-dimensional model with motive force provided by tension generators representing the major muscle groups acting around the lower-limb joints. Metabolic energy costs are calculated from the muscel model, and bipedal gait is generated using a finite-state pattern generator whose parameters are produced using a genetic algorithm with locomotor economy (maximum distance for a fixed energy cost) as the fitness criterion. The model is validated by comparing the values it generates with those for modern humans. The result (maximum efficiency of 200 J m-1) is within 15% of the experimentally derived value, which is very encouraging and suggests that this is a useful analytic technique for investigating the locomotor behaviour of fossil forms. Initial work suggests that in the future this technique could be used to estimate other locomotor parameters such as top speed. In addition, the animations produced by this technique are qualitatively very convincing, which suggests that this may also be a useful technique for visualizing bipedal locomotion