1,923 research outputs found

    Robotics in space-age manufacturing

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    Robotics technologies are developed to improve manufacturing of space hardware. The following applications of robotics are covered: (1) welding for the space shuttle and space station Freedom programs; (2) manipulation of high-pressure water for shuttle solid rocket booster refurbishment; (3) automating the application of insulation materials; (4) precision application of sealants; and (5) automation of inspection procedures. Commercial robots are used for these development programs, but they are teamed with advanced sensors, process controls, and computer simulation to form highly productive manufacturing systems. Many of the technologies are also being actively pursued in private sector manufacturing operations

    A path to in-space welding and to other in-space metal processing technologies using Space Shuttle small payloads

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    As we venture into space, it becomes necessary to assemble, expand, and repair space-based structures for our housing, research, and manufacturing. The zero gravity-vacuum of space challenges us to employ construction options which are commonplace on Earth. Rockwell International (RI) has begun to undertake the challenge of space-based construction via numerous options, of which one is welding. As of today, RI divisions have developed appropriate resources and technologies to bring space-based welding within our grasp. Further work, specifically in the area of developing space experiments to test RI technology, is required. RI Space Welding Project's achievements to date, from research and development (R&E) efforts in the areas of microgravity, vacuum, intra- / extra- vehicular activity and spinoff technologies, are reviewed. Special emphasis is given to results for G-169's (Get Away Special) microgravity flights aboard a NASA KC-135. Based on these achievements, a path to actual development of a space welding system is proposed with options to explore spinoff in-space metal processing technologies. This path is constructed by following a series of milestone experiments, of which several are to utilize NASA's Shuttle Small Payload Programs. Conceptual designs of the proposed shuttle payload experiments are discussed with application of lessons learned from G-169's design, development, integration, testing, safety approval process, and KC-135 flights

    Automatic trajectory determination in automated robotic welding considering weld joint symmetry

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    The field of inspection for welded structures is currently in a state of rapid transformation driven by a convergence of global technological, regulatory, and economic factors. This evolution is propelled by several key drivers, including the introduction of novel materials and welding processes, continuous advancements in inspection technologies, innovative approaches to weld acceptance code philosophy and certification procedures, growing demands for cost-effectiveness and production quality, and the imperative to extend the lifespan of aging structures. Foremost among the challenges faced by producers today is the imperative to meet customer demands, which entails addressing both their explicit and implicit needs. Furthermore, the integration of emerging materials and technologies necessitates the exploration of fresh solutions. These solutions aim to enhance inspection process efficiency while providing precise quantitative insights into defect identification and location. To this end, our project proposes cutting-edge technologies, some of which have yet to gain approval within the sector. Noteworthy among these innovations is the integration of vision systems into welding robots, among other solutions. This paper introduces a groundbreaking algorithm for tool path selection, leveraging profile scanning and the concept of joint symmetry. The application of symmetry principles for trajectory determination represents a pioneering approach within this expansive field

    Intelligent Sensing for Robotic Re-Manufacturing in Aerospace - An Industry 4.0 Design Based Prototype

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    Emerging through an industry-academia collaboration between the University of Sheffield and VBC Instrument Engineering Ltd, a proposed robotic solution for remanufacturing of jet engine compressor blades is under ongoing development, producing the first tangible results for evaluation. Having successfully overcome concept adaptation, funding mechanisms, design processes, with research and development trials, the stage of concept optimization and end-user application has commenced. A variety of new challenges is emerging, with multiple parameters requiring control and intelligence. An interlinked collaboration between operational controllers, Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) systems, databases, safety and monitoring systems, is creating a complex network, transforming the traditional manual re-manufacturing method to an advanced intelligent modern smart-factory. Incorporating machine vision systems for characterization, inspection and fault detection, alongside advanced real-time sensor data acquisition for monitoring and evaluating the welding process, a huge amount of valuable industrial data is produced. Information regarding each individual blade is combined with data acquired from the system, embedding data analytics and the concept of ìInternet of Thingsî (IoT) into the aerospace re-manufacturing industry. The aim of this paper is to give a first insight into the challenges of the development of an Industry 4.0 prototype system and an evaluation of first results of the operational prototype

    Feasibility of remotely manipulated welding in space. A step in the development of novel joining technologies

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    In order to establish permanent human presence in space technologies of constructing and repairing space stations and other space structures must be developed. Most construction jobs are performed on earth and the fabricated modules will then be delivered to space by the Space Shuttle. Only limited final assembly jobs, which are primarily mechanical fastening, will be performed on site in space. Such fabrication plans, however, limit the designs of these structures, because each module must fit inside the transport vehicle and must withstand launching stresses which are considerably high. Large-scale utilization of space necessitates more extensive construction work on site. Furthermore, continuous operations of space stations and other structures require maintenance and repairs of structural components as well as of tools and equipment on these space structures. Metal joining technologies, and especially high-quality welding, in space need developing

    Development of a real-time ultrasonic sensing system for automated and robotic welding

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The implementation of robotic technology into welding processes is made difficult by the inherent process variables of part location, fit up, orientation and repeatability. Considering these aspects, to ensure weld reproducibility consistency and quality, advanced adaptive control techniques are essential. These involve not only the development of adequate sensors for seam tracking and joint recognition but also developments of overall machines with a level of artificial intelligence sufficient for automated welding. The development of such a prototype system which utilizes a manipulator arm, ultrasonic sensors and a transistorised welding power source is outlined. This system incorporates three essential aspects. It locates and tracks the welding seam ensuring correct positioning of the welding head relatively to the joint preparation. Additionally, it monitors the joint profile of the molten weld pool and modifies the relevant heat input parameters ensuring consistent penetration, joint filling and acceptable weld bead shape. Finally, it makes use of both the above information to reconstruct three-dimensional images of the weld pool silhouettes providing in-process inspection capabilities of the welded joints. Welding process control strategies have been incorporated into the system based on quantitative relationships between input parameters and weld bead shape configuration allowing real-time decisions to be made during the process of welding, without the need for operation intervention.British Technology Group (BTG

    An overview of artificial intelligence and robotics. Volume 2: Robotics

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    This report provides an overview of the rapidly changing field of robotics. The report incorporates definitions of the various types of robots, a summary of the basic concepts, utilized in each of the many technical areas, review of the state of the art and statistics of robot manufacture and usage. Particular attention is paid to the status of robot development, the organizations involved, their activities, and their funding

    Underpinning UK High-Value Manufacturing: Development of a Robotic Re-manufacturing System

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    Impact and its measure of outcome is a given performance indicator within academia. Impact metrics and the associated understanding play a large part of how academic research is judged and ultimately funded. Natural progression of successful scientific research into industry is now an essential tool for academia. This paper describes what began over ten years ago as a concept to automate a bespoke welding system, highlighting its evolution from the research laboratories of The University of Sheffield to become a platform technology for aerospace remanufacturing developed though industry-academia collaboration. The design process, funding mechanisms, research and development trials and interaction between robotic technology and experienced welding engineers has made possible the construction of a robotic aerospace turbofan jet engine blade re-manufacturing system. This is a joint collaborative research and development project carried out by VBC Instrument Engineering Limited (UK) and The University of Sheffield (UK) who are funded by the UK governments’ innovation agency, Innovate-UK with the Aerospace Technology Institute, the Science and Facilities Technology Council (STFC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
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