52 research outputs found

    Busy Beaver Scores and Alphabet Size

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    We investigate the Busy Beaver Game introduced by Rado (1962) generalized to non-binary alphabets. Harland (2016) conjectured that activity (number of steps) and productivity (number of non-blank symbols) of candidate machines grow as the alphabet size increases. We prove this conjecture for any alphabet size under the condition that the number of states is sufficiently large. For the measure activity we show that increasing the alphabet size from two to three allows an increase. By a classical construction it is even possible to obtain a two-state machine increasing activity and productivity of any machine if we allow an alphabet size depending on the number of states of the original machine. We also show that an increase of the alphabet by a factor of three admits an increase of activity

    Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web

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    Although large-scale public hypermedia structures such as the World Wide Web are popularly referred to as "cyberspace", the extent to which they constitute a space in the everyday sense of the word is questionable. This paper reviews recent work in the area of three dimensional (3D) visualization of the Web that has attempted to depict it in the form of a recognizable space; in other words, as a navigable landscape that may be visibly populated by its users. Our review begins by introducing a range of visualizations that address different aspects of using the Web. These include visualizations of Web structure, especially of links, that act as 3D maps; browsing history; searches; evolution of the Web; and the presence and activities of multiple users. We then summarize the different techniques that are employed by these visualizations. We conclude with a discussion of key challenges for the future

    Exploring Large Digital Library Collections Using a Map-Based Visualisation

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    In this paper we describe a novel approach for exploring large document collections using a map-based visualisation. We use hierarchically structured semantic concepts that are attached to the documents to create a visualisation of the semantic space that resembles a Google Map. The approach is novel in that we exploit the hierarchical structure to enable the approach to scale to large document collections and to create a map where the higher levels of spatial abstraction have semantic meaning. An informal evaluation is carried out to gather subjective feedback from users. Overall results are positive with users finding the visualisation enticing and easy to use

    AIS-BN: An Adaptive Importance Sampling Algorithm for Evidential Reasoning in Large Bayesian Networks

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    Stochastic sampling algorithms, while an attractive alternative to exact algorithms in very large Bayesian network models, have been observed to perform poorly in evidential reasoning with extremely unlikely evidence. To address this problem, we propose an adaptive importance sampling algorithm, AIS-BN, that shows promising convergence rates even under extreme conditions and seems to outperform the existing sampling algorithms consistently. Three sources of this performance improvement are (1) two heuristics for initialization of the importance function that are based on the theoretical properties of importance sampling in finite-dimensional integrals and the structural advantages of Bayesian networks, (2) a smooth learning method for the importance function, and (3) a dynamic weighting function for combining samples from different stages of the algorithm. We tested the performance of the AIS-BN algorithm along with two state of the art general purpose sampling algorithms, likelihood weighting (Fung and Chang, 1989; Shachter and Peot, 1989) and self-importance sampling (Shachter and Peot, 1989). We used in our tests three large real Bayesian network models available to the scientific community: the CPCS network (Pradhan et al., 1994), the PathFinder network (Heckerman, Horvitz, and Nathwani, 1990), and the ANDES network (Conati, Gertner, VanLehn, and Druzdzel, 1997), with evidence as unlikely as 10^-41. While the AIS-BN algorithm always performed better than the other two algorithms, in the majority of the test cases it achieved orders of magnitude improvement in precision of the results. Improvement in speed given a desired precision is even more dramatic, although we are unable to report numerical results here, as the other algorithms almost never achieved the precision reached even by the first few iterations of the AIS-BN algorithm

    From Keyword Search to Exploration: How Result Visualization Aids Discovery on the Web

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    A key to the Web's success is the power of search. The elegant way in which search results are returned is usually remarkably effective. However, for exploratory search in which users need to learn, discover, and understand novel or complex topics, there is substantial room for improvement. Human computer interaction researchers and web browser designers have developed novel strategies to improve Web search by enabling users to conveniently visualize, manipulate, and organize their Web search results. This monograph offers fresh ways to think about search-related cognitive processes and describes innovative design approaches to browsers and related tools. For instance, while key word search presents users with results for specific information (e.g., what is the capitol of Peru), other methods may let users see and explore the contexts of their requests for information (related or previous work, conflicting information), or the properties that associate groups of information assets (group legal decisions by lead attorney). We also consider the both traditional and novel ways in which these strategies have been evaluated. From our review of cognitive processes, browser design, and evaluations, we reflect on the future opportunities and new paradigms for exploring and interacting with Web search results

    An Application of Word Sense Disambiguation to Information Retrieval

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    The problems of word sense disambiguation and document indexing for information retrieval have been extensively studied. It has been observed that indexing using disambiguated meanings, rather than word stems, should improve information retrieval results. We present a new corpus-based algorithm for performing word sense disambiguation. The algorithm does not need to train on many senses of each word; it uses instead the probability that certain concepts will occur together. That algorithm is then used to index several corpa of documents. Our indexing algorithm does not generally outperform the traditional stem-based tf.idf model

    Visual iconic object-oriented programming to advance computer science education and novice programming

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    Learning how to program a computer is difficult for most people. Computer programming is a cognitively challenging, time consuming, labor intensive, and frustrating endeavor. Years of formal study and training are required to learn a programming language\u27s world of algorithms and data structures. Instructions are coded in advance before the computer demonstrates the desired behavior. Seeing all the programming steps and instruction code is complicated. There exists a tremendous gap between the representations the human brain uses when thinking about a problem and the representations used in programming a computer. Often people are much better at dealing with specific, concrete objects than working with abstract ideas. Concrete and specific programming examples and demonstrations can be very useful. When cleverly chosen and properly used, programming examples and demonstrations help people understand the abstract concepts. Programming by example or demonstration attempts to extend these novel ideas to novice programming

    SISTEM PAKAR PENYAKIT MATA DENGAN WML DAN PHP PADA PERANGKAT MOBILE (Studi Kasus Pada Warga Desa Heuleut Kecamatan Kadipaten Kabupaten Majalengka)

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    Sistem Pakar untuk penyakit mata merupakan salah satu penerapan kepakaran dalam bidang kesehatan. Metode sistem pakar yang digunakan adalah forward dan backward chaining dengan pembuatan tree dari data-data penunjang. Sistem pakar penyakit mata dengan WML dan PHP pada perangkat mobile melaksanakan tapahan-tahapan yaitu : pengumpulan data-dan analisa data-data penyakit dan gejala menjadi tree antara penyakit dan gejala, analisa dan perancangan sistem yang berorientasi objek, implementasi berupa percobaan akses sistem melalui emulator dan perangkat mobile, serta penarikan kesimpulan dan kegunaan dari sistem pakar yang diterapkan. Fasilitas yang ditawarkan pada sistem pakar ini untuk user umum dan administrator, sehingga sistem bisa dipergunakan oleh user dan administrator sesuai dengan hak akses dan kebutuhannya masing-masing. User diberikan informasi mengenai berbagai macam penyakit mata beserta gejala-gejala klinisnya dan juga konsultasi mengenai gejala klinis yang menuntut user untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sistem untuk mengetahui hasil diagnosa. Sedangkan administrator dimudahkan dalam memanajemen sistem, baik proses tambah, hapus maupun update data terbaru. Keywords: Perangkat Mobile, Sistem Pakar, Forward Dan Backward Chaining, WAP

    Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web

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    Although large-scale public hypermedia structures such as the World Wide Web are popularly referred to as "cyberspace", the extent to which they constitute a space in the everyday sense of the word is questionable. This paper reviews recent work in the area of three dimensional (3D) visualization of the Web that has attempted to depict it in the form of a recognizable space; in other words, as a navigable landscape that may be visibly populated by its users. Our review begins by introducing a range of visualizations that address different aspects of using the Web. These include visualizations of Web structure, especially of links, that act as 3D maps; browsing history; searches; evolution of the Web; and the presence and activities of multiple users. We then summarize the different techniques that are employed by these visualizations. We conclude with a discussion of key challenges for the future
