2 research outputs found

    Decomposition Algorithms in Stochastic Integer Programming: Applications and Computations.

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    In this dissertation we focus on two main topics. Under the first topic, we develop a new framework for stochastic network interdiction problem to address ambiguity in the defender risk preferences. The second topic is dedicated to computational studies of two-stage stochastic integer programs. More specifically, we consider two cases. First, we develop some solution methods for two-stage stochastic integer programs with continuous recourse; second, we study some computational strategies for two-stage stochastic integer programs with integer recourse. We study a class of stochastic network interdiction problems where the defender has incomplete (ambiguous) preferences. Specifically, we focus on the shortest path network interdiction modeled as a Stackelberg game, where the defender (leader) makes an interdiction decision first, then the attacker (follower) selects a shortest path after the observation of random arc costs and interdiction effects in the network. We take a decision-analytic perspective in addressing probabilistic risk over network parameters, assuming that the defender\u27s risk preferences over exogenously given probabilities can be summarized by the expected utility theory. Although the exact form of the utility function is ambiguous to the defender, we assume that a set of historical data on some pairwise comparisons made by the defender is available, which can be used to restrict the shape of the utility function. We use two different approaches to tackle this problem. The first approach conducts utility estimation and optimization separately, by first finding the best fit for a piecewise linear concave utility function according to the available data, and then optimizing the expected utility. The second approach integrates utility estimation and optimization, by modeling the utility ambiguity under a robust optimization framework following \cite{armbruster2015decision} and \cite{Hu}. We conduct extensive computational experiments to evaluate the performances of these approaches on the stochastic shortest path network interdiction problem. In third chapter, we propose partition-based decomposition algorithms for solving two-stage stochastic integer program with continuous recourse. The partition-based decomposition method enhance the classical decomposition methods (such as Benders decomposition) by utilizing the inexact cuts (coarse cuts) induced by a scenario partition. Coarse cut generation can be much less expensive than the standard Benders cuts, when the partition size is relatively small compared to the total number of scenarios. We conduct an extensive computational study to illustrate the advantage of the proposed partition-based decomposition algorithms compared with the state-of-the-art approaches. In chapter four, we concentrate on computational methods for two-stage stochastic integer program with integer recourse. We consider the partition-based relaxation framework integrated with a scenario decomposition algorithm in order to develop strategies which provide a better lower bound on the optimal objective value, within a tight time limit

    Network Interdiction under Uncertainty

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    We consider variants to one of the most common network interdiction formulations: the shortest path interdiction problem. This problem involves leader and a follower playing a zero-sum game over a directed network. The leader interdicts a set of arcs, and arc costs increase each time they are interdicted. The follower observes the leader\u27s actions and selects a shortest path in response. The leader\u27s optimal interdiction strategy maximizes the follower\u27s minimum-cost path. Our first variant allows the follower to improve the network after the interdiction by lowering the costs of some arcs, and the leader is uncertain regarding the follower\u27s cardinality budget restricting the arc improvements. We propose a multiobjective approach for this problem, with each objective corresponding to a different possible improvement budget value. To this end, we also present the modified augmented weighted Tchebychev norm, which can be used to generate a complete efficient set of solutions to a discrete multi-objective optimization problem, and which tends to scale better than competing methods as the number of objectives grows. In our second variant, the leader selects a policy of randomized interdiction actions, and the follower uses the probability of where interdictions are deployed on the network to select a path having the minimum expected cost. We show that this continuous non-convex problem becomes strongly NP-hard when the cost functions are convex or when they are concave. After formally describing each variant, we present various algorithms for solving them, and we examine the efficacy of all our algorithms on test beds of randomly generated instances