1,306 research outputs found

    A novel framework for predicting patients at risk of readmission

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    Uncertainty in decision-making for patients’ risk of re-admission arises due to non-uniform data and lack of knowledge in health system variables. The knowledge of the impact of risk factors will provide clinicians better decision-making and in reducing the number of patients admitted to the hospital. Traditional approaches are not capable to account for the uncertain nature of risk of hospital re-admissions. More problems arise due to large amount of uncertain information. Patients can be at high, medium or low risk of re-admission, and these strata have ill-defined boundaries. We believe that our model that adapts fuzzy regression method will start a novel approach to handle uncertain data, uncertain relationships between health system variables and the risk of re-admission. Because of nature of ill-defined boundaries of risk bands, this approach does allow the clinicians to target individuals at boundaries. Targeting individuals at boundaries and providing them proper care may provide some ability to move patients from high risk to low risk band. In developing this algorithm, we aimed to help potential users to assess the patients for various risk score thresholds and avoid readmission of high risk patients with proper interventions. A model for predicting patients at high risk of re-admission will enable interventions to be targeted before costs have been incurred and health status have deteriorated. A risk score cut off level would flag patients and result in net savings where intervention costs are much higher per patient. Preventing hospital re-admissions is important for patients, and our algorithm may also impact hospital income

    Predicting Hospital Readmission for Campylobacteriosis from Electronic Health Records: A Machine Learning and Text Mining Perspective

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    (1) Background: This study investigates influential risk factors for predicting 30-day readmission to hospital for Campylobacter infections (CI). (2) Methods: We linked general practitioner and hospital admission records of 13,006 patients with CI in Wales (1990−2015). An approach called TF-zR (term frequency-zRelevance) technique was presented to evaluates how relevant a clinical term is to a patient in a cohort characterized by coded health records. The zR is a supervised term-weighting metric to assign weight to a term based on relative frequencies of the term across different classes. Cost-sensitive classifier with swarm optimization and weighted subset learning was integrated to identify influential clinical signals as predictors and optimal model for readmission prediction. (3) Results: From a pool of up to 17,506 variables, 33 most predictive factors were identified, including age, gender, Townsend deprivation quintiles, comorbidities, medications, and procedures. The predictive model predicted readmission with 73% sensitivity and 54% specificity. Variables associated with readmission included male gender, recurrent tonsillitis, non-healing open wounds, operation for in-gown toenails. Cystitis, paracetamol/codeine use, age (21−25), and heliclear triple pack use, were associated with a lower risk of readmission. (4) Conclusions: This study gives a profile of clustered variables that are predictive of readmission associated with campylobacteriosis

    Forecasting Hospital Readmissions with Machine Learning

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    Hospital readmissions are regarded as a compounding economic factor for healthcare systems. In fact, the readmission rate is used in many countries as an indicator of the quality of services provided by a health institution. The ability to forecast patients’ readmissions allows for timely intervention and better post-discharge strategies, preventing future life-threatening events, and reducing medical costs to either the patient or the healthcare system. In this paper, four machine learning models are used to forecast readmissions: support vector machines with a linear kernel, support vector machines with an RBF kernel, balanced random forests, and weighted random forests. The dataset consists of 11,172 actual records of hospitalizations obtained from the General Hospital of Komotini “Sismanogleio” with a total of 24 independent variables. Each record is composed of administrative, medical-clinical, and operational variables. The experimental results indicate that the balanced random forest model outperforms the competition, reaching a sensitivity of 0.70 and an AUC value of 0.78

    Predictive modelling of hospital readmissions in diabetic patients clusters

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceDiabetes is a global public health problem with increasing incidence over the past 10 years. This disease's social and economic impacts are widely assessed worldwide, showing a direct and gradual decrease in the individual's ability to work, a gradual loss in the scale of quality of life and a burden on personal finances. The recurrence of hospitalisation is one of the most significant indexes in measuring the quality of care and the opportunity to optimise resources. Numerous techniques identify the patient who will need to be readmitted, such as LACE and HOSPITAL. The purpose of this study was to use a dataset related to the risk of hospital readmission in patients with Diabetes first to apply a clustering of subgroups by similarity. Then structures a predictive analysis with the main algorithms to identify the methodology of best performance. Numerous approaches were performed to prepare the dataset for these two interventions. The results found in the first phase were two clusters based on the total number of hospital recurrences and others on total administrative costs, with K=3. In the second phase, the best algorithm found was Neural Network 3, with a ROC of 0.68 and a misclassification rate of 0.37. When applied the same algorithm in the clusters, there were no gains in the confidence of the indexes, suggesting that there are no substantial gains in the division of subpopulations since the disease has the same behaviour and needs throughout its development

    Automation of Patient Trajectory Management: A deep-learning system for critical care outreach

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    The application of machine learning models to big data has become ubiquitous, however their successful translation into clinical practice is currently mostly limited to the field of imaging. Despite much interest and promise, there are many complex and interrelated barriers that exist in clinical settings, which must be addressed systematically in advance of wide-spread adoption of these technologies. There is limited evidence of comprehensive efforts to consider not only their raw performance metrics, but also their effective deployment, particularly in terms of the ways in which they are perceived, used and accepted by clinicians. The critical care outreach team at St Vincent’s Public Hospital want to automatically prioritise their workload by predicting in-patient deterioration risk, presented as a watch-list application. This work proposes that the proactive management of in-patients at risk of serious deterioration provides a comprehensive case-study in which to understand clinician readiness to adopt deep-learning technology due to the significant known limitations of existing manual processes. Herein is described the development of a proof of concept application uses as its input the subset of real-time clinical data available in the EMR. This data set has the noteworthy challenge of not including any electronically recorded vital signs data. Despite this, the system meets or exceeds similar benchmark models for predicting in-patient death and unplanned ICU admission, using a recurrent neural network architecture, extended with a novel data-augmentation strategy. This augmentation method has been re-implemented in the public MIMIC-III data set to confirm its generalisability. The method is notable for its applicability to discrete time-series data. Furthermore, it is rooted in knowledge of how data entry is performed within the clinical record and is therefore not restricted in applicability to a single clinical domain, instead having the potential for wide-ranging impact. The system was presented to likely end-users to understand their readiness to adopt it into their workflow, using the Technology Adoption Model. In addition to confirming feasibility of predicting risk from this limited data set, this study investigates clinician readiness to adopt artificial intelligence in the critical care setting. This is done with a two-pronged strategy, addressing technical and clinically-focused research questions in parallel

    A decision support tool for predicting patients at risk of readmission : a comparison of classification trees, logistic regression, generalized additive models, and multivariate adaptive regression splines

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Eren Demir, “Classification Trees, Logistic Regression, Generalized Additive Models, and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines” Decision Sciences, Vol 45(5): 849-880, October 2014, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/deci.12094. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. © 2014 Decision Sciences InstituteThe number of emergency (or unplanned) readmissions in the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) has been rising for many years. This trend, which is possibly related to poor patient care, places financial pressures on hospitals and on national healthcare budgets. As a result, clinicians and key decision makers (e.g. managers and commissioners) are interested in predicting patients at high risk of readmission. Logistic regression is the most popular method of predicting patient-specific probabilities. However, these studies have produced conflicting results with poor prediction accuracies. We compared the predictive accuracy of logistic regression with that of regression trees for predicting emergency readmissions within forty five days after been discharged from hospital. We also examined the predictive ability of two other types of data-driven models: generalized additive models (GAMs) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). We used data on 963 patients readmitted to hospitals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. We used repeated split-sample validation: the data were divided into derivation and validation samples. Predictive models were estimated using the derivation sample and the predictive accuracy of the resultant model was assessed using a number of performance measures, such as area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve in the validation sample. This process was repeated 1000 times—the initial data set was divided into derivation and validation samples 1000 times, and the predictive accuracy of each method was assessed each time. The mean ROC curve area for the regression tree models in the 1000 derivation samples was 0.928, while the mean ROC curve area of a logistic regression model was 0.924. Our study shows that logistic regression model and regression trees had performance comparable to that of more flexible, data-driven models such as GAMs and MARS. Given that the models have produced excellent predictive accuracies, this could be a valuable decision support tool for clinicians (health care managers, policy makers, etc.) for informed decision making in the management of diseases, which ultimately contributes to improved measures for hospital performance management.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A grey approach to predicting healthcare performance

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The success of an organization or a particular activity is evaluated through the measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs). The aim of this paper is to analyze and predict the indicators of healthcare performance using grey systems theory. Recent advancements in science and technology have made the healthcare industry extremely efficient at collecting data using electronic claims systems such as electronic health records. Therefore, collecting field level primary data becomes easier and accumulate them to generate secondary data for research purpose and to get an insight of the organization performance is absolutely necessary. Our research analyzes the KPIs of a hospital based on a secondary data source. Since, secondary data contains uncertainty and sometimes poor information, grey prediction model suits best to make a prediction model in this regard. Conventional grey model has considerable drawbacks while making a rigorous prediction model. For this, we apply an improved grey prediction model to predict the KPIs of the healthcare performance indicators. Several error measures in our model give a best fit of the data and allow prediction of the KPIs. The prediction model gives good estimates of the quantitative indicators and produced error rate within an acceptable range. We observe that the KPIs of bed turnover rate (BTR) and bed occupancy rate (BOR) have an increasing trend, whereas the KPIs of average length of stay (ALOS), hospital death rate (HDR) and hospital infection rate (HIR) show a decreasing trend over time. The main contribution of this research is a grey-based prediction model that can provide managers with the information they need to evaluate and predict the performance of a hospital. The research indicates that managers should give greater priority to the indicators which will result in better patients’ satisfaction and improved profit margin. Healthcare managers striving towards better performance will now have an empirical basis upon which to formulate and adjust their strategies, after analyzing the predicted value

    Geographic accessibility and risk of hospitalization and mortality among patients with chronic respiratory diseases

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    Spatial differences exist in hospitalization and mortality among patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. Objective: Examine the association between geographic accessibility, hospitalization, and mortality among COPD and asthma patients in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). Methods: A retrospective cohort of adults diagnosed with COPD and asthma were followed from diagnosis until hospitalization, death or end of the study. Geographic accessibility was defined using accessibility-remoteness index. Multivariate and geospatial analyses were performed. Result: We identified 44876 (43.8% inaccessible) COPD patients and 28316 asthma patients (37.4% inaccessible). Living in inaccessible areas increased hospitalization incidence for COPD (OR=2.57, 95% CI 1.54-4.25, P<0.00136) and asthma (OR=12.38, 95% CI:6.28-24.46, P<0.001). Mortality was associated with geographic accessibility only for COPD (OR=10.73, 95% CI; 2.27-44.77, P=0.002). COPD hospitalization (MI=0.034, p<0.03), mortality (MI=0.047, p<0.011) and asthma hospitalization (MI=0.065, p<0.001) were spatially autocorrelated. Conclusion: Living with chronic respiratory diseases in NL remote areas increases risk of hospitalization

    Machine Learning for Benchmarking Critical Care Outcomes

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    Objectives Enhancing critical care efficacy involves evaluating and improving system functioning. Benchmarking, a retrospective comparison of results against standards, aids risk-adjusted assessment and helps healthcare providers identify areas for improvement based on observed and predicted outcomes. The last two decades have seen the development of several models using machine learning (ML) for clinical outcome prediction. ML is a field of artificial intelligence focused on creating algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. This narrative review centers on key discoveries and outcomes to aid clinicians and researchers in selecting the optimal methodology for critical care benchmarking using ML. Methods We used PubMed to search the literature from 2003 to 2023 regarding predictive models utilizing ML for mortality (592 articles), length of stay (143 articles), or mechanical ventilation (195 articles). We supplemented the PubMed search with Google Scholar, making sure relevant articles were included. Given the narrative style, papers in the cohort were manually curated for a comprehensive reader perspective. Results Our report presents comparative results for benchmarked outcomes and emphasizes advancements in feature types, preprocessing, model selection, and validation. It showcases instances where ML effectively tackled critical care outcome-prediction challenges, including nonlinear relationships, class imbalances, missing data, and documentation variability, leading to enhanced results. Conclusions Although ML has provided novel tools to improve the benchmarking of critical care outcomes, areas that require further research include class imbalance, fairness, improved calibration, generalizability, and long-term validation of published models

    Recent advancement in Disease Diagnostic using machine learning: Systematic survey of decades, comparisons, and challenges

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    Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), a vibrant medical imaging research field, is expanding quickly. Because errors in medical diagnostic systems might lead to seriously misleading medical treatments, major efforts have been made in recent years to improve computer-aided diagnostics applications. The use of machine learning in computer-aided diagnosis is crucial. A simple equation may result in a false indication of items like organs. Therefore, learning from examples is a vital component of pattern recognition. Pattern recognition and machine learning in the biomedical area promise to increase the precision of disease detection and diagnosis. They also support the decision-making process's objectivity. Machine learning provides a practical method for creating elegant and autonomous algorithms to analyze high-dimensional and multimodal bio-medical data. This review article examines machine-learning algorithms for detecting diseases, including hepatitis, diabetes, liver disease, dengue fever, and heart disease. It draws attention to the collection of machine learning techniques and algorithms employed in studying conditions and the ensuing decision-making process