8 research outputs found

    Risk management in design process for Factory of the future

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    International audienceThe current globalization is faced to the rapid development of product design process with the different structure of the actor relationships in the process. Currently, the risk in the failure relationship among different actors in the project is shaped by the complexity towards the future all kinds of challenges. When it comes to the interdependent failure effect, the risk management for future organization structure in design process will be much more complex to grasp. In order to cope with adaption of Product-Process-Organization (P-P-O) model for industry of the future, we propose a risk management methodology to cope with this interdependent relationship structure. The main objective of this research is to manage the risks, so that the project manager can find the priority order of all the actors' total effect to the project with the consideration of interdependent failure affection, and according to the order, project manager can release corresponding respond measures

    Model hubungan aktor pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan potensi pariwisata Kedung Ombo

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    The success of developing tourist destinations requires an analysis of actors’ characteristics regarding the relationships between actors, actors’ attitudes towards development goals, and the probable alliances and conflicts. This study aims to identify actors’ typologies based on the strengths and relationships between actors and actors’ attitudes towards developing the Kedung Ombo tourist destination. This study uses a qualitative-quantitative research paradigm. Data collection relies on in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and workshops. Data are then analyzed using the Mactor method (Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts Tactics, Objectives, and Recommendations) to identify stakeholders’ strengths, relationships, and alliance patterns. The results show that the Pemalijuana River Basin Center, Perum Perhutani, and the Regional Development Planning Agency are the dominant actors.  Meanwhile, the  Youth, Sports, and Tourism Regional Office,  higher education institutions, village governments, communities, and business actors are relay actors, and Karang Taruna is the dominated actor. Most stakeholders converge in supporting the achievement of the strategic goals. These findings are the basis for developing a collaborative pattern between all stakeholders needed to sustain Kedung Ombo’s tourism potentials.Keberhasilan pengembangan destinasi wisata membutuhkan analisis tentang karakteristik aktor terkait dengan hubungan antar aktor, sikap aktor terhadap tujuan pengembangan dan kemungkinan aliansi maupun konflik yang muncul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipologi aktor berdasarkan kekuatan dan hubungan antar aktor serta sikap aktor terhadap tujuan pada pengembangan destinasi wisata Kedung Ombo. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma penelitian kualitatif-kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok fokus dan lokakarya. Analisis data menggunakan metode Mactor (Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts Tactics, Objectives and Recommendations) untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan, hubungan dan pola aliansi aktor pemangku kepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemalijuana, Perum Perhutani dan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, adalah aktor-aktor dominan. Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga dan Pariwisata, Perguruan Tinggi, Pemerintah Desa, Masyarakat, Pelaku Bisnis adalah aktor relay  dan Karang Taruna adalah aktor didominasi. Sebagian besar pemangku kepentingan konvergen dalam mendukung tujuan strategis yang yang akan dicapai. Temuan ini menjadi dasar untuk mengembangkan pola kolaborasi antar seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan potensi pariwisata Kedung Ombo secara berkelanjutan

    Estrategia de los actores y enfoques prospectivos: un intento de formalizar los mecanismos de poder en los proyectos y programas de desarrollo financiados por la ayuda internacional en CamerĂşn

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    This paper is based on the intelligent analysis of the actors' games within the Development Projects and Programs (DPP). Indeed, an empirical study was conducted with eleven (11) groups of essential actors of the DPP system in Cameroon, following the MACTOR approach (Method of Actors, Objectives, Power Relations). The aim was to analyze the structure of the influences between the actors and to define the position of each one with respect to the objectives. The actancial results recorded show that the power relationships are established in four (04) types: dominant, relay, dominated and autonomous. The results highlight the participatory management of the DPP system by the Technical and Financial Development Partner, the Regulator, the Technical Team Leader and to some extent the Steering Committee. In addition, a need for transparency, power organization and dynamization was identified as a necessity, in order to positively impact the performance of DPPs in Cameroon. Prospects for the development of the DPP system as a trial were proposed.Este trabajo se basa en el análisis inteligente de los juegos de actores dentro de los Proyectos y Programas de Desarrollo (PPD). En efecto, se realizó un estudio empírico con once (11) grupos de actores esenciales del sistema de PPD en Camerún, siguiendo el enfoque MACTOR (Método de Actores, Objetivos, Relaciones de Poder). El objetivo era analizar la estructura de las influencias entre los actores y definir la posición de cada uno con respecto a los objetivos. Los resultados actanciales registrados muestran que las relaciones de poder se establecen en cuatro (04) tipos : dominante, relevo, dominado y autónomo. Los resultados destacan la gestión participativa del sistema PPD por parte del Socio de Desarrollo Técnico y Financiero, el Regulador, el Jefe del Equipo Técnico y, en cierta medida, el Comité Directivo. Además, se identificó la necesidad de transparencia, organización del poder y dinamización, con el fin de impactar positivamente en el desempeño de los PPD en Camerún. Se propusieron perspectivas de desarrollo del sistema de PPD como ensayo. &nbsp

    Elaboration d'un modèle théorique de la contribution des systèmes d'information à la gestion des risques logistiques

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    A travers cet article, nous souhaitons contribuer à l’enrichissement de la théorie de Supply ChainRisk Management (SCRM) et Management des Systèmes d’Information (MSI), par l’élaborationd’un modèle théorique, permettant d’expliquer le processus par lequel les systèmes d’informationlogistiques contribuent à l’identification, l’analyse et le traitement des risques. L’effet du processusd’amélioration continue est également inclus dans le modèle conceptuel.Sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons mobilisé une exploration théorique fondée sur l’analyse destravaux de recherche portant sur l’intégration des systèmes d’information logistiques dans leprocessus de gestion des risques. Les résultats de cette recherche nous ont permis de justifier lechoix de la méthodologie et les variables d’extension du modèle de référence.Mots Clés :Risque, Système d’information, Performance des processus, Chaine logistique, améliorationcontinue


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    Abstrak Peranan perikanan dalam perekonomian Kabupaten Natuna cenderung meningkat. Kontribusinya terhadap PDRB Kabupaten Natuan sebesar 9%, namun apabila migas tidak dihitung peranannya hampir 30%. Permasalahan peningkatan sektor perikanan dalam perekonomian wilayah adalah: geografis yang terpencil, sarana transportasi terbatas, IUU Fishing, terbatasnya jumlah dan ukuran kapal dan alat tangkap dan kurangnya keterpaduan kerjasama antar pemangku kepentingan/aktor/stakeholder. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui peran pemangku kepentingan/aktor/stakeholder dalam perumusan strategi pembangunan perikanan di daerah terluar Kabupaten Natuna. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Natuna pada bulan Maret-November 2017. Metode analisis yang digunakan dengan pendekatan analisis Mactor. Analisis Mactor menyediakan beragam alat dan analisis yang berguna untuk mendapatkan informasi  dan agregat situasi dari beberapa masukan sederhana tentang permasalahan yang sedang dianalisis. Aktor-aktor adalah para stakeholder yang terkait dengan pembangunan sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Natuna.  Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara dan  diskusi terfokus (FGD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktor-aktor pedagang, pelaku usaha BBM, dan pemilik cold storage merupakan aktor-aktor yang mempunyai peranan/pengaruh yang tinggi dan mempunyai ketergantungan yang rendah (terletak pada kuadran I/Kiri Atas). Sebagian aktor berada di kuadran II adalah aktor yang mempunyai pengaruh tinggi, namun juga mempunyai ketergantungan yang tinggi. Aktor tersebut adalah nelayan, penyuluh, koperasi, tauke, Lembaga Pengelola Modal Usaha Kelautan dan Perikanan (LPMUKP), perbekalan, pengelola Sentra Kelautan dan Perikanan Terpadu (SKPT), Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB), Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap (DJPT), Perusahaan Umum Perikanan Indonesia (Perum Perindo) dan Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP). Diperlukan keterpaduan antar stakeholder untuk dapat meningkatkan pengaruh sektor perikanan dalam pembangunan daerah. Stakeholder yang mempunyai pengaruh rendah dan mempunyai ketergantungan yang tinggi, diperlukan perhatian agar pengaruhnya lebih tinggi dan ketergantungannya lebih rendah.Kata kunci: aktor/pemangku kepentingan; ketergantungan; mactor; pengaruh; perikananabstractThe role of fisheries in the Natuna Regency economy tends to increase. Its contribution to Natuna Regency's GRDP is 9%, but if oil and gas is not counted its role is almost 30%. Problems in increasing the fisheries sector in the regional economy: remote geography, limited transportation facilities, fish theft (IUU Fishing), limited number and size of ships and fishing gear and lack of integrated cooperation among stakeholders / stakeholders. The research objective is to determine the role of stakeholders / actors in the formulation of fisheries development strategies in the outer regions of Natuna Regency. The study was conducted in Natuna Regency in March-November 2017. The analytical method used was the Mactor analysis approach. Mactor analysis provides a variety of tools and analysis that are useful for getting information and aggregate situations from a few simple inputs about the problem being analyzed. Aktors are stakeholders related to the development of the fisheries sector in Natuna Regency. Data was collected by interview technique and focused discussion (FGD). The results showed that traders, fuel business actors, and cold storage owners are actors who have a high role / influence and have a low dependency (located in quadrant I / Upper Left). Most of the actors in quadrant II are actors who have a high influence, but also have a high dependency. The actors are fishermen, extension workers, cooperatives, tauke, Marine and Fisheries Business Capital Management Institution (LPMUKP), Supplies, SKPT Manager, business group, Fisheries Agency of Natuna Regency, Directorate General of Capture Fisheries (DJPT), Indonesia Fisheries State-owned enterprises (Perum Perindo) and Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (PSDKP). Integration among stakeholders is needed to increase the influence of the fisheries sector in regional development. Stakeholders who do not have influence and have a high dependency, attention is needed so that the influence is higher and the dependency is lower.Keywords: actors / stakeholders; Mactor, influence, dependency, fisherie

    Supply chain dynamism, information sharing, inter-organisational relationships and supply chain performance in the manufacturing sector

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    Abstract: Orientation: Manufacturing supply chains in South Africa are susceptible to various internal and external threats that continue to suppress their performance. Information is required that can be used by firms in such environments to overcome the existing threats and improve their supply chains. Research purpose: This study sought to examine the relationship between supply chain dynamism, information sharing and inter-organisational relationships and supply chain performance in the manufacturing sector in South Africa. Motivation for the study: There is a gap in literature on the linkage between supply chain dynamism, information sharing and inter-organisational relationships and supply chain performance in the South African manufacturing sector. Research design, approach and method: Empirical data were collected from a purposive sample of 340 supply management professionals recruited from 31 manufacturing firms based in Gauteng Province. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling, which involved a confirmatory factor analysis and hypotheses tests. Main findings: The results indicate a significant positive relationship between supply chain dynamism and both information sharing and inter-organisational relationships; between information sharing and both inter-organisational relationships and supply chain performance; and between inter-organisational relationships and supply chain performance. Practical/managerial implications: Supply management professionals in the manufacturing sector may use the results of this study as a tool in the diagnoses of supply chain performancerelated problems, by checking for the proper alignment of the factors considered in the research. Contribution/value-add: These results validate the importance of effective supply chain management practices in shaping supply chain performance in manufacturing environments. By monitoring and responding positively to the changes in key resources within manufacturing supply chains, managers can be able to improve the sharing of information and develop better relationships among trading partners, leading to superior performance of the entire supply chain

    Risk mitigation strategies according to the supply actors' objectives through MACTOR method

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