23 research outputs found

    Reversibility in the Extended Measurement-based Quantum Computation

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    When applied on some particular quantum entangled states, measurements are universal for quantum computing. In particular, despite the fondamental probabilistic evolution of quantum measurements, any unitary evolution can be simulated by a measurement-based quantum computer (MBQC). We consider the extended version of the MBQC where each measurement can occur not only in the (X,Y)-plane of the Bloch sphere but also in the (X,Z)- and (Y,Z)-planes. The existence of a gflow in the underlying graph of the computation is a necessary and sufficient condition for a certain kind of determinism. We extend the focused gflow (a gflow in a particular normal form) defined for the (X,Y)-plane to the extended case, and we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such normal forms

    Verifying the Steane code with Quantomatic

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    In this paper we give a partially mechanized proof of the correctness of Steane's 7-qubit error correcting code, using the tool Quantomatic. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the largest and most complicated verification task yet carried out using Quantomatic.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2013, arXiv:1412.791

    The GHZ/W-calculus contains rational arithmetic

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    Graphical calculi for representing interacting quantum systems serve a number of purposes: compositionally, intuitive graphical reasoning, and a logical underpinning for automation. The power of these calculi stems from the fact that they embody generalized symmetries of the structure of quantum operations, which, for example, stretch well beyond the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. One such calculus takes the GHZ and W states as its basic generators. Here we show that this language allows one to encode standard rational calculus, with the GHZ state as multiplication, the W state as addition, the Pauli X gate as multiplicative inversion, and the Pauli Z gate as additive inversion.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    Synthesising Graphical Theories

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    In recent years, diagrammatic languages have been shown to be a powerful and expressive tool for reasoning about physical, logical, and semantic processes represented as morphisms in a monoidal category. In particular, categorical quantum mechanics, or "Quantum Picturalism", aims to turn concrete features of quantum theory into abstract structural properties, expressed in the form of diagrammatic identities. One way we search for these properties is to start with a concrete model (e.g. a set of linear maps or finite relations) and start composing generators into diagrams and looking for graphical identities. Naively, we could automate this procedure by enumerating all diagrams up to a given size and check for equalities, but this is intractable in practice because it produces far too many equations. Luckily, many of these identities are not primitive, but rather derivable from simpler ones. In 2010, Johansson, Dixon, and Bundy developed a technique called conjecture synthesis for automatically generating conjectured term equations to feed into an inductive theorem prover. In this extended abstract, we adapt this technique to diagrammatic theories, expressed as graph rewrite systems, and demonstrate its application by synthesising a graphical theory for studying entangled quantum states.Comment: 10 pages, 22 figures. Shortened and one theorem adde

    PyZX: Large Scale Automated Diagrammatic Reasoning

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    The ZX-calculus is a graphical language for reasoning about ZX-diagrams, a type of tensor networks that can represent arbitrary linear maps between qubits. Using the ZX-calculus, we can intuitively reason about quantum theory, and optimise and validate quantum circuits. In this paper we introduce PyZX, an open source library for automated reasoning with large ZX-diagrams. We give a brief introduction to the ZX-calculus, then show how PyZX implements methods for circuit optimisation, equality validation, and visualisation and how it can be used in tandem with other software. We end with a set of challenges that when solved would enhance the utility of automated diagrammatic reasoning.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2019, arXiv:2004.1475

    ZH: A Complete Graphical Calculus for Quantum Computations Involving Classical Non-linearity

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    We present a new graphical calculus that is sound and complete for a universal family of quantum circuits, which can be seen as the natural string-diagrammatic extension of the approximately (real-valued) universal family of Hadamard+CCZ circuits. The diagrammatic language is generated by two kinds of nodes: the so-called 'spider' associated with the computational basis, as well as a new arity-N generalisation of the Hadamard gate, which satisfies a variation of the spider fusion law. Unlike previous graphical calculi, this admits compact encodings of non-linear classical functions. For example, the AND gate can be depicted as a diagram of just 2 generators, compared to ~25 in the ZX-calculus. Consequently, N-controlled gates, hypergraph states, Hadamard+Toffoli circuits, and diagonal circuits at arbitrary levels of the Clifford hierarchy also enjoy encodings with low constant overhead. This suggests that this calculus will be significantly more convenient for reasoning about the interplay between classical non-linear behaviour (e.g. in an oracle) and purely quantum operations. After presenting the calculus, we will prove it is sound and complete for universal quantum computation by demonstrating the reduction of any diagram to an easily describable normal form.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2018, arXiv:1901.0947

    Quantum picturalism for topological cluster-state computing

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    Topological quantum computing is a way of allowing precise quantum computations to run on noisy and imperfect hardware. One implementation uses surface codes created by forming defects in a highly-entangled cluster state. Such a method of computing is a leading candidate for large-scale quantum computing. However, there has been a lack of sufficiently powerful high-level languages to describe computing in this form without resorting to single-qubit operations, which quickly become prohibitively complex as the system size increases. In this paper we apply the category-theoretic work of Abramsky and Coecke to the topological cluster-state model of quantum computing to give a high-level graphical language that enables direct translation between quantum processes and physical patterns of measurement in a computer - a "compiler language". We give the equivalence between the graphical and topological information flows, and show the applicable rewrite algebra for this computing model. We show that this gives us a native graphical language for the design and analysis of topological quantum algorithms, and finish by discussing the possibilities for automating this process on a large scale.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures. Published in New J. Phys. special issue on topological quantum computin

    Multi-agent blind quantum computation without universal cluster state

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    Blind quantum computation (BQC) protocols enable quantum algorithms to be executed on third-party quantum agents while keeping the data and algorithm confidential. The previous proposals for measurement-based BQC require preparing a highly entangled cluster state. In this paper, we show that such a requirement is not necessary. Our protocol only requires pre-shared bell pairs between delegated quantum agents, and there is no requirement of any classical or quantum information exchange between agents during the execution. Our proposal requires fewer quantum resources than previous proposals by removing the universal cluster state

    Universal MBQC with generalised parity-phase interactions and Pauli measurements

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    We introduce a new family of models for measurement-based quantum computation which are deterministic and approximately universal. The resource states which play the role of graph states are prepared via 2-qubit gates of the form exp(iπ2nZZ)\exp(-i\frac{\pi}{2^{n}} Z\otimes Z). When n=2n = 2, these are equivalent, up to local Clifford unitaries, to graph states. However, when n>2n > 2, their behaviour diverges in two important ways. First, multiple applications of the entangling gate to a single pair of qubits produces non-trivial entanglement, and hence multiple parallel edges between nodes play an important role in these generalised graph states. Second, such a state can be used to realise deterministic, approximately universal computation using only Pauli ZZ and XX measurements and feed-forward. Even though, for n>2n > 2, the relevant resource states are no longer stabiliser states, they admit a straightforward, graphical representation using the ZX-calculus. Using this representation, we are able to provide a simple, graphical proof of universality. We furthermore show that for every n>2n > 2 this family is capable of producing all Clifford gates and all diagonal gates in the nn-th level of the Clifford hierarchy.Comment: 19 pages, accepted for publication in Quantum (quantum-journal.org). A previous version of this article had the title: "Universal MBQC with M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen interactions and two measurement bases