218 research outputs found

    Propagation of activity through the cortical hierarchy and perception are determined by neural variability

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    Brains are composed of anatomically and functionally distinct regions performing specialized tasks, but regions do not operate in isolation. Orchestration of complex behaviors requires communication between brain regions, but how neural dynamics are organized to facilitate reliable transmission is not well understood. Here we studied this process directly by generating neural activity that propagates between brain regions and drives behavior, assessing how neural populations in sensory cortex cooperate to transmit information. We achieved this by imaging two densely interconnected regions—the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex (S1 and S2)—in mice while performing two-photon photostimulation of S1 neurons and assigning behavioral salience to the photostimulation. We found that the probability of perception is determined not only by the strength of the photostimulation but also by the variability of S1 neural activity. Therefore, maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio of the stimulus representation in cortex relative to the noise or variability is critical to facilitate activity propagation and perception

    Shared neural representations of tactile roughness intensities by somatosensation and touch observation using an associative learning method

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    Previous human fMRI studies have reported activation of somatosensory areas not only during actual touch, but also during touch observation. However, it has remained unclear how the brain encodes visually evoked tactile intensities. Using an associative learning method, we investigated neural representations of roughness intensities evoked by (a) tactile explorations and (b) visual observation of tactile explorations. Moreover, we explored (c) modality-independent neural representations of roughness intensities using a cross-modal classification method. Case (a) showed significant decoding performance in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the supramarginal gyrus (SMG), while in the case (b), the bilateral posterior parietal cortices, the inferior occipital gyrus, and the primary motor cortex were identified. Case (c) observed shared neural activity patterns in the bilateral insula, the SMG, and the ACC. Interestingly, the insular cortices were identified only from the cross-modal classification, suggesting their potential role in modality-independent tactile processing. We further examined correlations of confusion patterns between behavioral and neural similarity matrices for each region. Significant correlations were found solely in the SMG, reflecting a close relationship between neural activities of SMG and roughness intensity perception. The present findings may deepen our understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying intensity perception of tactile roughness

    Neuronal correlates of tactile working memory in rat barrel cortex and prefrontal cortex

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    The neuronal mechanisms of parametric working memory \u2013 the short-term storage of graded stimuli to guide behavior \u2013 are not fully elucidated. We have designed a working memory task where rats compare two sequential vibrations, S1 and S2, delivered to their whiskers (Fassihi et al, 2014). Vibrations are a series of velocities sampled from a zero-mean normal distribution. Rats must judge which stimulus had greater velocity standard deviation, \u3c3 (e.g. \u3c31 > \u3c32 turn left, \u3c31 < \u3c32 turn right). A critical operation in this task is to hold S1 information in working memory for subsequent comparison. In an earlier work we uncovered this cognitive capacity in rats (Fassihi et al, 2014), an ability previously ascribed only to primates. Where in the brain is such a memory kept and what is the nature of its representation? To address these questions, we performed simultaneous multi-electrode recordings from barrel cortex \u2013 the entryway of whisker sensory information into neocortex \u2013 and prelimbic area of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) which is involved in higher order cognitive functioning in rodents. During the presentation of S1 and S2, a majority of neurons in barrel cortex encoded the ongoing stimulus by monotonically modulating their firing rate as a function of \u3c3; i.e. 42% increased and 11% decreased their firing rate for progressively larger \u3c3 values. During the 2 second delay interval between the two stimuli, neuronal populations in barrel cortex kept a graded representation of S1 in their firing rate; 30% at early delay and 15% at the end. In mPFC, neurons expressed divers coding characteristics yet more than one-fourth of them varied their discharge rate according to the ongoing stimulus. Interestingly, a similar proportion carried the stimulus signal up to early parts of delay period. A smaller but considerable proportion (10%) kept the memory until the end of delay interval. We implemented novel information theoretic measures to quantify the stimulus and decision signals in neuronal responses in different stages of the task. By these measures, a decision signal was present in barrel cortex neurons during the S2 period and during the post stimulus delay, when the animal needed to postpone its action. Medial PFC units also represented animal choice, but later in the trial in comparison to barrel cortex. Decision signals started to build up in this area after the termination of S2. We implemented a regularized linear discriminant algorithm (RDA) to decode stimulus and decision signals in the population activity of barrel cortex and mPFC neurons. The RDA outperformed individual clusters and the standard linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The stimulus and animal\u2019s decision could be extracted from population activity simply by linearly weighting the responses of neuronal clusters. The population signal was present even in epochs of trial where no single cluster was informative. We predicted that coherent oscillations between brain areas might optimize the flow of information within the networks engaged by this task. Therefore, we quantified the phase synchronization of local field potentials in barrel cortex and mPFC. The two signals were coherent at theta range during S1 and S2 and, interestingly, prior to S1. We interpret the pre-stimulus coherence as reflecting top-down preparatory and expectation mechanisms. We showed, for the first time to our knowledge, the neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in rodents. The existence of both positive and negative codes in barrel cortex, besides the representation of stimulus memory and decision signals suggests that multiple functions might be folded into single modules. The mPFC also appears to be part of parametric working memory and decision making network in rats

    Two-photon all-optical interrogation of mouse barrel cortex during sensory discrimination

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    The neocortex supports a rich repertoire of cognitive and behavioural functions, yet the rules, or neural ‘codes’, that determine how patterns of cortical activity drive perceptual processes remain enigmatic. Experimental neuroscientists study these codes through measuring and manipulating neuronal activity in awake behaving subjects, which allows links to be identified between patterns of neural activity and ongoing behaviour functions. In this thesis, I detail the application of novel optical techniques for simultaneously recording and manipulating neurons with cellular resolution to examine how tactile signals are processed in sparse neuronal ensembles in mouse somatosensory ‘barrel’ cortex. To do this, I designed a whisker-based perceptual decision-making task for head-fixed mice, that allows precise control over sensory input and interpretable readout of perceptual choice. Through several complementary experimental approaches, I show that task performance is exquisitely coupled to barrel cortical activity. Using two- photon calcium imaging to simultaneously record from populations of barrel cortex neurons, I demonstrate that different subpopulations of neurons in layer 2/3 (L2/3) show selectivity for contralateral and ipsilateral whisker input during behaviour. To directly test whether these stimulus-tuned groups of neurons differentially impact perceptual decision-making I performed patterned photostimulation experiments to selectively activate these functionally defined sets of neurons and assessed the resulting impact on behaviour and the local cortical network in layer 2/3. In contrast with the expected results, stimulation of sensory-coding neurons appeared to have little perceptual impact on task performance. However, activation of non- stimulus coding neurons did drive decision biases. These results challenge the conventional view that strongly sensory responsive neurons carry more perceptual weight than non-responsive sensory neurons during perceptual decision-making. Furthermore, patterned photostimulation revealed and imposed potent surround suppression in L2/3, which points to strong lateral inhibition playing a dominant role in shaping spatiotemporally sparse activity patterns. These results showcase the utility of combined patterned photostimulation methods and population calcium imaging for revealing and testing neural circuit function during sensorimotor behaviour and provide new perspectives on sensory coding in barrel cortex

    Coordinated population activity underlying texture discrimination in rat barrel cortex

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    Rodents can robustly distinguish fine differences in texture using their whiskers, a capacity that depends on neuronal activity in primary somatosensory \u201cbarrel\u201d cortex. Here we explore how texture was collectively encoded by populations of three to seven neuronal clusters simultaneously recorded from barrel cortex while a rat performed a discrimination task. Each cluster corresponded to the single-unit or multiunit activity recorded at an individual electrode. To learn how the firing of different clusters combines to represent texture, we computed population activity vectors across moving time windows and extracted the signal available in the optimal linear combination of clusters. We quantified this signal using receiver operating characteristic analysis and compared it to that available in single clusters. Texture encoding was heterogeneous across neuronal clusters, and only a minority of clusters carried signals strong enough to support stimulus discrimination on their own. However, jointly recorded groups of clusters were always able to support texture discrimination at a statistically significant level, even in sessions where no individual cluster represented the stimulus. The discriminative capacity of neuronal activity was degraded when error trials were included in the data, compared to only correct trials, suggesting a link between the neuronal activity and the animal's performance. These analyses indicate that small groups of barrel cortex neurons can robustly represent texture identity through synergistic interactions, and suggest that neurons downstream to barrel cortex could extract texture identity on single trials through simple linear combination of barrel cortex responses

    Perception of the intensity and duration of a stimulus within a unified framework: psychophysics and underlying neuronal processing

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    Every sensory experience is embedded in time, and is accompanied by the perception of the passage of time. The fact that perception of the content of a sensory event and the perception of the time occupied by that event are generated in parallel raises a number of questions: Do these percepts interact with each other? Do they emerge within separate neural populations? Which neuronal mechanism underlies this divergence? In the work of my thesis I explored how the perception of the intensity of a vibrotactile stimulus, interacts with the perception of its duration, in both humans and rats. I have carried out three main studies. Chapter I works out the details of the interaction between vibration amplitude and duration, revealing a symmetric confound: perceived duration depends on stimulus speed, and perceived intensity depends on stimulus duration. Quantification of this interaction allowed us formulate a testable computational model for the generation of both percepts, which posits that a single sensory drive provides input to two distinct downstream centers, which generate the two percepts in parallel. Chapter II addresses the effect of stimulus history. Systems neuroscience has given considerable attention in recent years to the effects of preceding stimuli on the perception of the current stimulus. We now ask whether the interaction found in Study I extends to an interaction in the memory trace of recent stimuli: are the perceptual priors mixed or separate? Through psychophysical testing, we were able to show that perception of the duration and the intensity of stimuli, are biased toward the perceived features of previously presented stimuli, and not their low-level physical properties, and that separate representations of prior perceived duration and prior perceived intensity exist in the brain. Chapter III begins to look for neuronal correlates of perceived duration, through extracellular recordings in behaving rats in Dorso-Lateral Striatum (DLS), a region which receives direct input from primary somatosensory cortex and has previously shown to be involved in time perception. The delayed comparison task, differently from many common behavioral paradigms, has the advantage of dissociating the first stimulus presented to the animal from any decisional and motor processes. This makes it particularly relevant for the search for the neural basis of stimulus duration perception. Moreover, the bias of stimulus intensity on perceived time found on Study I, posits the principle that the interaction between these two features should be present in the neural population that encodes the perception of stimulus duration in a behaviourally-relevant way. Ongoing recordings are showing that the unfolding of trial time can be decoded from the striatal neural activity, but the confound of stimulus speed is not encoded by the population. This findings points toward a role of striatum in representing temporal sequences of events, while questioning its involvement in encoding the perception of stimulus duration

    Short-term memory of temporal aspects of noxious and innocuous thermal sensation : psychophysical and fMRI studies

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    La douleur peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un systĂšme de protection qui signale une menace et qui nous avertit des dĂ©gĂąts imminents aux tissus. En tant que mĂ©canisme de dĂ©fense, il nĂ©cessite l'apprentissage et la mĂ©moire des expĂ©riences du passĂ© pour la survie et les comportements liĂ©s Ă  la douleur. Par consĂ©quent, notre expĂ©rience de la douleur actuelle est fortement influencĂ©e par les expĂ©riences antĂ©rieures et l'apprentissage. Cependant, malgrĂ© son importance, notre comprĂ©hension actuelle de l'interaction entre le systĂšme de la douleur et le systĂšme de mĂ©moire est trĂšs limitĂ©e. La mĂ©moire de la douleur est un sujet de recherche trĂšs vaste. Il nĂ©cessite une comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s Ă  chaque Ă©tape du systĂšme de mĂ©moire (mĂ©moire immĂ©diate, Ă  court terme et Ă  long terme) et l'interaction entre eux. Parmi les Ă©tapes multiples de la mĂ©moire, la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la douleur est une zone qui est moins recherchĂ©e, alors qu'il existe une Ă©norme quantitĂ© de recherche neuroscientifique dans la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme sur d'autres modalitĂ©s, en particulier la vision. L'Ă©tude de la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la douleur est particuliĂšrement importante car cette trace de la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la douleur est ensuite convertie en mĂ©moire Ă  long terme et affecte ensuite les expĂ©riences futures de la douleur. Cette thĂšse est largement axĂ©e sur la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la douleur. La complexitĂ© et la multi dimensionnalitĂ© de la douleur ajoutent encore un autre Ă©lĂ©ment Ă  la recherche sur la mĂ©moire de la douleur. Par exemple, la trace de la mĂ©moire de la douleur peut contenir des traces de mĂ©moire de diverses composantes de la douleur telles que la rĂ©ponse sensorielle affective, cognitive et motrice et l'interaction entre elles. Par consĂ©quent, une premiĂšre Ă©tape dans l'exploration neuroscientifique de la mĂ©moire de la douleur nĂ©cessite la rĂ©duction de l'expĂ©rience de la douleur tout en englobant tous ces diffĂ©rents composants Ă  un seul composant. Dans la recherche prĂ©sentĂ©e ici, nous avons gĂ©nĂ©ralement examinĂ© cela par des instructions d'attention ‘ top-down’ pour assister Ă  la dimension sensorielle de la douleur. La recherche prĂ©cĂ©dente sur la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la douleur a Ă©galement portĂ© principalement sur la dimension sensorielle de la douleur. Cependant, parmi les dimensions sensorielles de la douleur, la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de l'intensitĂ© et de la dimension spatiale de la douleur a fait l'objet de recherches antĂ©rieures. MalgrĂ© son importance, la dimension temporelle de la douleur est restĂ©e complĂštement inexplorĂ©e dans la recherche sur la mĂ©moire de la douleur. La recherche menĂ©e dans cette thĂšse est consacrĂ©e Ă  l'exploration de la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la durĂ©e de la douleur. La durĂ©e de la douleur peut ĂȘtre suivie de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante, mais peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre suivie conjointement avec la dimension d'intensitĂ© telle que le suivi dynamique de l'intensitĂ© de la douleur dans le temps. Les Ă©tudes menĂ©es dans cette thĂšse traitent spĂ©cifiquement du traitement isolĂ© de la durĂ©e de la douleur ainsi que du traitement conjoint de la dimension durĂ©e / intensitĂ© de la douleur. La premiĂšre Ă©tude psychophysique a explorĂ© la nature de la reprĂ©sentation mentale du modĂšle de mĂ©moire de la douleur thermique dynamique et a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© conçue pour aborder les diffĂ©rences de la dimension sensorielle et affective de la douleur thermique dans la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme. La deuxiĂšme Ă©tude psychophysique portait sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s de la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la sensation thermique non douloureux en comparant le suivi dynamique de la sensation et le suivi isolĂ© de la durĂ©e d'un Ă©vĂ©nement thermique non douloureux. La troisiĂšme Ă©tude poursuit l'exploration du traitement dynamique de la durĂ©e conjointement avec l'intensitĂ© par rapport au traitement isolĂ© de la durĂ©e dans la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme en utilisant des stimuli thermiques douloureuse une rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique fonctionnelle (IRMF). Dans l'ensemble, les rĂ©sultats des Ă©tudes psychophysiques ont montrĂ© une transformation significative de la durĂ©e et de la dynamique de la sensation thermique douloureux et non-douloureux dans la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme; comme la perte d'informations somatosensorielles temporelles en mĂ©moire. Nous avons en outre montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration du rappel de la durĂ©e dans le suivi dynamique de la durĂ©e, en comparaison avec le suivi de la durĂ©e isolĂ©e. Nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© des diffĂ©rences dans les corrĂ©lats neuronaux de la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de la durĂ©e de douleur par rapport Ă  la dynamique de douleur. L'Ă©tude de l'IRMF a montrĂ© des similitudes frappantes dans les corrĂ©lats neuronaux sous-jacents Ă  la mĂ©moire Ă  court terme de douleur et d'autres modalitĂ©s telles que la contribution des coticĂ©s fronto-pariĂ©tales ainsi que les corticaux sensoriels impliquĂ©s dans le traitement perceptuel.Pain can be viewed as a protective system that signals threat and alerts us to impending tissue damage. As a defense mechanism, it necessitates the learning and memory of past painful experiences for survival and pain-related behavior. Therefore our current pain experience is heavily influenced by previous experiences and learning. However, despite its importance, our current understanding of the interaction between the pain system and the memory system is very limited. Pain memory is a very broad topic of research on its own. It requires an understanding of the mechanisms involved at each stage of the memory system (immediate, short-term, and long-term memory), and the interaction among them. Among the multiple stages of memory, the short-term memory of pain is an area that is less researched, while there are enormous amount of neuroscientific research in short-term memory of other modalities, particularly vision. Investigation of the short-term memory of pain is especially important as the short-term memory trace of pain is converted to long-term memory and subsequently affects future pain experiences. This thesis is broadly focused on the short-term memory of pain. The complexity and multi-dimensionality of pain adds yet another element to the research on pain memory. For example, the memory trace of pain may contain memory traces of various components of pain such as sensory, affective, cognitive, and motoric responses, and the interactions among them. Therefore, an initial step in the neuroscientific exploration of pain memory requires narrowing down the pain experience, which encompasses all of these various components, to one single component. In the research presented here, we achieved this using top-down attentional instructions to attend to the sensory component of pain. The previous research on short-term memory of pain also focused mainly on the sensory component of pain. However, within the sensory component of pain the short-term memory of intensity and spatial dimension of pain has been the focus of previous research. Despite its importance, the temporal dimension of pain remained completely unexplored in pain memory research. Thus, the research conducted in this thesis is devoted to the exploration of short-term memory of the duration of pain. Pain duration can be tracked independently, but it can also be tracked conjointly with intensity, such as in dynamic tracking of pain intensity over time. The studies addressed in this thesis examined the isolated processing of pain duration as well as conjoint processing of the duration and intensity of pain. The first psychophysical study explored the nature of the mental representation of the memory template of dynamic thermal pain sensation and, additionally, addressed the differences between the sensory versus affective dimensions of thermal pain sensation in short-term memory. The second psychophysical study focused on properties of the short-term memory of innocuous thermal sensation by comparing dynamic tracking of sensation versus isolated tracking of duration of an innocuous thermal event. The third study explored the dynamic processing of duration conjointly with intensity, versus the isolated processing of duration in short-term memory, using noxious thermal stimuli and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Overall, the results of the psychophysical studies showed significant transformation of duration and dynamics information of noxious and innocuous thermal sensation in short-term memory, such as loss of temporal somatosensory information. Additionally, we showed improvement in duration recall during dynamic tracking versus isolated tracking of duration. The fMRI study revealed differences in neural correlates of short-term memory of pain duration versus pain dynamics. Importantly, it also showed striking similarities between neural correlates underlying the short-term memory of pain and those underlying other modalities, such as a contribution of fronto-parietal cortices as well as sensory cortices involved in perceptual processing

    Paradigm Shift in Sensorimotor Control Research and Brain Machine Interface Control: The Influence of Context on Sensorimotor Representations

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    Neural activity in the primary motor cortex (M1) is known to correlate with movement related variables including kinematics and dynamics. Our recent work, which we believe is part of a paradigm shift in sensorimotor research, has shown that in addition to these movement related variables, activity in M1 and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) are also modulated by context, such as value, during both active movement and movement observation. Here we expand on the investigation of reward modulation in M1, showing that reward level changes the neural tuning function of M1 units to both kinematic as well as dynamic related variables. In addition, we show that this reward-modulated activity is present during brain machine interface (BMI) control. We suggest that by taking into account these context dependencies of M1 modulation, we can produce more robust BMIs. Toward this goal, we demonstrate that we can classify reward expectation from M1 on a movement-by-movement basis under BMI control and use this to gate multiple linear BMI decoders toward improved offline performance. These findings demonstrate that it is possible and meaningful to design a more accurate BMI decoder that takes reward and context into consideration. Our next step in this development will be to incorporate this gating system, or a continuous variant of it, into online BMI performance
