55 research outputs found

    Revlex-Initial 0/1-Polytopes

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    We introduce revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes as the convex hulls of reverse-lexicographically initial subsets of 0/1-vectors. These polytopes are special knapsack-polytopes. It turns out that they have remarkable extremal properties. In particular, we use these polytopes in order to prove that the minimum numbers f(d, n) of facets and the minimum average degree a(d, n) of the graph of a d-dimensional 0/1-polytope with n vertices satisfy f(d, n) <= 3d and a(d, n) <= d + 4. We furthermore show that, despite the sparsity of their graphs, revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes satisfy a conjecture due to Mihail and Vazirani, claiming that the graphs of 0/1-polytopes have edge-expansion at least one.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Comb. Theory Ser. A; 24 pages; simplified proof of Theorem 1; corrected and improved version of Theorem 4 (the average degree is now bounded by d+4 instead of d+8); several minor corrections suggested by the referee

    Revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes

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    AbstractWe introduce revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes as the convex hulls of reverse-lexicographically initial subsets of 0/1-vectors. These polytopes are special knapsack-polytopes. It turns out that they have remarkable extremal properties. In particular, we use these polytopes in order to prove that the minimum numbers gnfac(d,n) of facets and the minimum average degree gavdeg(d,n) of the graph of a d-dimensional 0/1-polytope with n vertices satisfy gnfac(d,n)⩽3d and gavdeg(d,n)⩽d+4. We furthermore show that, despite the sparsity of their graphs, revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes satisfy a conjecture due to Mihail and Vazirani, claiming that the graphs of 0/1-polytopes have edge-expansion at least one

    Koszul homology and extremal properties of Gin and Lex

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    In a polynomial ring RR with nn variables, for every homogeneous ideal II and for every p≤np\leq n we consider the Koszul homology Hi(p,R/I)H_i(p,R/I) with respect to a sequence of pp of generic linear forms and define the Koszul-Betti number βijp(R/I)\beta_{ijp}(R/I) of R/IR/I to be the dimension of the degree jj part of Hi(p,R/I)H_i(p,R/I). In characteristic 0, we show that the Koszul-Betti numbers of any ideal II are bounded above by those of any gin of II and also by those of the Lex-segment of II. We also investigate the set Gins(I)Gins(I) of all the gin of II and show that the Koszul-Betti numbers of any ideal in Gins(I)Gins(I) are bounded below by those of the gin-revlex of II and present examples showing that in general there is no JJ is Gins(I)Gins(I) such that the Koszul-Betti numbers of any ideal in Gins(I)Gins(I) are bounded above by those of JJ.Comment: 21 pages, preprint 200

    Noncrossing sets and a Grassmann associahedron

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    We study a natural generalization of the noncrossing relation between pairs of elements in [n] to k-tuples in [n] that was first considered by Petersen et al. [J. Algebra324(5) (2010), 951–969]. We give an alternative approach to their result that the flag simplicial complex on ([n]k) induced by this relation is a regular, unimodular and flag triangulation of the order polytope of the poset given by the product [k]×[n−k] of two chains (also called Gelfand–Tsetlin polytope), and that it is the join of a simplex and a sphere (that is, it is a Gorenstein triangulation). We then observe that this already implies the existence of a flag simplicial polytope generalizing the dual associahedron, whose Stanley–Reisner ideal is an initial ideal of the Grassmann–Plücker ideal, while previous constructions of such a polytope did not guarantee flagness nor reduced to the dual associahedron for k=2. On our way we provide general results about order polytopes and their triangulations. We call the simplicial complex the noncrossing complex, and the polytope derived from it the dual Grassmann associahedron. We extend results of Petersen et al. [J. Algebra324(5) (2010), 951–969] showing that the noncrossing complex and the Grassmann associahedron naturally reflect the relations between Grassmannians with different parameters, in particular the isomorphismGk,n≅Gn−k,n. Moreover, our approach allows us to show that the adjacency graph of the noncrossing complex admits a natural acyclic orientation that allows us to define a Grassmann–Tamari order on maximal noncrossing families. Finally, we look at the precise relation of the noncrossing complex and the weak separability complex of Leclerc and Zelevinsky [Amer. Math. Soc. Transl.181(2) (1998), 85–108]; see also Scott [J. Algebra290(1) (2005), 204–220] among others. We show that the weak separability complex is not only a subcomplex of the noncrossing complex as noted by Petersen et al. [J. Algebra324(5) (2010), 951–969] but actually its cyclically invariant part
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