44 research outputs found

    A Study of the Effect of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms on Self-disclosure in Social Networking Sites from the View of Protection Motivation Theory

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    Because of the predominant and rampant of social networking sites (SNSs), users’ information privacy issue becomes an important challenge not only for SNS users but also for the SNS service providers and governing organizations. This study’s objectives are: (1) to study how assurance mechanisms affect SNS users’ self-disclosure intention by applying protection motivation theory (PMT), and (2) to empirically test the perceived privacy concern as part of the PMT in order to predict self-disclosure on SNS. There are a number of expected contributions for this study. First, this study applies PMT in order to understand how assurance mechanisms applied by SNSs affect users to disclose their personal information. Second, we introduce the customizing privacy as an assurance mechanism which has not been studied in previous literature. Finally, we consider fear component of PMT which has not been studied by previous researchers who applied PMT in this context

    Exploring the impact of data breaches and system malfunctions on users’ safety and privacy perceptions in the context of autonomous vehicles

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    Technological advancements allow for increasingly automated driving systems as well as the large-scale availability of fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the future. In this research-in-progress paper, we propose a research concept to further investigate the interplay of users’ perceived privacy risks and trust in AV safety associated with data breaches and system failures. Specifically, we aim to analyze whether system malfunctions impact privacy risk perceptions and whether data breaches impact users’ trust in AV safety by considering the trust in the AV manufacturer. Additionally, we offer first insights into preliminary data and explain our future research intentions. A more detailed understanding of the relationship between privacy and safety trust in the context of AVs could help manufacturers to better direct efforts to compensate for or prevent data breaches and system malfunctions potentially leading to increased user acceptance and technology adoption

    Trust-based content filtering: Investigating the association between assurance seals, source expertise, and topics of online product reviews

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    Online product reviews are a significant component affecting transactions in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce. The sheer volume of online reviews makes it virtually impossible for buyers to systematically process all reviews available. Drawing on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and web assurance seals (AS) literature, we investigate the association between two trust-building proxies included in reviews: verified buyer flag (VBF) and reviewer’s technical understanding (TU), and topics discussed in online product reviews. Our results indicate that both VBF and TU affect review content. From a practical perspective, we provide a means of content filtering that can be implemented at a recommender system level to reduce information overload prospective buyers are subjected to. From a theoretical perspective our results indicate there is an identifiable shift that has occurred in the e-commerce environment. More specifically, the evolution of the web has brought elements of consumer-to-consumer (C2C) interactions into the space typically reserved for B2C landscape, where sellers also act as intermediaries facilitating information exchange between buyers

    Evaluation of Digital Shadow Economy Prevention Measures

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    Although during the past few years the scopes of shadow economy in Lithuania have slightly decreased, different forms of this phenomenon, in particular digital shadow activities, still generate a significant part of the overall value added. As no constant estimations of the scope of digital shadow economy have been made in Lithuania, alleviation of this problem is based on consequence fighting rather than reason elimination. Digital shadow economy poses a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies concerning its investigation and prevention. Hence, it is purposeful to research both theoretical and practical aspects of digital shadow economy prevention in order to identify the measures that could be used for the efficient reduction of the scope of this phenomenon. The aim of this research is to identify the measures of digital shadow economy prevention and compare the attitudes of governmental institutions and consumers towards the efficiency of these measures. The results of the empirical research showed that both consumers and experts agree that the level of tax morale has to be raised not only by using the measures of self-education but also by introducing long-term educational programmes; second, public authorities should ensure business friendly environment, actively implement the principles of justice and officially acknowledge and announce the concept of digital shadow economy; finally, for more efficient detection of the cases of digital shadow activities, it is necessary to reinforce current labour resources that should be specially trained to be able to disclose revenue hiding and tax evasion schemes, employed in e-trade

    Are All Commercial Websites Created Equal? Web Vendor Reputation and Security on Third Party Payment Use

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    New web vendors emerge daily as business-to-consumer e-commerce grows substantially over the years. However, new webvendors may be regarded with skepticism in an existing marketplace, and may require third party support to reduceuncertainty. This study investigates the effect of consumer’s perceived security and reputation of web vendors on consumer’spurchase intention and third party payment choice. Our study examines under what condition adopting a reputable third partypayment system is beneficial to web vendors. Applying trust transference theory, we found that website with high reputationand high security may not benefit from having a third party payment presence, while website with low reputation and lowsecurity will benefit the most for having an alternative financial payment mechanism. Our study also found that onlineconsumers tend not to choose to use third party payment system when the website is perceived as high security regardless ofthe reputation of the website

    The Effect of Attitude, Social Trust and Trust in Social Networking Sites on Two Dimensions of Sharing Behavior

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    Although social networking sites (SNS) are among the most important means of sharing and communication in today’s virtual world, little work has been done to explain the sharing behavior of SNS users in detail. This study tries to investigate types of sharing behavior of SNS users and to find important factors affecting their sharing behavior. In terms of the width and depth of sharing information, we distinguish two important dimensions of sharing behavior: sharing regularity and sharing density. As a width dimension of sharing behavior, sharing regularity refers to the frequency of sharing information with other SNS users and as a depth dimension of sharing behavior, sharing density deals with the degree of private information sharing with others. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action, we propose a research model of two dimensions of sharing behavior including sharing attitude, social trust, and trust in a social networking site. We find that social trust and trust in the SNS have a significant effect on SNS users’ sharing attitude, which in turn strongly influences on two dimensions of sharing behavior. The implications of the study for research and practice will be discussed with future directions

    Quality versus Quantity: An Investigation into Electronic Word of Mouth’s Influence on Consumer Buying Intention

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    Online consumer reviews play an increasingly crucial role in shaping purchasing intention. With the wide-spread reviews available around the world on sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp, companies’ reputation and hence survival are potentially at risk. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on the individual’s attitudes towards the quantity and quality of online store reviews and consider how it impacts their behavior. We incorporate brand trust as a mediator in the relationship between eWOM and purchase intention. Using a vignette survey experiment centered on coffee shop reviews in Hanoi, Vietnam, we test our hypothesis with 223 respondents. Results showed that the number and quality of review does significantly affect purchase intention. Findings also show that brand trust has a mediating effect on the relationship between online reviews and buying intention. This study assists practitioners to develop user-oriented information review format in order to manage online consumer reviews properly and effectively

    FAKTOR DETERMINAN NIAT PEMBELIAN KEMBALI DENGAN KEPERCAYAAN DAN KEPUASAN ONLINE SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI Disusun oleh: Maria Ivonny Putri Maharani NPM: 17 03 23586 Telah dibaca dan disetujui oleh: Pembimbing Wenefrida Mahestu

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor determinan (keamanan, privasi, dan kemudahan penggunaan) terhadap niat pembelian kembali di Shopee dengan menggunakan kepercayaan dan kepuasan online sebagai mediasi. Jumlah responden yang didapat pada penelitian ini ialah 163 orang dimana semua responden pernah melakukan pembelian di Shopee selama 6 bulan terakhir. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana data dikumpulkan melalui google form dengan skala likert 5 poin. Data dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan software SmartPLS 3. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa keamanan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap niat pembelian kembali, privasi dan kemudahan penggunaan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap niat pembelian kembali. Kepercayaan memberikan efek mediasi bagi keamanan dan kemudahan penggunaan terhadap niat pembelian kembali, namun tidak memberikan efek mediasi bagi privasi terhadap niat pembelian kembali. Kepuasan online memberikan efek mediasi bagi keamanan, privasi, dan kemudahan penggunaan terhadap niat pembelian kembali

    Website Credibility Assessment: An Empirical - Investigation of Prominence-interpretation Theory

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    While a variety of research studies have examined factors that influence individuals’ attitudes toward and use of websites, an important yet understudied stream looks at the role of website credibility. We examine website credibility through the lens of prominence-interpretation theory. Fogg (2003) developed this theory to help explain the relationships between what users observe about a website, how they interpret it, and how observation and interpretation together determine website credibility. In this paper, we look specifically at the relationship between prominence and interpretation and how these variables interact to influence attitudes about website credibility. We examined this relationship using a controlled laboratory experiment in which we exposed subjects to a website and asked them what they saw and how they interpreted what they saw. We analyzed these data using discriminant analysis and show that the interaction between prominence and interpretation accurately predicts attitudes about credibility, which offers strong support for prominence-interpretation theory. We discuss these findings and their implications for theory and practice