102 research outputs found

    Invisible Scars: Mental Trauma and the Korean War (Book Review) by Meghan Fitzpatrick

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    Review of Invisible Scars: Mental Trauma and the Korean War by Meghan Fitzpatrick

    Rehabilitative good practices in the treatment of sarcopenia: a narrative review

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    ABSTRACT: To date, rehabilitative good practices that analyze all aspects of the rehabilitation management of the patient with sarcopenia are absent in the literature. The purpose of this article is to carry out research and evaluation of the evidence, good practice, and recommendations in the literature relating to the rehabilitative treatment of disabilities associated with sarcopenia. Bibliographic research was conducted on Medline, PEDro, Cochrane Database, and Google Scholar. All articles published in the last 10 yrs were analyzed. The results of this research generated three guidelines, eight meta-analyses, five systematic reviews, a Cochrane review, 17 reviews, and seven consensus conferences. From the analysis of the literature, it seems that most of the works agree in affirming that exercise and diet supplementation are the cornerstones of rehabilitation treatment of patients with sarcopenia. The practice of an adequate lifestyle received numerous high-grade recommendations in the included guidelines. Based on the data obtained, the rehabilitation management of the patient with sarcopenia must be personalized and must include exercise and nutritional supplementation. These factors are important in increasing the autonomy of the elderly essential for safe walking without neglecting stretching exercises that are important for flexibility and balance and coordination exercises

    Automotive computing, neuromorphic computing, and beyond

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    Il Dante di Mario Marti

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    EnThe essay investigates Marti's activity as a dantist, identifying three cores or ways of his long loyalty to our greatest poet: Dante's entry into politics as a key to understanding the realistic turning point of his poetry; the construction of the numerous lecturae Dantis by Marti around the search for an unitary topic, albeit in binary dialectics, in each canto of Divine Comedy; the activity of Marti reviewer, thanks to which the Salento critic directed the debate on many points of Dante's poetry.ItIl saggio investiga l'attività di Marti dantista, individuando tre nuclei o modi della sua lunga fedeltà al nostro più grande poeta: l'ingresso in politica di Dante come chiave di comprensione alla svolta realistica della sua poesia; la costruzione delle numerose lecturae Dantis di Marti intorno alla ricerca di un tema unitario, seppur in dialettica binaria, per ogni canto della Commedia; l'attività di Marti recensore, grazie alla quale il critico salentino indirizzò il dibattito su molti snodi della poesia dantesca

    Grandparents’ Rights: What Every Grandparent Needs to Know

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    (Excerpt) Patricia Perkins Slorah, has written an easy-to-read book for grandparents who are considering assistance from the legal community to secure visitation with their grandchildren. The book is aptly titled, Grandparents’ Rights: What Every Grandparent Needs to Know. For grandparents who are unfamiliar with the court system, Ms. Slorah provides helpful guidance. Although any book about the current state of the laws would be outdated at some point in the future as to what certain laws provide, this book provides timeless personal stories of grandparents who have struggled to gain visitation rights with their grandchildren

    Thinking global, acting local

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    Ongoing or continuous professional development is essential for teachers to develop and maintain the knowledge base required to produce more powerful learning outcomes among their students. Research has shown that professional development is more effective and meaningful to teachers when it is content focused, involves active learning and collective participation, and when it is sustained in duration, instead of being top-down, episodic, or delivered as ‘one-shot’ training workshops

    Crop Yield Estimation and Carrying Capacity in Sar Ali-Abad Summer Rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran

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    High mountain grassland ecosystems are the best pastures of Golestan province in Iran. These grasslands are an effective means of soil conservation and offer standing green fodder for livestock. Sar Ali-abad summer rangeland with an area of 780 ha is a representative of mountain ecosystems of Golestan province. Estimating forage production to avoid overgrazing is a necessity to ensure the long-term sustainability of these natural ecosystems. To estimate rangeland productivity and carrying capacity was the major objective while, comparing three methods of clipping and weighing (CW), double sampling (DS), and comparative yield (CY) by using 1-m2 plots was the minor objective of this study. There were high correlation coefficients (0.90-0.99) for DS and CY, so the estimated and ranked data were corrected based on the regression equations. There were linear relationships between the corrected and clipped data for the DS and CY methods which confirmed the suitability of both methods against the CW. Currently, the study area was stocked with 1580 AU. Based on the CW method and allowable use (50% of total forage production), potential forage intake of 60 kg sheep (2% body weight), and the area of pasture (700 ha after adjusted for non-usable cliffy area), the total DM of study area was 272825 kg. This amount of forage will support 1516 AUs for grazing season of which this summer range site with limited grazing period was not overgrazed. By using CY and DS methods, we have simulated the regression models for DM estimation. Instead of clipping 180 one square plots, about 30 to 40 plots were clipped which were non-destructive, rapid, and cost effective
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