4,923,577 research outputs found

    Willful Blindness: Federal Agencies\u27 Failure to Comply with the Regulatory Flexibility Act\u27s Periodic Review Requirement-And Current Proposals to Invigorate the Act

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    The Article first explains the basic requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, and in particular focuses on the periodic review requirement contained in Section 610. It traces the history of Presidential efforts through the promulgation of executive orders to delay the implementation of regulations and require agencies to consult with regulated industries. Reviewing agency action from 1997-2005 following Section 610 review, it found agencies are confused as to when review is necessary, and, though Section 610 is meant to decrease the regulatory burden on small business, agencies often increase the regulatory burden on small business. It concludes the key problem regarding Section 610 agency is the very low review rate, and provides several legislative resolutions meant to compel agency review and greater small business participation in regulatory decision-making

    Independent review of variable fees and student finance arrangements: report to Minister for Employment and Learning

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    "The report is structured as follows: Section 1 Introduction and Background to the Review, Section 2 Current Arrangements, Section 3 Impact of the Introduction of Variable Student Fees, Section 4 Future Fee Scenarios for Northern Ireland, Section 5 Future Maintenance Grant Entitlement Options, Section 6 Recommendations" - page 9

    Elites and institutions : literature review

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    Exploring elites and their relations to institutions can assist understanding the day-to-day realities of politics in Africa (Chabal and Daloz 1999, Amundsen 2001, Lindberg 2003). This review is a scoping exercise in what has been written on the subject in recent years. The main task of the review is to summarise current understandings of how elites work with and through political institutions in Africa. There is a huge literature in this subject area. We have tried to pick out a) that which is most pertinent and non-repetitive, and b) that which raises as many questions as it provides answers. On the whole we have focused on literature published in the last five to ten years and we have inclined towards the literature on Anglophone Africa. The review is presented as follows: Section 1 is an introduction to Africa’s recent political landscape and it introduces some of the major issues that appear in the literature. Section 2 provides some working definitions of elites, institutions and democratisation as three of the recurring themes in the review. Section 3 reviews literature broadly on democratisation in Africa and specifically on elections and elites. Section 4 examines how political parties have evolved over the last 15 years. Section 5 reviews the three branches of government and Section 6 briefly examines decentralisation and its relation to elites and politics. The remaining sections of the review move outside the more formal political structures to examine the media (Section 7), civil society (Section 8), women’s movements (Section 9), Trades unions (Section 10) and business associations (Section 11). The final Section 12 pulls out a number of gaps in the research that we have identified in the course of the review. Section 13 contains a complete bibliography of citations used in the review. It is crucial to remember that Africa’s experiences of democratisation are no more than 15 years old, and many scholars have cautioned that it is still very early to draw any definite conclusions (Amundsen 2001; Randall and Svasand 2002). Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1. Africa’s political landscape 3 * Diversity of ‘Africa’ 4 * Elections do not mean democracy 4 * Presidentialism 4 * Ethnicity 5 * Personal rule and patronage 5 2. Definitions 6 * Elites 6 * Political institutions 7 * Democratisation 8 3. Democratisation and elites 8 * Elections 9 * Elites and elections 13 4. Political parties 16 5. Branches of government 17 * The executive 17 * The legislature 18 * The Judiciary 20 6. Decentralisation 20 7. Media 21 * Radio 25 * Television 25 * Newspapers 25 * Internet 26 8. Civil society 26 9. Women’s movements 29 10. Trade unions 32 11. Business associations 34 12. Gaps in the research 36 13. Bibliography 3

    Neutrino Masses

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    This is a review for Reports of Progress in Physics. After an introduction we start by explaining the different neutrino masses corresponding to different types of neutrinos, Dirac or Majorana, in section 2. In section 3 we discuss the main elementary particle models for neutrino masses and their distinctive phenomenological consequences. In section 4 we describe the status of direct mass searches and Majorana mass searches in neutrinoless double beta decays. In section 5 we go over the many cosmological implications of, and constraints on, neutrino properties, mainly masses and lifetimes. Sections 6, 7 and 8 review neutrino oscillations, the solar neutrino problem and the atmospheric neutrino problem, their implications and the current and future experiments. In particular, we explain oscillations in vacuum in section 6 and oscillations in matter in section 7. Section 9 summarizes the main bounds imposed by stars, mainly SN1987A. A few concluding remarks follow.Comment: 85 pp.,Tex file requires ioppreprint.sty and verbatim.tex, 12 figures sent separately in a uu-compressed fil

    Incentive-Based Instruments for Water Management

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    This report provides a synthesis review of a set of incentive-based instruments that have been employed to varying degrees around the world. It is part of an effort by The Rockefeller Foundation to improve understanding of both the potential of these instruments and their limitations. The report is divided into five sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to the synthesis review. Section 2 describes the research methodology. Section 3 provides background on policy instruments and detail on three incentive-based instruments -- water trading, payment for ecosystem services, and water quality trading -- describing the application of each, including their environmental, economic, and social performances, and the conditions needed for their implementation. Section 4 highlights the role of the private sector in implementing these instruments, and Section 5 provides a summary and conclusions

    Random Recurrent Neural Networks Dynamics

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    This paper is a review dealing with the study of large size random recurrent neural networks. The connection weights are selected according to a probability law and it is possible to predict the network dynamics at a macroscopic scale using an averaging principle. After a first introductory section, the section 1 reviews the various models from the points of view of the single neuron dynamics and of the global network dynamics. A summary of notations is presented, which is quite helpful for the sequel. In section 2, mean-field dynamics is developed. The probability distribution characterizing global dynamics is computed. In section 3, some applications of mean-field theory to the prediction of chaotic regime for Analog Formal Random Recurrent Neural Networks (AFRRNN) are displayed. The case of AFRRNN with an homogeneous population of neurons is studied in section 4. Then, a two-population model is studied in section 5. The occurrence of a cyclo-stationary chaos is displayed using the results of \cite{Dauce01}. In section 6, an insight of the application of mean-field theory to IF networks is given using the results of \cite{BrunelHakim99}.Comment: Review paper, 36 pages, 5 figure

    Universality classes in nonequilibrium lattice systems

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    This work is designed to overview our present knowledge about universality classes occurring in nonequilibrium systems defined on regular lattices. In the first section I summarize the most important critical exponents, relations and the field theoretical formalism used in the text. In the second section I briefly address the question of scaling behavior at first order phase transitions. In section three I review dynamical extensions of basic static classes, show the effect of mixing dynamics and the percolation behavior. The main body of this work is given in section four where genuine, dynamical universality classes specific to nonequilibrium systems are introduced. In section five I continue overviewing such nonequilibrium classes but in coupled, multi-component systems. Most of the known nonequilibrium transition classes are explored in low dimensions between active and absorbing states of reaction-diffusion type of systems. However by mapping they can be related to universal behavior of interface growth models, which I overview in section six. Finally in section seven I summarize families of absorbing state system classes, mean-field classes and give an outlook for further directions of research.Comment: Updated comprehensive review, 62 pages (two column), 29 figs included. Scheduled for publication in Reviews of Modern Physics in April 200
