5,399 research outputs found

    Statistical Inferences for Polarity Identification in Natural Language

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    Information forms the basis for all human behavior, including the ubiquitous decision-making that people constantly perform in their every day lives. It is thus the mission of researchers to understand how humans process information to reach decisions. In order to facilitate this task, this work proposes a novel method of studying the reception of granular expressions in natural language. The approach utilizes LASSO regularization as a statistical tool to extract decisive words from textual content and draw statistical inferences based on the correspondence between the occurrences of words and an exogenous response variable. Accordingly, the method immediately suggests significant implications for social sciences and Information Systems research: everyone can now identify text segments and word choices that are statistically relevant to authors or readers and, based on this knowledge, test hypotheses from behavioral research. We demonstrate the contribution of our method by examining how authors communicate subjective information through narrative materials. This allows us to answer the question of which words to choose when communicating negative information. On the other hand, we show that investors trade not only upon facts in financial disclosures but are distracted by filler words and non-informative language. Practitioners - for example those in the fields of investor communications or marketing - can exploit our insights to enhance their writings based on the true perception of word choice

    Automatic domain ontology extraction for context-sensitive opinion mining

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    Automated analysis of the sentiments presented in online consumer feedbacks can facilitate both organizations’ business strategy development and individual consumers’ comparison shopping. Nevertheless, existing opinion mining methods either adopt a context-free sentiment classification approach or rely on a large number of manually annotated training examples to perform context sensitive sentiment classification. Guided by the design science research methodology, we illustrate the design, development, and evaluation of a novel fuzzy domain ontology based contextsensitive opinion mining system. Our novel ontology extraction mechanism underpinned by a variant of Kullback-Leibler divergence can automatically acquire contextual sentiment knowledge across various product domains to improve the sentiment analysis processes. Evaluated based on a benchmark dataset and real consumer reviews collected from Amazon.com, our system shows remarkable performance improvement over the context-free baseline

    Deep Item-based Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation

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    Item-based Collaborative Filtering(short for ICF) has been widely adopted in recommender systems in industry, owing to its strength in user interest modeling and ease in online personalization. By constructing a user's profile with the items that the user has consumed, ICF recommends items that are similar to the user's profile. With the prevalence of machine learning in recent years, significant processes have been made for ICF by learning item similarity (or representation) from data. Nevertheless, we argue that most existing works have only considered linear and shallow relationship between items, which are insufficient to capture the complicated decision-making process of users. In this work, we propose a more expressive ICF solution by accounting for the nonlinear and higher-order relationship among items. Going beyond modeling only the second-order interaction (e.g. similarity) between two items, we additionally consider the interaction among all interacted item pairs by using nonlinear neural networks. Through this way, we can effectively model the higher-order relationship among items, capturing more complicated effects in user decision-making. For example, it can differentiate which historical itemsets in a user's profile are more important in affecting the user to make a purchase decision on an item. We treat this solution as a deep variant of ICF, thus term it as DeepICF. To justify our proposal, we perform empirical studies on two public datasets from MovieLens and Pinterest. Extensive experiments verify the highly positive effect of higher-order item interaction modeling with nonlinear neural networks. Moreover, we demonstrate that by more fine-grained second-order interaction modeling with attention network, the performance of our DeepICF method can be further improved.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to TOI

    What Airbnb Reviews can Tell us? An Advanced Latent Aspect Rating Analysis Approach

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    There is no doubt that the rapid growth of Airbnb has changed the lodging industry and tourists’ behaviors dramatically since the advent of the sharing economy. Airbnb welcomes customers and engages them by creating and providing unique travel experiences to “live like a local” through the delivery of lodging services. With the special experiences that Airbnb customers pursue, more investigation is needed to systematically examine the Airbnb customer lodging experience. Online reviews offer a representative look at individual customers’ personal and unique lodging experiences. Moreover, the overall ratings given by customers are reflections of their experiences with a product or service. Since customers take overall ratings into account in their purchase decisions, a study that bridges the customer lodging experience and the overall rating is needed. In contrast to traditional research methods, mining customer reviews has become a useful method to study customers’ opinions about products and services. User-generated reviews are a form of evaluation generated by peers that users post on business or other (e.g., third-party) websites (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). The main purpose of this study is to identify the weights of latent lodging experience aspects that customers consider in order to form their overall ratings based on the eight basic emotions. This study applied both aspect-based sentiment analysis and the latent aspect rating analysis (LARA) model to predict the aspect ratings and determine the latent aspect weights. Specifically, this study extracted the innovative lodging experience aspects that Airbnb customers care about most by mining a total of 248,693 customer reviews from 6,946 Airbnb accommodations. Then, the NRC Emotion Lexicon with eight emotions was employed to assess the sentiments associated with each lodging aspect. By applying latent rating regression, the predicted aspect ratings were generated. With the aspect ratings, , the aspect weights, and the predicted overall ratings were calculated. It was suggested that the overall rating be assessed based on the sentiment words of five lodging aspects: communication, experience, location, product/service, and value. It was found that, compared with the aspects of location, product/service, and value, customers expressed less joy and more surprise than they did over the aspects of communication and experience. The LRR results demonstrate that Airbnb customers care most about a listing location, followed by experience, value, communication, and product/service. The results also revealed that even listings with the same overall rating may have different predicted aspect ratings based on the different aspect weights. Finally, the LARA model demonstrated the different preferences between customers seeking expensive versus cheap accommodations. Understanding customer experience and its role in forming customer rating behavior is important. This study empirically confirms and expands the usefulness of LARA as the prediction model in deconstructing overall ratings into aspect ratings, and then further predicting aspect level weights. This study makes meaningful academic contributions to the evolving customer behavior and customer experience research. It also benefits the shared-lodging industry through its development of pragmatic methods to establish effective marketing strategies for improving customer perceptions and create personalized review filter systems

    Childhood loneliness as a predictor of adolescent depressive symptoms: an 8-year longitudinal study

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    Childhood loneliness is characterised by children’s perceived dissatisfaction with aspects of their social relationships. This 8-year prospective study investigates whether loneliness in childhood predicts depressive symptoms in adolescence, controlling for early childhood indicators of emotional problems and a sociometric measure of peer social preference. 296 children were tested in the infant years of primary school (T1 5 years of age), in the upper primary school (T2 9 years of age) and in secondary school (T3 13 years of age). At T1, children completed the loneliness assessment and sociometric interview. Their teachers completed externalisation and internalisation rating scales for each child. At T2, children completed a loneliness assessment, a measure of depressive symptoms, and the sociometric interview. At T3, children completed the depressive symptom assessment. An SEM analysis showed that depressive symptoms in early adolescence (age 13) were predicted by reports of depressive symptoms at age 8, which were themselves predicted by internalisation in the infant school (5 years). The interactive effect of loneliness at 5 and 9, indicative of prolonged loneliness in childhood, also predicted depressive symptoms at age 13. Parent and peer-related loneliness at age 5 and 9, peer acceptance variables, and duration of parent loneliness did not predict depression. Our results suggest that enduring peer-related loneliness during childhood constitutes an interpersonal stressor that predisposes children to adolescent depressive symptoms. Possible mediators are discussed