5 research outputs found

    Review on DNA Cryptography

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    Cryptography is the science that secures data and communication over the network by applying mathematics and logic to design strong encryption methods. In the modern era of e-business and e-commerce the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA triad) of stored information as well as of transmitted data is very crucial. DNA molecules, having the capacity to store, process and transmit information, inspires the idea of DNA cryptography. This combination of the chemical characteristics of biological DNA sequences and classical cryptography ensures the non-vulnerable transmission of data. In this paper we have reviewed the present state of art of DNA cryptography.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    DNA Computing: A Paradigm Shift from Silicon to Carbon

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    DNA computing, a fascinating frontier in the realm of biological computing, marks a paradigm shift from traditional silicon-based processing to the innovative realm of carbon-based computation. Rooted in the principles of molecular biology, DNA computing harnesses the inherent parallelism of biological systems, offering a revolutionary approach to data storage, processing, and solving complex problems

    A Non-Blind Image Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection

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       في هذا البحث ، تم تقديم طريقة العلامة المائية غير العمياء لحماية حقوق النشر الخاصة بالصور الرقمية الملونة. تعتمد هذه الطريقة على مجموعة من التحويلات الرقمية (DWT ، DCT) في مجال التردد. تعتمد عملية التضمين في هذه الطريقة على تقسيم الصورة المضيفة إلى كتل غير متراكبة 16 × 16 واستخدام مقياس إنتروبيا الحافة لاختيار الكتل المناسبة لعملية التضمين لزيادة عدم الإدراك في النظام المقترح. أما بالنسبة لعملية الاستخراج ، فهي تتم بطريقة تتطلب وجود الصورة الأصلية ولكنها تتبع نفس بروتوكول التضمين لاستخراج العلامة المائية المشفرة المضمنة . و لرفع مستوى الأمان ، تم تطبيق طريقة تشفير هجينة باستخدام الخريطة الفوضوية وترميز الحمض النووي لتشفير العلامة المائية قبل تضمينها. تظهر النتائج التجريبية أن الاختلافات بين الصورة ذات العلامة المائية والصورة الأصلية لا يمكن تمييزها. الطريقة المقترحة قاومت بشكل فعال هجمات معالجة الصور الشائعة.    In this paper, a non-blind watermarking method for protecting the copyright of digital color images is introduced. This method based on the combination of digital transforms (DWT, DCT) in the frequency domain. The embedding process in this method depends on the partition of the host image into 16×16 non-overlapped blocks and the use of edge entropy metric to choose the appropriate blocks for the insertion process for the purpose of increasing the imperceptibility of the proposed system. As for the extraction process, it is carried out in a way that requires the presence of the original image but rather follows the same embedding protocol to extract the embedded encrypted watermark. To raise the security level, a hybrid encryption method using the chaotic map and DNA coding has been applied for encrypting the watermark before embedding it. Experimental results demonstrate that the differences between the watermarked image and the original image are indistinguishable. The proposed method is effectively resisted common image processing attacks

    Octopus++: an enhanced mutual authentication security protocol and lightweight encryption and decryption algorithm based on DNA in fog computing

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) envisions a world wherein everyday objects may connect to the internet and exchange data, analyse, store, and gather data from their environment and efficiently mediate on it. Fog computing, closer to the IoT, is formulated in data processing, filtering, aggregating, and storing. In fog IoT network one of the main challenges is security. The existing security solutions are based on modern cryptography algorithms are computationally complex which causes the fog IoT network to slow down. Therefore, in fog IoT the operations must be lightweight and secure. The security considerations include attacks, especially Man in the Middle attack (MitM), challenges, requirements, and existing solutions that are deeply analyzed and reviewed. Hence, omega network key generation based on deoxyribonucleic acid (ONDNA) is proposed, which provides lightweight encryption and decryption in fog computing. The security level of ONDNA is tested using NIST test suite. ONDNA passes all the 17 recommended NIST Test Suite tests. Next, we proposed a modified security protocol based on ONDNA and hash message authentication code with secure hash algorithm 2. The modified protocol is noted as OCTOPUS++. We proved that the OCTOPUS++ provides confidentiality, mutual authentication, and resistance to MitM attack using the widely accepted Burrows Abdi Needham (BAN) logic. The OCTOPUS++ is evaluated in terms of execution time. The average execution time for 20-time execution of OCTOPUS++ is 1.018917 milliseconds. The average execution time for Octopus, LAMAS and Amor is 2.444324, 20.1638 and 14.1152 milliseconds respectively. The results show that the OCTOPUS++ has less execution time than other existing protocol

    KryptosChain—a blockchain-inspired, AI-combined, DNA-encrypted secure information exchange scheme

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    Today’s digital world necessitates the adoption of encryption techniques to ensure secure peer-to-peer communication. The sole purpose of this paper is to conglomerate the fundamentals of Blockchain, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) encryption into one proposed scheme, KryptosChain, which is capable of providing a secure information exchange between a sender and his intended receiver. The scheme firstly suggests a DNA-based Huffman coding scheme, which alternatively allocates purines—Adenine (A) and Guanine (G), and pyrimidines—Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) values, while following the complementary rule to higher and lower branches of the resultant Huffman tree. Inculcation of DNA concepts makes the Huffman coding scheme eight times stronger than the traditional counterpart based on binary—0 and 1 values. After the ciphertext is obtained, the proposed methodology next provides a Blockchain-inspired message exchange scheme that achieves all the principles of security and proves to be immune to common cryptographic attacks even without the deployment of any smart contract, or possessing any cryptocurrency or arriving at any consensus. Lastly, different classifiers were engaged to check the intrusion detection capability of KryptosChain on the NSL-KDD dataset and AI fundamentals. The detailed analysis of the proposed KryptosChain validates its capacity to fulfill its security goals and stands immune to cryptographic attacks. The intrusion possibility curbing concludes that the J84 classifier provides the highest accuracy of 95.84% among several others as discussed in the paper