120 research outputs found

    Iterative Detection of Diagonal Block Space Time Trellis Codes, TCM and Reversible Variable Length Codes for Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    Iterative detection of Diagonal Block Space Time Trellis Codes (DBSTTCs), Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) and Reversible Variable Length Codes (RVLCs) is proposed. With the aid of efficient iterative decoding, the proposed scheme is capable of providing full transmit diversity and a near channel capacity performance. The performance of the proposed scheme was evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. Explicitly, significant iteration gains were achieved by the proposed scheme, which was capable of performing within 2~dB from the channel capacity

    Iterative channel equalization, channel decoding and source decoding

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    The performance of soft source decoding is evaluated over dispersive AWGN channels. By employing source codes having error-correcting capabilities, such as Reversible Variable-Length Codes (RVLCs) and Variable-Length Error-Correcting (VLEC) codes, the softin/soft-out (SISO) source decoder benefits from exchanging information with the MAP equalizer, and effectively eliminates the inter-symbol interference (ISI) after a few iterations. It was also found that the soft source decoder is capable of significantly improving the attainable performance of the turbo receiver provided that channel equalization, channel decoding and source decoding are carried out jointly and iteratively. At SER = 10-4, the performance of this three-component turbo receiver is about 2 dB better in comparison to the benchmark scheme carrying out channel equalization and channel decoding jointly, but source decoding separately. At this SER value, the performance of the proposed scheme is about 1 dB worse than that of the ½-rate convolutional coded non-dispersive AWGN channel.<br/

    Turbo Detection of Space-time Trellis-Coded Constant Bit Rate Vector-Quantised Videophone System using Reversible Variable-Length Codes, Convolutional Codes and Turbo Codes

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    In this treatise we characterise the achievable performance of a proprietary video transmission system, which employs a Constant Bit Rate (CBR) video codec that is concatenated with one of three error correction codecs, namely a Reversible Variable-Length Code (RVLC), a Convolutional Code (CC) or a convolutional-based Turbo Code (TC). In our investigations, the CBR video codec was invoked in conjunction with Space-Time Trellis Coding (STTC) designed for transmission over a dispersive Rayleigh fading channel. At the receiver, the channel equaliser, the STTC decoder and the RVLC, CC or TC decoder, as appropriate, employ the Max-Log Maximum A-Posteriori (MAP) algorithm and their operations are performed in an iterative 'turbo-detection' fashion. The systems were designed for maintaining similar error-free video reconstruction qualities, which were found to be subjectively pleasing at a Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) of 30.6~dB, at a similar decoding complexity per decoding iteration. These design criteria were achieved by employing differing transmission rates, with the CC- and TC-based systems having a 22% higher bandwidth requirement. The results demonstrated that the TC-, RVLC- and CC-based systems achieve acceptable subjective reconstructed video quality associated with an average PSNR in excess of 30~dB for Eb/N0E_b/N_0 values above 4.6~dB, 6.4~dB and 7.7~dB, respectively. The design choice between the TC- and RVLC-based systems constitutes a trade-off between the increased error resilience of the TC-based scheme and the reduced bandwidth requirement of the RVLC-based scheme

    Iterative Construction of Reversible Variable-Length Codes and Variable-Length Error-Correcting Codes

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    A unary error correction code for the near-capacity joint source and channel coding of symbol values from an infinite set

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    A novel Joint Source and Channel Code (JSCC) is proposed, which we refer to as the Unary Error Correction (UEC) code. Unlike existing JSCCs, our UEC facilitates the practical encoding of symbol values that are selected from a set having an infinite cardinality. Conventionally, these symbols are conveyed using Separate Source and Channel Codes (SSCCs), but we demonstrate that the residual redundancy that is retained following source coding results in a capacity loss, which is found to have a value of 1.11 dB in a particular practical scenario. By contrast, the proposed UEC code can eliminate this capacity loss, or reduce it to an infinitesimally small value. Furthermore, the UEC code has only a moderate complexity, facilitating its employment in practical low-complexity applications

    Optimal packetisation of MPEG-4 using RTP over mobile networks

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    The introduction of third-generation wireless networks should result in real-time mobile video communications becoming a reality. Delivery of such video is likely to be facilitated by the realtime transport protocol (RTP). Careful packetisation of the video data is necessary to ensure the optimal trade-off between channel utilisation and error robustness. Theoretical analyses for two basic schemes of MPEG-4 data encapsulation within RTP packets are presented. Simulations over a GPRS (general packet radio service) network are used to validate the analysis of the most efficient scheme. Finally, a motion adaptive system for deriving MPEG-4 video packet sizes is presented. Further simulations demonstrate the benefits of the adaptive system

    Robust image and video coding with pyramid vector quantisation

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    New Free Distance Bounds and Design Techniques for Joint Source-Channel Variable-Length Codes

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    International audienceThis paper proposes branch-and-prune algorithms for searching prefix-free joint source-channel codebooks with maximal free distance for given codeword lengths. For that purpose, it introduces improved techniques to bound the free distance of variable-length codes