1,503 research outputs found

    Energy conversion in isothermal nonlinear irreversible processes - struggling for higher efficiency

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    First we discuss some early work of Ulrike Feudel on structure formation in nonlinear reactions including ions and the efficiency of the conversion of chemical into electrical energy. Then we give some survey about energy conversion from chemical to higher forms of energy like mechanical, electrical and ecological energy. We consider examples of energy conversion in several natural processes and in some devices like fuel cells. Further, as an example, we study analytically the dynamics and efficiency of a simple "active circuit" converting chemical into electrical energy and driving currents which is roughly modeling fuel cells. Finally we investigate an analogous ecological system of Lotka - Volterra type consisting of an "active species" consuming some passive "chemical food". We show analytically for both these models that the efficiency increases with the load, reaches values higher then 50 percent in a narrow regime of optimal load and goes beyond some maximal load abrupt to zero.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Fundamental of cryogenics (for superconducting RF technology)

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    This review briefly illustrates a few fundamental concepts of cryogenic engineering, the technological practice that allows reaching and maintaining the low-temperature operating conditions of the superconducting devices needed in particle accelerators. To limit the scope of the task, and not to duplicate coverage of cryogenic engineering concepts particularly relevant to superconducting magnets that can be found in previous CAS editions, the overview presented in this course focuses on superconducting radio-frequency cavities.Comment: 20 pages, contribution to the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Course on High Power Hadron Machines; 24 May - 2 Jun 2011, Bilbao, Spai

    The Geometry of Interaction of Differential Interaction Nets

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    The Geometry of Interaction purpose is to give a semantic of proofs or programs accounting for their dynamics. The initial presentation, translated as an algebraic weighting of paths in proofnets, led to a better characterization of the lambda-calculus optimal reduction. Recently Ehrhard and Regnier have introduced an extension of the Multiplicative Exponential fragment of Linear Logic (MELL) that is able to express non-deterministic behaviour of programs and a proofnet-like calculus: Differential Interaction Nets. This paper constructs a proper Geometry of Interaction (GoI) for this extension. We consider it both as an algebraic theory and as a concrete reversible computation. We draw links between this GoI and the one of MELL. As a by-product we give for the first time an equational theory suitable for the GoI of the Multiplicative Additive fragment of Linear Logic.Comment: 20 pagee, to be published in the proceedings of LICS0

    A Structural Approach to Reversible Computation

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    Reversibility is a key issue in the interface between computation and physics, and of growing importance as miniaturization progresses towards its physical limits. Most foundational work on reversible computing to date has focussed on simulations of low-level machine models. By contrast, we develop a more structural approach. We show how high-level functional programs can be mapped compositionally (i.e. in a syntax-directed fashion) into a simple kind of automata which are immediately seen to be reversible. The size of the automaton is linear in the size of the functional term. In mathematical terms, we are building a concrete model of functional computation. This construction stems directly from ideas arising in Geometry of Interaction and Linear Logic---but can be understood without any knowledge of these topics. In fact, it serves as an excellent introduction to them. At the same time, an interesting logical delineation between reversible and irreversible forms of computation emerges from our analysis.Comment: 30 pages, appeared in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    The involutions-as-principal types/ application-as-unification analogy

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    In 2005, S. Abramsky introduced various universal models of computation based on Affine Combinatory Logic, consisting of partial involutions over a suitable formal language of moves, in order to discuss reversible computation in a game-theoretic setting. We investigate Abramsky\u2019s models from the point of view of the model theory of \u3bb-calculus, focusing on the purely linear and affine fragments of Abramsky\u2019s Combinatory Algebras. Our approach stems from realizing a structural analogy, which had not been hitherto pointed out in the literature, between the partial involution interpreting a combinator and the principal type of that term, with respect to a simple types discipline for \u3bb-calculus. This analogy allows for explaining as unification between principal types the somewhat awkward linear application of involutions arising from Geometry of Interaction (GoI). Our approach provides immediately an answer to the open problem, raised by Abramsky, of characterising those finitely describable partial involutions which are denotations of combinators, in the purely affine fragment. We prove also that the (purely) linear combinatory algebra of partial involutions is a (purely) linear \u3bb-algebra, albeit not a combinatory model, while the (purely) affine combinatory algebra is not. In order to check the complex equations involved in the definition of affine \u3bb-algebra, we implement in Erlang the compilation of \u3bb-terms as involutions, and their execution

    The Geometry of Synchronization (Long Version)

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    We graft synchronization onto Girard's Geometry of Interaction in its most concrete form, namely token machines. This is realized by introducing proof-nets for SMLL, an extension of multiplicative linear logic with a specific construct modeling synchronization points, and of a multi-token abstract machine model for it. Interestingly, the correctness criterion ensures the absence of deadlocks along reduction and in the underlying machine, this way linking logical and operational properties.Comment: 26 page
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