54 research outputs found

    The finite tiling problem is undecidable in the hyperbolic plane

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    In this paper, we consider the finite tiling problem which was proved undecidable in the Euclidean plane by Jarkko Kari in 1994. Here, we prove that the same problem for the hyperbolic plane is also undecidable

    Cellular automata on regular rooted trees

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    We study cellular automata on regular rooted trees. This includes the characterization of sofic tree shifts in terms of unrestricted Rabin automata and the decidability of the surjectivity problem for cellular automata between sofic tree shifts

    Turing degrees of limit sets of cellular automata

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    Cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems and a model of computation. The limit set of a cellular automaton consists of the configurations having an infinite sequence of preimages. It is well known that these always contain a computable point and that any non-trivial property on them is undecidable. We go one step further in this article by giving a full characterization of the sets of Turing degrees of cellular automata: they are the same as the sets of Turing degrees of effectively closed sets containing a computable point

    Revisiting the Rice Theorem of Cellular Automata

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    A cellular automaton is a parallel synchronous computing model, which consists in a juxtaposition of finite automata whose state evolves according to that of their neighbors. It induces a dynamical system on the set of configurations, i.e. the infinite sequences of cell states. The limit set of the cellular automaton is the set of configurations which can be reached arbitrarily late in the evolution. In this paper, we prove that all properties of limit sets of cellular automata with binary-state cells are undecidable, except surjectivity. This is a refinement of the classical "Rice Theorem" that Kari proved on cellular automata with arbitrary state sets.Comment: 12 pages conference STACS'1

    On Factor Universality in Symbolic Spaces

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    The study of factoring relations between subshifts or cellular automata is central in symbolic dynamics. Besides, a notion of intrinsic universality for cellular automata based on an operation of rescaling is receiving more and more attention in the literature. In this paper, we propose to study the factoring relation up to rescalings, and ask for the existence of universal objects for that simulation relation. In classical simulations of a system S by a system T, the simulation takes place on a specific subset of configurations of T depending on S (this is the case for intrinsic universality). Our setting, however, asks for every configurations of T to have a meaningful interpretation in S. Despite this strong requirement, we show that there exists a cellular automaton able to simulate any other in a large class containing arbitrarily complex ones. We also consider the case of subshifts and, using arguments from recursion theory, we give negative results about the existence of universal objects in some classes

    Phase Space Invertible Asynchronous Cellular Automata

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    While for synchronous deterministic cellular automata there is an accepted definition of reversibility, the situation is less clear for asynchronous cellular automata. We first discuss a few possibilities and then investigate what we call phase space invertible asynchronous cellular automata in more detail. We will show that for each Turing machine there is such a cellular automaton simulating it, and that it is decidable whether an asynchronous cellular automaton has this property or not, even in higher dimensions.Comment: In Proceedings AUTOMATA&JAC 2012, arXiv:1208.249