755 research outputs found

    ret2spec: Speculative Execution Using Return Stack Buffers

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    Speculative execution is an optimization technique that has been part of CPUs for over a decade. It predicts the outcome and target of branch instructions to avoid stalling the execution pipeline. However, until recently, the security implications of speculative code execution have not been studied. In this paper, we investigate a special type of branch predictor that is responsible for predicting return addresses. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study return address predictors and their consequences for the security of modern software. In our work, we show how return stack buffers (RSBs), the core unit of return address predictors, can be used to trigger misspeculations. Based on this knowledge, we propose two new attack variants using RSBs that give attackers similar capabilities as the documented Spectre attacks. We show how local attackers can gain arbitrary speculative code execution across processes, e.g., to leak passwords another user enters on a shared system. Our evaluation showed that the recent Spectre countermeasures deployed in operating systems can also cover such RSB-based cross-process attacks. Yet we then demonstrate that attackers can trigger misspeculation in JIT environments in order to leak arbitrary memory content of browser processes. Reading outside the sandboxed memory region with JIT-compiled code is still possible with 80\% accuracy on average.Comment: Updating to the cam-ready version and adding reference to the original pape

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application.Postprint (published version

    A compiler cost model for speculative multithreading chip-multiprocessor architectures

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    Rapid Parallelization by Collaboration

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    The widespread adoption of Chip Multiprocessors has renewed the emphasis on the use of parallelism to improve performance. The present and growing diversity in hardware architectures and software environments, however, continues to pose difficulties in the effective use of parallelism thus delaying a quick and smooth transition to the concurrency era. In this document, we describe the research being conducted at the Computer Science Department at Columbia University on a system called COMPASS that aims to simplify this transition by providing advice to programmers considering parallelizing their code. The advice proffered to the programmer is based on the wisdom collected from programmers who have already parallelized some code. The utility of COMPASS rests, not only on its ability to collect the wisdom unintrusively but also on its ability to automatically seek, find and synthesize this wisdom into advice that is tailored to the code the user is considering parallelizing and to the environment in which the optimized program will execute in. COMPASS provides a platform and an extensible framework for sharing human expertise about code parallelization -- widely and on diverse hardware and software. By leveraging the "Wisdom of Crowds" model which has been conjunctured to scale exponentially and which has successfully worked for Wikis, COMPASS aims to enable rapid parallelization of code and thus continue to extend the benefits for Moore's law scaling to science and society

    BandwidthBreach: Unleashing Covert and Side Channels through Cache Bandwidth Exploitation

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    In the modern CPU architecture, enhancements such as the Line Fill Buffer (LFB) and Super Queue (SQ), which are designed to track pending cache requests, have significantly boosted performance. To exploit this structures, we deliberately engineered blockages in the L2 to L1d route by controlling LFB conflict and triggering prefetch prediction failures, while consciously dismissing other plausible influencing factors. This approach was subsequently extended to the L3 to L2 and L2 to L1i pathways, resulting in three potent covert channels, termed L2CC, L3CC, and LiCC, with capacities of 10.02 Mbps, 10.37 Mbps, and 1.83 Mbps, respectively. Strikingly, the capacities of L2CC and L3CC surpass those of earlier non-shared-memory-based covert channels, reaching a level comparable to their shared memory-dependent equivalents. Leveraging this congestion further facilitated the extraction of key bits from RSA and EdDSA implementations. Coupled with SpectreV1 and V2, our covert channels effectively evade the majority of traditional Spectre defenses. Their confluence with Branch Prediction (BP) Timing assaults additionally undercuts balanced branch protections, hence broadening their capability to infiltrate a wide range of cryptography libraries

    Multiplex: Unifying Conventional and Speculative Thread-Level Parallelism on a Chip Multiprocessor

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    Recent proposals for Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) advocate speculative, or implicit, threading in which the hardware employs prediction to peel off instruction sequences (i.e., implicit threads) from the sequential execution stream and speculatively executes them in parallel on multiple processor cores. These proposals augment a conventional multiprocessor, which employs explicit threading, with the ability to handle implicit threads. Current proposals focus on only implicitly-threaded code sections. This paper identifies, for the first time, the issues in combining explicit and implicit threading. We present the Multiplex architecture to combine the two threading models. Multiplex exploits the similarities between implicit and explicit threading, and provides a unified support for the two threading models without additional hardware. Multiplex groups a subset of protocol states in an implicitly-threaded CMP to provide a write-invalidate protocol for explicit threads. Using a fully-integrated compiler inf rastructure for automatic generation of Multiplex code, this paper presents a detailed performance analysis for entire benchmarks, instead of just implicitly- threaded sections, as done in previous papers. We show that neither threading models alone performs consistently better than the other across the benchmarks. A CMP with four dual-issue CPUs achieves a speedup of 1.48 and 2.17 over one dual-issue CPU, using implicit-only and explicit-only threading, respectively. Multiplex matches or outperforms the better of the two threading models for every benchmark, and a four-CPU Multiplex achieves a speedup of 2.63. Our detailed analysis indicates that the dominant overheads in an implicitly-threaded CMP are speculation state overflow due to limited L1 cache capacity, and load imbalance and data dependences in fine-grain threads

    LASER: Light, Accurate Sharing dEtection and Repair

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    Contention for shared memory, in the forms of true sharing and false sharing, is a challenging performance bug to discover and to repair. Understanding cache contention requires global knowledge of the program\u27s actual sharing behavior, and can even arise invisibly in the program due to the opaque decisions of the memory allocator. Previous schemes have focused only on false sharing, and impose significant performance penalties or require non-trivial alterations to the operating system or runtime system environment. This paper presents the Light, Accurate Sharing dEtection and Repair (LASER) system, which leverages new performance counter capabilities available on Intel\u27s Haswell architecture that identify the source of expensive cache coherence events. Using records of these events generated by the hardware, we build a system for online contention detection and repair that operates with low performance overhead and does not require any invasive program, compiler or operating system changes. Our experiments show that LASER imposes just 2% average runtime overhead on the Phoenix, Parsec and Splash2x benchmarks. LASER can automatically improve the performance of programs by up to 19% on commodity hardware
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