62 research outputs found

    Hierarchy of reversal bounded one-way multicounter machines

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    Bounded Languages Meet Cellular Automata with Sparse Communication

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    Cellular automata are one-dimensional arrays of interconnected interacting finite automata. We investigate one of the weakest classes, the real-time one-way cellular automata, and impose an additional restriction on their inter-cell communication by bounding the number of allowed uses of the links between cells. Moreover, we consider the devices as acceptors for bounded languages in order to explore the borderline at which non-trivial decidability problems of cellular automata classes become decidable. It is shown that even devices with drastically reduced communication, that is, each two neighboring cells may communicate only constantly often, accept bounded languages that are not semilinear. If the number of communications is at least logarithmic in the length of the input, several problems are undecidable. The same result is obtained for classes where the total number of communications during a computation is linearly bounded

    Unambiguous Turn Position and Rational Trace Languages

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    We show the existence of rational trace languages defined over direct products of free monoids that have inherent ambiguity of the order of log n and n 1/2 . This result is obtained by studying the relationship between trace languages and linear context-free grammars that satisfy a special unambiguity condition on the position of the last step of derivation

    Learning to Prove Safety over Parameterised Concurrent Systems (Full Version)

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    We revisit the classic problem of proving safety over parameterised concurrent systems, i.e., an infinite family of finite-state concurrent systems that are represented by some finite (symbolic) means. An example of such an infinite family is a dining philosopher protocol with any number n of processes (n being the parameter that defines the infinite family). Regular model checking is a well-known generic framework for modelling parameterised concurrent systems, where an infinite set of configurations (resp. transitions) is represented by a regular set (resp. regular transducer). Although verifying safety properties in the regular model checking framework is undecidable in general, many sophisticated semi-algorithms have been developed in the past fifteen years that can successfully prove safety in many practical instances. In this paper, we propose a simple solution to synthesise regular inductive invariants that makes use of Angluin's classic L* algorithm (and its variants). We provide a termination guarantee when the set of configurations reachable from a given set of initial configurations is regular. We have tested L* algorithm on standard (as well as new) examples in regular model checking including the dining philosopher protocol, the dining cryptographer protocol, and several mutual exclusion protocols (e.g. Bakery, Burns, Szymanski, and German). Our experiments show that, despite the simplicity of our solution, it can perform at least as well as existing semi-algorithms.Comment: Full version of FMCAD'17 pape

    A polynomial time match test for large classes of extended regular expressions

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    In the present paper, we study the match test for extended regular expressions. We approach this NP-complete problem by introducing a novel variant of two-way multihead automata, which reveals that the complexity of the match test is determined by a hidden combinatorial property of extended regular expressions, and it shows that a restriction of the corresponding parameter leads to rich classes with a polynomial time match test. For presentational reasons, we use the concept of pattern languages in order to specify extended regular expressions. While this decision, formally, slightly narrows the scope of our results, an extension of our concepts and results to more general notions of extended regular expressions is straightforward