6 research outputs found

    Automatic speech recognition with deep neural networks for impaired speech

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    The final publication is available at https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-49169-1_10Automatic Speech Recognition has reached almost human performance in some controlled scenarios. However, recognition of impaired speech is a difficult task for two main reasons: data is (i) scarce and (ii) heterogeneous. In this work we train different architectures on a database of dysarthric speech. A comparison between architectures shows that, even with a small database, hybrid DNN-HMM models outperform classical GMM-HMM according to word error rate measures. A DNN is able to improve the recognition word error rate a 13% for subjects with dysarthria with respect to the best classical architecture. This improvement is higher than the one given by other deep neural networks such as CNNs, TDNNs and LSTMs. All the experiments have been done with the Kaldi toolkit for speech recognition for which we have adapted several recipes to deal with dysarthric speech and work on the TORGO database. These recipes are publicly available.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A combined evaluation of established and new approaches for speech recognition in varied reverberation conditions

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    International audienceRobustness to reverberation is a key concern for distant-microphone ASR. Various approaches have been proposed, including single-channel or multichannel dereverberation, robust feature extraction, alternative acoustic models, and acoustic model adaptation. However, to the best of our knowledge, a detailed study of these techniques in varied reverberation conditions is still missing in the literature. In this paper, we conduct a series of experiments to assess the impact of various dereverberation and acoustic model adaptation approaches on the ASR performance in the range of reverberation conditions found in real domestic environments. We consider both established approaches such as WPE and newer approaches such as learning hidden unit contribution (LHUC) adaptations, whose performance has not been reported before in this context, and we employ them in combination. Our results indicate that performing weighted prediction error (WPE) dereverberation on a reverberated test speech utterance and decoding using an deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model trained with multi-condition reverberated speech with feature-space maximum likelihood linear regression (fMLLR) transformed features, outperforms more recent approaches and helps significantly reduce the word error rate (WER)

    Phonetic aware techniques for Speaker Verification

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    The goal of this thesis is to improve current state-of-the-art techniques in speaker verification (SV), typically based on âidentity-vectorsâ (i-vectors) and deep neural network (DNN), by exploiting diverse (phonetic) information extracted using various techniques such as automatic speech recognition (ASR). Different speakers span different subspaces within a universal acoustic space, usually modelled by âuniversal background modelâ. The speaker-specific subspace depends on the speakerâs voice characteristics, but also on the verbalised text of a speaker. In current state-of-the-art SV systems, i-vectors are extracted by applying a factor analysis technique to obtain low dimensional speaker-specific representation. Furthermore, DNN output is also employed in a conventional i-vector framework to model phonetic information embedded in the speech signal. This thesis proposes various techniques to exploit phonetic knowledge of speech to further enrich speaker characteristics. More specifically, the techniques proposed in this thesis are applied to various SV tasks, namely, text-independent and text-dependent SV. For text-independent SV task, several ASR systems are developed and applied to compute phonetic posterior probabilities, subsequently exploited to enhance the speaker-specific information included in i-vectors. These approaches are then extended for text-dependent SV task, exploiting temporal information in a principled way, i.e., by using dynamic time warping applied on speaker informative vectors. Finally, as opposed to train DNN with phonetic information, DNN is trained in an end-to-end fashion to directly discriminate speakers. The baseline end-to-end SV approach consists of mapping a variable length speech segment to a fixed dimensional speaker vector by estimating the mean of hidden representations in DNN structure. We improve upon this technique by computing a distance function between two utterances which takes into account common phonetic units. The whole network is optimized by employing a triplet-loss objective function. The proposed approaches are evaluated on commonly used datasets such as NIST SRE 2010 and RSR2015. Significant improvements are observed over the baseline systems on both the text-dependent and text-independent SV tasks by applying phonetic knowledge


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    Performance of automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems is very sensitive to mismatch between training (source) and testing (target) domains. The best way to address domain mismatch is to perform matched condition training – gather sufficient labeled samples from the target domain and use them in training. However, in many cases this is too expensive or impractical. Usually, gaining access to unlabeled target domain data, e.g., from open source online media, and labeled data from other domains is more feasible. This work focuses on making ASV systems robust to uncontrolled (‘wild’) conditions, with the help of some unlabeled data acquired from such conditions. Given acoustic features from both domains, we propose learning a mapping function – a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with an encoder-decoder architecture – between features of both the domains. We explore training the network in two different scenarios: training on paired speech samples from both domains and training on unpaired data. In the former case, where the paired data is usually obtained via simulation, the CNN is treated as a nonii ABSTRACT linear regression function and is trained to minimize L2 loss between original and predicted features from target domain. We provide empirical evidence that this approach introduces distortions that affect verification performance. To address this, we explore training the CNN using adversarial loss (along with L2), which makes the predicted features indistinguishable from the original ones, and thus, improve verification performance. The above framework using simulated paired data, though effective, cannot be used to train the network on unpaired data obtained by independently sampling speech from both domains. In this case, we first train a CNN using adversarial loss to map features from target to source. We, then, map the predicted features back to the target domain using an auxiliary network, and minimize a cycle-consistency loss between the original and reconstructed target features. Our unsupervised adaptation approach complements its supervised counterpart, where adaptation is done using labeled data from both domains. We focus on three domain mismatch scenarios: (1) sampling frequency mismatch between the domains, (2) channel mismatch, and (3) robustness to far-field and noisy speech acquired from wild conditions