8 research outputs found

    Radial Basis Function Aided Space-Time Equalization in Dispersive Fading Uplink Environments

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    A novel Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) assisted Decision-Feedback aided Space-Time Equalizer (DF-STE) designed for receivers employing multiple antennas is proposed. The Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the RBFN aided DF-STE is evaluated when communicating over correlated Rayleigh fading channels, whose Channel Impulse Response (CIR) is estimated using a Kalman filtering based channel estimator. The proposed receiver structure outperforms the linear Minimum Mean-Squared Error benchmarker and it is less sensitive to both error propagation and channel estimation errors

    Processamento largamente linear adaptativo em sistemas MIMO

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    Wireless communication systems using two or more transmit antennas and one or more receiving antennas have emerged in recent years. There are several reasons for this to be occurring, including: the increasing demand for high data rate, high user mobility, the search for greater spectral efficiency and better quality of service (QoS). The space diversity provided by the use of multiple antennas can effectively combat deep fading caused by wireless communication channel. The analysis and description of MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) channels is much more complex when compared to SISO (Single Input, Single Output) systems because we have NT (> 1) antennas and NR (> 1) receiving antennas and in total we have NTxNR channels. In this paper we will focus on the application of widely linear (WL) processing systems MISO (Multiple Input, Single Output) and MIMO, especially in the form proposed by Alamouti. This paper presents a proposal for a low-cost computer that uses the WL processing in a MIMO system consisting of two antennas and two receive antennas. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of this scheme.Sistemas de comunicações sem fio empregando duas ou mais antenas transmissoras e com uma ou mais antenas receptoras têm se destacado nos últimos anos. Existem várias razões para isto estar ocorrendo, entre elas: a demanda cada vez maior por alta taxa de dados, maior mobilidade do usuário, a busca por uma maior eficiência espectral e melhor qualidade de serviço (QoS – quality of service). A diversidade espacial proporcionada pelo uso de múltiplas antenas pode combater eficientemente desvanecimentos profundos provocados pelo canal de comunicação radiomóvel. A análise e descrição de canais MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) é bem mais complexa quando comparada a sistemas SISO (Single Input, Single Output), pois podemos ter NT (> 1) antenas transmissoras e NR (> 1) antenas receptoras, e no total teremos NTxNR canais. Neste artigo, focaremos a aplicação do processamento largamente linear (LL) em sistemas MISO (Multiple Input, Single Output) e MIMO, em especial na configuração proposta por Alamouti. Neste artigo apresentamos uma proposta de baixo custo computacional que usa o processamento LL em um sistema MIMO composto por duas antenas transmissoras e duas antenas receptoras. Os resultados de simulação confirmam a viabilidade da proposta

    Reuse within a cell - Interference rejection or multiuser detection

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    Abstract—We investigate the use of an antenna array at the receiver in frequency-division multiple-access/timedivision multiple-access systems to let several users share one communication channel within a cell. A decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) which simultaneously detects all incoming signals is compared to a set of DFE’s, each detecting one signal and rejecting the remaining as interference. We also introduce the existence of a zero-forcing solution to the equalization problem as an indicator of near–far resistance of different detector structures. Near–far resistance guarantees good performance if the noise level is low. Simulations show that with an increased number of users in the cell, the incremental performance degradation is small for the multiuser detector. We have also applied the proposed algorithms to experimental measurements from a DCS-1800 antenna array testbed. The results from these experiments confirm that reuse within a cell is indeed possible using either an eight-element array antenna or a two-branch diversity sector antenna. Multiuser detection will, in general, provide better performance than interference rejection, especially when the power levels of the users differ substantially. The difference in performance is of crucial importance when the available training sequences are short. Index Terms — Antenna arrays, decision-feedback equalizers, interference suppression, multiuser channels, multivariable systems

    Reuse Within a Cell - Interference Rejection or Multiuser Detection?

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    We investigate the use of an antenna array at the receiver in FDMA/TDMA systems, to let several users share one communication channel within a cell. A decision feedback equalizer which simultaneously detects all incoming signals (multiuser detection) is compared to a set of decision feedback equalizers, each detecting one signal and rejecting the remaining as interference. We also introduce the existence of a zero-forcing solution to the equalization problem as an indicator of near-far resistance of different detector structures. Simulations indicate that multiuser detection in general provides better performance than interference rejection. We have applied the proposed algorithms to experimental measurements from a DCS-1800 antenna array testbed. The results from these experiments confirm that reuse within a cell is indeed possible using an eight-element array antenna at the receiver. I. INTRODUCTION In a cellular communication system, multi-element antennas, also known as antenna a..

    Reuse within a cell-interference rejection or multiuser detection?

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    Reuse Within a Cell-Interference Rejection or Multiuser Detection?

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    We investigate the use of an antenna array at the receiver in frequency-division multiple-access/timedivision multiple-access systems to let several users share one communication channel within a cell. A decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) which simultaneously detects all incoming signals is compared to a set of DFE's, each detecting one signal and rejecting the remaining as interference. We also introduce the existence of a zero-forcing solution to the equalization problem as an indicator of near--far resistance of different detector structures. Near--far resistance guarantees good performance if the noise level is low. Simulations show that with an increased number of users in the cell, the incremental performance degradation is small for the multiuser detector. We have also applied the proposed algorithms to experimental measurements from a DCS-1800 antenna array testbed. The results from these experiments confirm that reuse within a cell is indeed possible using either an eight-elem..

    Reuse Within a Cell - Interference Rejection Or Multiuser Detection?

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    We investigate the use of an antenna array at the receiver in FDMA/TDMA systems to let several users share one communication channel within a cell. A decision feedback equalizer which simultaneously detects all incoming signals is compared to a set of decision feedback equalizers, each detecting one signal and rejecting the remaining as interference. We also introduce the existence of a zero-forcing solution to the equalization problem as an indicator of near-far resistance of different detector structures. Near-far resistance guarantees good performance if the noise level is low. Simulations show that with an increased number of users in the cell, the incremental performance degradation is small for the multiuser detector. We have also applied the proposed algorithms to experimental measurements from a DCS-1800 antenna array testbed. The results from these experiments confirm that reuse within a cell is indeed possible, using either an eight-element array antenna or a two-branch diver..

    Processamento largamente linear aplicado ao problema de equalização de canal de comunicação digital

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Esta tese aborda o desenvolvimento e a implementação de técnicas de processamento largamente linear (LL) aplicadas aos problemas de equalização treinada e equalização cega do canal de comunicação. O processamento largamente linear vem se mostrando uma técnica de grande interesse de pesquisa, pois, sob algumas condições, leva a um desempenho muito superior às técnicas lineares convencionais de equalização, predição, formatação de feixe entre outras aplicações, com custo computacional reduzido. Inicialmente, este documento apresenta a fundamentação teórica do processamento largamente linear onde revisamos os conceitos de sinal impróprio, ruído duplamente branco, circularidade e outros. Em seguida, com base nestes conceitos, apresentamos exemplos de sinais reais e complexos que são não-circulares onde o processamento largamente linear pode, portanto, ser aplicado vantajosamente. Investigamos as propriedades dos equalizadores largamente lineares cujo desempenho é superior ao dos equalizadores lineares, tanto em relação à complexidade computacional quanto à compensação dos efeitos do canal. Nesse estudo, incluímos o cálculo do atraso ótimo de equalização e aliamos a técnica multi-split aos equalizadores largamente lineares com o objetivo de obter uma maior taxa de convergência e um menor erro de convergência sem elevar muito o custo computacional. Um dos principais resultados obtidos é o desenvolvimento de um novo equalizador cego baseado em um filtro de erro de predição largamente linear (FEPLL). Este novo equalizador, em contraste com a equalização usando um filtro de erro de predição linear (FEPL), é capaz de equalizar canais de fase não-mínima, inclusive aqueles com nulos espectrais. Adaptamos os algoritmos LMS (com passo fixo ou variável) e RLS para o uso com este equalizador LL. Usando um conjunto de FEPLL obtivemos uma solução de equalização cega mais robusta e de melhor desempenho que a conseguida por um único FEPLL. Parte do trabalho teórico desenvolvido (equalizador largamente linear e FEPLL de passo fixo) foi implementado em FPGA. Todas as propostas desta tese foram validadas por meio de simulações de Monte Carlo