6 research outputs found

    Retractions in Intersection Types

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    This paper deals with retraction - intended as isomorphic embedding - in intersection types building left and right inverses as terms of a lambda calculus with a bottom constant. The main result is a necessary and sufficient condition two strict intersection types must satisfy in order to assure the existence of two terms showing the first type to be a retract of the second one. Moreover, the characterisation of retraction in the standard intersection types is discussed.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2016, arXiv:1702.0187

    Proof Systems for Retracts in Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

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    Abstract. This paper concerns retracts in simply typed lambda calculus assuming βη-equality. We provide a simple tableau proof system which characterises when a type is a retract of another type and which leads to an exponential decision procedure.

    Second-Order Type Isomorphisms Through Game Semantics

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    The characterization of second-order type isomorphisms is a purely syntactical problem that we propose to study under the enlightenment of game semantics. We study this question in the case of second-order λμ\mu-calculus, which can be seen as an extension of system F to classical logic, and for which we define a categorical framework: control hyperdoctrines. Our game model of λμ\mu-calculus is based on polymorphic arenas (closely related to Hughes' hyperforests) which evolve during the play (following the ideas of Murawski-Ong). We show that type isomorphisms coincide with the "equality" on arenas associated with types. Finally we deduce the equational characterization of type isomorphisms from this equality. We also recover from the same model Roberto Di Cosmo's characterization of type isomorphisms for system F. This approach leads to a geometrical comprehension on the question of second order type isomorphisms, which can be easily extended to some other polymorphic calculi including additional programming features.Comment: accepted by Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Special Issue on Game Semantic

    Retracts in Simple Types

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    International audienceWe prove the decidability of the existence of a definable retraction between two given simple types when both types are built over a unique ground type. Instead of defining some extension of a former type system from which these retractions could be inferred, we obtain this result as a corollary of the decidability of the minimal model of simply typed λ-calculus