7 research outputs found

    Re-visiting Meltsner: Policy Advice Systems and the Multi-Dimensional Nature of Professional Policy Analysis

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    Organizational learning in government sector organizations:literature review

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    Literature review commissioned by the National Audit Office for the NAO report "Helping Government Learn" ISBN: 978010295464

    Što je rečeno i što još treba reći o BSC metodi?

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    The aim of this study is to address the paradox that while the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tool enjoys widespread penetration in the corporate world, at a theoretical level it has received many and varied criticisms. The hypothesis is that the BSC is based on a solid theoretical model that is applicable to companies. This hypothesis is analysed by means of a literature review. This review has been done over 955 documents containing the same expression related to BSC in the ISI database. Finally, after some filter criteria, 309 articles have been analyzed. The conclusion of the study is that the assumed hypothesis has been confirmed. The BSC is a model that has evolved and been honed over the years to the point where it currently has a solid and applicable theoretical foundation, which is made possible by implementing it in various sectors and countries. However, there are still some questionable aspects with regard to certain elements of the model (perspectives, indicators and cause and effect relationship).Cilj ovog istraživanja je ukazati na paradoks Balance Scorecard (BSC) metode koja iako široko rasprostranjena u korporativnom svijetu, na teorijskoj razini izložena je mnogobrojnim kritikama. Postavlja se hipoteza da se BSC temelji na čvrstom teoretskom modelu koji je primjenjiv na poduzeća, a testira se pomoću odgovarajuće literature. Pregled je napravljen na temelju više od 955 dokumenata koji sadrže iste pojmove povezane s BSC metodom u ISI bazi podataka. Naposljetku, nakon nekoliko izabranih kriterija, analizirano je 309 članaka. Zaključak istraživanja je da je pretpostavljena hipoteza potvrđena. BSC je metoda koja se razvila i usavršila tijekom godina do točke u kojoj trenutno ima čvrste i primjenjive temelje, što je čini mogućom za primjenu na različite sektore i države. Međutim, još uvijek postoje upitni aspekti s obzirom na određene elemente modela (perspektive, pokazatelje i vezu između uzroka i posljedica)

    Što je rečeno i što još treba reći o BSC metodi?

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    The aim of this study is to address the paradox that while the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tool enjoys widespread penetration in the corporate world, at a theoretical level it has received many and varied criticisms. The hypothesis is that the BSC is based on a solid theoretical model that is applicable to companies. This hypothesis is analysed by means of a literature review. This review has been done over 955 documents containing the same expression related to BSC in the ISI database. Finally, after some filter criteria, 309 articles have been analyzed. The conclusion of the study is that the assumed hypothesis has been confirmed. The BSC is a model that has evolved and been honed over the years to the point where it currently has a solid and applicable theoretical foundation, which is made possible by implementing it in various sectors and countries. However, there are still some questionable aspects with regard to certain elements of the model (perspectives, indicators and cause and effect relationship).Cilj ovog istraživanja je ukazati na paradoks Balance Scorecard (BSC) metode koja iako široko rasprostranjena u korporativnom svijetu, na teorijskoj razini izložena je mnogobrojnim kritikama. Postavlja se hipoteza da se BSC temelji na čvrstom teoretskom modelu koji je primjenjiv na poduzeća, a testira se pomoću odgovarajuće literature. Pregled je napravljen na temelju više od 955 dokumenata koji sadrže iste pojmove povezane s BSC metodom u ISI bazi podataka. Naposljetku, nakon nekoliko izabranih kriterija, analizirano je 309 članaka. Zaključak istraživanja je da je pretpostavljena hipoteza potvrđena. BSC je metoda koja se razvila i usavršila tijekom godina do točke u kojoj trenutno ima čvrste i primjenjive temelje, što je čini mogućom za primjenu na različite sektore i države. Međutim, još uvijek postoje upitni aspekti s obzirom na određene elemente modela (perspektive, pokazatelje i vezu između uzroka i posljedica)

    El cuadro de mando integral: de la teoría a su implantación práctica

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    En la presente tesis se analiza el Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) desde diferentes puntos de vista: Académico, donde se contempla la opinión de los creadores del modelo, los críticos, y la comunidad científica en general. Sus diferentes puntos de vista se analizan a través de las investigaciones científicas publicadas. Organizaciones que podrían ser, son o fueron usuarias del CMI. Su opinión se estudia a través de una encuesta, entrevistas y documentación interna. Empresas consultoras, compañías que comercializan el CMI como una de sus soluciones, analizado en base a entrevistas. La investigación se ha concretado en cuatro aportaciones académicas, tres artículos académicos y una comunicación presentada en un congreso internacional.This thesis analyzes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) from different points of view: Academic, which provides the opinion of the model creators, their critics, and the general scientific community. Their different views are analyzed through published scientific research papers. Organizations that may be, are or were users of BSC. Their opinions are studied through a survey, interviews and internal documentation. Consulting firms, companies that commercialize BSC as one of their solutions, based on interviews done. The investigation has resulted in four academic contributions, three academic articles and one paper presented at an international conferenc

    Policy Sovereignty: The Role of Endogenous Policy Formulation and Policy Autonomy in The Survival of Small Island Developing States in The Global World; Case Study on The Maldives.

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    The world as we know it today, is not only made up of the various countries and the populations who live in them, but also consists of systems, rules and regulations not just at the national level, but at a global scale as well. While some of these global systems, concepts and regulations bring many folds of benefits to those countries who can access them, there are those who are left behind, forever reaching out but not quite reaching it. These would be the smaller states, who remain disadvantaged from their geolocation to their socioeconomics within which they struggle to survive. Although the sovereign state is very much a real concept, on the economic and political front, the ‘bigger’ countries transcend their geographic boundaries through their economic and political institutions, and systems. And although for these countries the world is becoming a smaller place, for the smaller countries the world is becoming a bigger place, with a multitude of economic and political actors who make rules, regulations and legislations by which the smaller countries have to abide, and hence, the question needs to be asked as to how the smaller countries would survive in the ever increasing globalisation of the world. One of the main arenas within a country that can sculpt the way in which it acts and reacts in the global system is its policy arena, where the policies the country adopts, or can adopt, impacts not just the survival in the global world, but lay the foundations to compete in it. In this respect, this thesis takes a new outlook on the old concept of policy formulation and implementation by the country’s own people, to address their ground reality, through the concept of ‘policy sovereignty’ such that smaller states can address their many policy issues that remain overlooked by the global system