13 research outputs found

    Iris localisation using Fuzzy Centre Detection (FCD) scheme and active contour snake

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    Iris localisation is a crucial operation in iris recognition algorithm and also in applications, where irises are the main target object. This paper presents a new method to localise iris by using Fuzzy Centre Detection (FCD) scheme and active contour Snake. FCD scheme which consists of four fuzzy membership functions is purposely designed to find a centre of the iris. By using the centre of iris as the reference point, an active contour Snake algorithm is employed to localise the inner and outer of iris boundary. This proposed method is tested and validated with two categories of image database; iris databases and face database. For iris database, UBIRIS.v1, UBIRIS.v2, CASIA.v1, CASIA.v2, MMU1 and MMU2 are used. Whilst for face databases, MUCT, AT&T, Georgia Tech and ZJUblink databases are chosen to evaluate the capability of proposed method to deal with the small size of the iris in the image database. Based on the experimental result, the proposed method shows promising results for both types of databases, including comparison with the some existing iris localisation algorithm

    Visual servoing using statistical pressure snakes.

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    Automated visual direction : LDRD 38623 final report.

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    CPM: a deformable model for shape recovery and segmentation based on charged particles

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    MicroCT: Automated Analysis of CT Reconstructed Data of Home Made Explosive Materials Using the Matlab MicroCT Analysis GUI

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    This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provides the specific procedural steps for analyzing reconstructed CT images obtained under the IDD Standard Operating Procedures for data acquisition [1] and MicroCT image reconstruction [2], per the IDD Quality Assurance Plan for MicroCT Scanning [3]. Although intended to apply primarily to MicroCT data acquired in the HEAFCAT Facility at LLNL, these procedures may also be applied to data acquired at Tyndall from the YXLON cabinet and at TSL from the HEXCAT system. This SOP also provides the procedural steps for preparing the tables and graphs to be used in the reporting of analytical results. This SOP applies to production work - for R and D there are two other semi-automated methods as given in [4, 5]

    SST: Integrated Fluorocarbon Microsensor System Using Catalytic Modification

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    Selective, sensitive, and reliable sensors are urgently needed to detect air-borne halogenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This broad class of compounds includes chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and iodine containing hydrocarbons used as solvents, refrigerants, herbicides, and more recently as chemical warfare agents (CWAs). It is important to be able to detect very low concentrations of halocarbon solvents and insecticides because of their acute health effects even in very low concentrations. For instance, the nerve agent sarin (isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate), first developed as an insecticide by German chemists in 1938, is so toxic that a ten minute exposure at an airborne concentration of only 65 parts per billion (ppb) can be fatal. Sarin became a household term when religious cult members on Tokyo subway trains poisoned over 5,500 people, killing 12. Sarin and other CWAs remain a significant threat to the health and safety of the general public. The goal of this project is to design a sensor system to detect and identify the composition and concentration of fluorinated VOCs. The system should be small, robust, compatible with metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) technology, cheap, if produced in large scale, and has the potential to be versatile in terms of low power consumption, detection of other gases, and integration in a portable system. The proposed VOC sensor system has three major elements that will be integrated into a microreactor flow cell: a temperature-programmable microhotplate array/reactor system which serves as the basic sensor platform; an innovative acoustic wave sensor, which detects material removal (instead of deposition) to verify and quantify the presence of fluorine; and an intelligent method, support vector machines, that will analyze the complex and high dimensional data furnished by the sensor system. The superior and complementary aspects of the three elements will be carefully integrated to create a system which is more sensitive and selective than other CWA detection systems that are commercially available or described in the research literature. While our sensor system will be developed to detect fluorinated VOCs, it can be adapted for other applications in which a target analyte can be catalytically converted for selective detection. Therefore, this investigation will examine the relationships between individual sensor element performance and joint sensor platform performance, integrated with state-of-the-art data analysis techniques. During development of the sensor system, the investigators will consider traditional reactor design concepts such as mass transfer and residence time effects, and will apply them to the emerging field of microsystems. The proposed research will provide the fundamental basis and understanding for examining multifunctional sensor platforms designed to provide extreme selectivity to targeted molecules. The project will involve interdisciplinary researchers and students and will connect to K-12 and RET programs for underrepresented students from rural areas

    Towards Spatial Queries over Phenomena in Sensor Networks

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    Today, technology developments enable inexpensive production and deployment of tiny sensing and computing nodes. Networked through wireless radio, such senor nodes form a new platform, wireless sensor networks, which provide novel ability to monitor spatiotemporally continuous phenomena. By treating a wireless sensor network as a database system, users can pose SQL-based queries over phenomena without needing to program detailed sensor node operations. DBMS-internally, intelligent and energyefficient data collection and processing algorithms have to be implemented to support spatial query processing over sensor networks. This dissertation proposes spatial query support for two views of continuous phenomena: field-based and object-based. A field-based view of continuous phenomena depicts them as a value distribution over a geographical area. However, due to the discrete and comparatively sparse distribution of sensor nodes, estimation methods are necessary to generate a field-based query result, and it has to be computed collaboratively ‘in-the-network’ due to energy constraints. This dissertation proposes SWOP, an in-network algorithm using Gaussian Kernel estimation. The key contribution is the use of a small number of Hermite coefficients to approximate the Gaussian Kernel function for sub-clustered sensor nodes, and processes the estimation result efficiently. An object-based view of continuous phenomena is interested in aspects such as the boundary of an ‘interesting region’ (e.g. toxic plume). This dissertation presents NED, which provides object boundary detection in sensor networks. NED encodes partial event estimation results based on confidence levels into optimized, variable length messages exchanged locally among neighboring sensor nodes to save communication cost. Therefore, sensor nodes detect objects and boundaries based on moving averages to eliminate noise effects and enhance detection quality. Furthermore, the dissertation proposes the SNAKE-based approach, which uses deformable curves to track the spatiotemporal changes of such objects incrementally in sensor networks. In the proposed algorithm, only neighboring nodes exchange messages to maintain the curve structures. Based on in-network tracking of deformable curves, other types of spatial and spatiotemporal properties of objects, such as area, can be provided by the sensor network. The experimental results proved that our approaches are resource friendly within the constrained sensor networks, while providing high quality query results

    Decoupled Deformable Model For 2D/3D Boundary Identification

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    The accurate detection of static object boundaries such as contours or surfaces and dynamic tunnels of moving objects via deformable models is an ongoing research topic in computer vision. Most deformable models attempt to converge towards a desired solution by minimizing the sum of internal (prior) and external (measurement) energy terms. Such an approach is elegant, but frequently mis-converges in the presence of noise or complex boundaries and typically requires careful semi-dependent parameter tuning and initialization. Furthermore, current deformable model based approaches are computationally demanding which precludes real-time use. To address these limitations, a decoupled deformable model (DDM) is developed which optimizes the two energy terms separately. Essentially, the DDM consists of a measurement update step, employing a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator, followed by a separate prior step, which modifies the updated deformable model based on the relative strengths of the measurement uncertainty and the non-stationary prior. The non-stationary prior is generated by using a curvature guided importance sampling method to capture high curvature regions. By separating the measurement and prior steps, the algorithm is less likely to mis-converge; furthermore, the use of a non-iterative ML estimator allows the method to converge more rapidly than energy-based iterative solvers. The full functionality of the DDM is developed in three phases. First, a DDM in 2D called the decoupled active contour (DAC) is developed to accurately identify the boundary of a 2D object in the presence of noise and background clutter. To carry out this task, the DAC employs the Viterbi algorithm as a truncated ML estimator, curvature guided importance sampling as a non-stationary prior generator, and a linear Bayesian estimator to fuse the non-stationary prior with the measurements. Experimental results clearly demonstrate that the DAC is robust to noise, can capture regions of very high curvature, and exhibits limited dependence on contour initialization or parameter settings. Compared to three other published methods and across many images, the DAC is found to be faster and to offer consistently accurate boundary identification. Second, a fast decoupled active contour (FDAC) is proposed to accelerate the convergence rate and the scalability of the DAC without sacrificing the accuracy by employing computationally efficient and scalable techniques to solve the three primary steps of DAC. The computational advantage of the FDAC is demonstrated both experimentally and analytically compared to three computationally efficient methods using illustrative examples. Finally, an extension of the FDAC from 2D to 3D called a decoupled active surface (DAS) is developed to precisely identify the surface of a volumetric 3D image and the tunnel of a moving 2D object. To achieve the objectives of the DAS, the concepts of the FDAC are extended to 3D by using a specialized 3D deformable model representation scheme and a computationally and storage efficient estimation scheme. The performance of the DAS is demonstrated using several natural and synthetic volumetric images and a sequence of moving objects