2,004 research outputs found

    Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph

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    The MEG (minimum equivalent graph) problem is, given a directed graph, to find a small subset of the edges that maintains all reachability relations between nodes. The problem is NP-hard. This paper gives an approximation algorithm with performance guarantee of pi^2/6 ~ 1.64. The algorithm and its analysis are based on the simple idea of contracting long cycles. (This result is strengthened slightly in ``On strongly connected digraphs with bounded cycle length'' (1996).) The analysis applies directly to 2-Exchange, a simple ``local improvement'' algorithm, showing that its performance guarantee is 1.75.Comment: conference version in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1994

    On Directed Feedback Vertex Set parameterized by treewidth

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    We study the Directed Feedback Vertex Set problem parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. We prove that unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, the problem cannot be solved in time 2o(tlogt)nO(1)2^{o(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} on general directed graphs, where tt is the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. This is matched by a dynamic programming algorithm with running time 2O(tlogt)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. On the other hand, we show that if the input digraph is planar, then the running time can be improved to 2O(t)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}.Comment: 20

    Sizing the length of complex networks

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    Among all characteristics exhibited by natural and man-made networks the small-world phenomenon is surely the most relevant and popular. But despite its significance, a reliable and comparable quantification of the question `how small is a small-world network and how does it compare to others' has remained a difficult challenge to answer. Here we establish a new synoptic representation that allows for a complete and accurate interpretation of the pathlength (and efficiency) of complex networks. We frame every network individually, based on how its length deviates from the shortest and the longest values it could possibly take. For that, we first had to uncover the upper and the lower limits for the pathlength and efficiency, which indeed depend on the specific number of nodes and links. These limits are given by families of singular configurations that we name as ultra-short and ultra-long networks. The representation here introduced frees network comparison from the need to rely on the choice of reference graph models (e.g., random graphs and ring lattices), a common practice that is prone to yield biased interpretations as we show. Application to empirical examples of three categories (neural, social and transportation) evidences that, while most real networks display a pathlength comparable to that of random graphs, when contrasted against the absolute boundaries, only the cortical connectomes prove to be ultra-short

    Consensus of Multi-Agent Networks in the Presence of Adversaries Using Only Local Information

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    This paper addresses the problem of resilient consensus in the presence of misbehaving nodes. Although it is typical to assume knowledge of at least some nonlocal information when studying secure and fault-tolerant consensus algorithms, this assumption is not suitable for large-scale dynamic networks. To remedy this, we emphasize the use of local strategies to deal with resilience to security breaches. We study a consensus protocol that uses only local information and we consider worst-case security breaches, where the compromised nodes have full knowledge of the network and the intentions of the other nodes. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the normal nodes to reach consensus despite the influence of the malicious nodes under different threat assumptions. These conditions are stated in terms of a novel graph-theoretic property referred to as network robustness.Comment: This report contains the proofs of the results presented at HiCoNS 201

    Minimum Number of Probes for Brain Dynamics Observability

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    In this paper, we address the problem of placing sensor probes in the brain such that the system dynamics' are generically observable. The system dynamics whose states can encode for instance the fire-rating of the neurons or their ensemble following a neural-topological (structural) approach, and the sensors are assumed to be dedicated, i.e., can only measure a state at each time. Even though the mathematical description of brain dynamics is (yet) to be discovered, we build on its observed fractal characteristics and assume that the model of the brain activity satisfies fractional-order dynamics. Although the sensor placement explored in this paper is particularly considering the observability of brain dynamics, the proposed methodology applies to any fractional-order linear system. Thus, the main contribution of this paper is to show how to place the minimum number of dedicated sensors, i.e., sensors measuring only a state variable, to ensure generic observability in discrete-time fractional-order systems for a specified finite interval of time. Finally, an illustrative example of the main results is provided using electroencephalogram (EEG) data.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1507.0720

    Parameterized Algorithms for Min-Max Multiway Cut and List Digraph Homomorphism

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    In this paper we design {\sf FPT}-algorithms for two parameterized problems. The first is \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism}: given two digraphs GG and HH and a list of allowed vertices of HH for every vertex of GG, the question is whether there exists a homomorphism from GG to HH respecting the list constraints. The second problem is a variant of \textsc{Multiway Cut}, namely \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut}: given a graph GG, a non-negative integer \ell, and a set TT of rr terminals, the question is whether we can partition the vertices of GG into rr parts such that (a) each part contains one terminal and (b) there are at most \ell edges with only one endpoint in this part. We parameterize \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism} by the number ww of edges of GG that are mapped to non-loop edges of HH and we give a time 2O(logh+2log)n4logn2^{O(\ell\cdot\log h+\ell^2\cdot \log \ell)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n algorithm, where hh is the order of the host graph HH. We also prove that \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut} can be solved in time 2O((r)2logr)n4logn2^{O((\ell r)^2\log \ell r)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n. Our approach introduces a general problem, called {\sc List Allocation}, whose expressive power permits the design of parameterized reductions of both aforementioned problems to it. Then our results are based on an {\sf FPT}-algorithm for the {\sc List Allocation} problem that is designed using a suitable adaptation of the {\em randomized contractions} technique (introduced by [Chitnis, Cygan, Hajiaghayi, Pilipczuk, and Pilipczuk, FOCS 2012]).Comment: An extended abstract of this work will appear in the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), Patras, Greece, September 201

    On the Complexity of Existential Positive Queries

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    We systematically investigate the complexity of model checking the existential positive fragment of first-order logic. In particular, for a set of existential positive sentences, we consider model checking where the sentence is restricted to fall into the set; a natural question is then to classify which sentence sets are tractable and which are intractable. With respect to fixed-parameter tractability, we give a general theorem that reduces this classification question to the corresponding question for primitive positive logic, for a variety of representations of structures. This general theorem allows us to deduce that an existential positive sentence set having bounded arity is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if each sentence is equivalent to one in bounded-variable logic. We then use the lens of classical complexity to study these fixed-parameter tractable sentence sets. We show that such a set can be NP-complete, and consider the length needed by a translation from sentences in such a set to bounded-variable logic; we prove superpolynomial lower bounds on this length using the theory of compilability, obtaining an interesting type of formula size lower bound. Overall, the tools, concepts, and results of this article set the stage for the future consideration of the complexity of model checking on more expressive logics