2 research outputs found

    Generating What-If Scenarios for Time Series Data

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    Time series data has become a ubiquitous and important data source in many application domains. Most companies and organizations strongly rely on this data for critical tasks like decision-making, planning, predictions, and analytics in general. While all these tasks generally focus on actual data representing organization and business processes, it is also desirable to apply them to alternative scenarios in order to prepare for developments that diverge from expectations or assess the robustness of current strategies. When it comes to the construction of such what-if scenarios, existing tools either focus on scalar data or they address highly specific scenarios. In this work, we propose a generally applicable and easy-to-use method for the generation of what-if scenarios on time series data. Our approach extracts descriptive features of a data set and allows the construction of an alternate version by means of filtering and modification of these features

    Restricted Predicates for Hypothetical Datalog

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    HypotheticalDatalog is based on an intuitionistic semantics rather than on a classical logic semantics, and embedded implications are allowed in rule bodies. While the usual implication (i.e., the neck of a Horn clause) stands for inferring facts, an embedded implication plays the role of assuming its premise for deriving its consequence. A former work introduced both a formal framework and a goal-oriented tabled implementation, allowing negation in rule bodies. While in that work positive assumptions for both facts and rules can occur in the premise, negative assumptions are not allowed. In this work, we cover this subject by introducing a new concept: a restricted predicate, which allows negative assumptions by pruning the usual semantics of a predicate. This new setting has been implemented in the deductive system DES