6,584 research outputs found

    NASA JSC neural network survey results

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    A survey of Artificial Neural Systems in support of NASA's (Johnson Space Center) Automatic Perception for Mission Planning and Flight Control Research Program was conducted. Several of the world's leading researchers contributed papers containing their most recent results on artificial neural systems. These papers were broken into categories and descriptive accounts of the results make up a large part of this report. Also included is material on sources of information on artificial neural systems such as books, technical reports, software tools, etc

    From neural-based object recognition toward microelectronic eyes

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    Engineering neural network systems are best known for their abilities to adapt to the changing characteristics of the surrounding environment by adjusting system parameter values during the learning process. Rapid advances in analog current-mode design techniques have made possible the implementation of major neural network functions in custom VLSI chips. An electrically programmable analog synapse cell with large dynamic range can be realized in a compact silicon area. New designs of the synapse cells, neurons, and analog processor are presented. A synapse cell based on Gilbert multiplier structure can perform the linear multiplication for back-propagation networks. A double differential-pair synapse cell can perform the Gaussian function for radial-basis network. The synapse cells can be biased in the strong inversion region for high-speed operation or biased in the subthreshold region for low-power operation. The voltage gain of the sigmoid-function neurons is externally adjustable which greatly facilitates the search of optimal solutions in certain networks. Various building blocks can be intelligently connected to form useful industrial applications. Efficient data communication is a key system-level design issue for large-scale networks. We also present analog neural processors based on perceptron architecture and Hopfield network for communication applications. Biologically inspired neural networks have played an important role towards the creation of powerful intelligent machines. Accuracy, limitations, and prospects of analog current-mode design of the biologically inspired vision processing chips and cellular neural network chips are key design issues

    Applications of fuzzy counterpropagation neural networks to non-linear function approximation and background noise elimination

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    An adaptive filter which can operate in an unknown environment by performing a learning mechanism that is suitable for the speech enhancement process. This research develops a novel ANN model which incorporates the fuzzy set approach and which can perform a non-linear function approximation. The model is used as the basic structure of an adaptive filter. The learning capability of ANN is expected to be able to reduce the development time and cost of the designing adaptive filters based on fuzzy set approach. A combination of both techniques may result in a learnable system that can tackle the vagueness problem of a changing environment where the adaptive filter operates. This proposed model is called Fuzzy Counterpropagation Network (Fuzzy CPN). It has fast learning capability and self-growing structure. This model is applied to non-linear function approximation, chaotic time series prediction and background noise elimination

    Classification of Occluded Objects using Fast Recurrent Processing

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    Recurrent neural networks are powerful tools for handling incomplete data problems in computer vision, thanks to their significant generative capabilities. However, the computational demand for these algorithms is too high to work in real time, without specialized hardware or software solutions. In this paper, we propose a framework for augmenting recurrent processing capabilities into a feedforward network without sacrificing much from computational efficiency. We assume a mixture model and generate samples of the last hidden layer according to the class decisions of the output layer, modify the hidden layer activity using the samples, and propagate to lower layers. For visual occlusion problem, the iterative procedure emulates feedforward-feedback loop, filling-in the missing hidden layer activity with meaningful representations. The proposed algorithm is tested on a widely used dataset, and shown to achieve 2×\times improvement in classification accuracy for occluded objects. When compared to Restricted Boltzmann Machines, our algorithm shows superior performance for occluded object classification.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.8576 by other author

    Remotely sensed data capacities to assess soil degradation

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    AbstractThis research has tried to take advantage of the two-field based methodology in order to assess remote sensing data capacities for modeling soil degradation. Based on the findings of our investigation, preprocessing analysis types have not shown significant effects on the accuracy of the model. Conversely, type of indicators and indices of the used field based model has a large impact on the accuracy of the model. In addition, using some remote sensed indices such as iron oxide index and ferrous minerals index can help to improve modeling accuracy of some field indices of soil condition assessment. According to the results, the model capacities can significantly be improved by using time-series remotely sensed data compared with using single date data. In addition, if artificial neural networks are used on single remotely sensed data instead of multivariate linear regression, accuracy of the model can be increased dramatically because it helps the model to take the nonlinear form. However, if time series of remotely sensed data are used, the accuracy of the artificial neural network modeling is not much different from the accuracy of the regression model. It turned out to be contrary to what is thought, but according to our results, increasing the number of inputs to artificial neural network modeling in practice reduces the actual accuracy of the model

    Review of Semantic Importance and Role of using Ontologies in Web Information Retrieval Techniques

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    The Web contains an enormous amount of information, which is managed to accumulate, researched, and regularly used by many users. The nature of the Web is multilingual and growing very fast with its diverse nature of data including unstructured or semi-structured data such as Websites, texts, journals, and files. Obtaining critical relevant data from such vast data with its diverse nature has been a monotonous and challenging task. Simple key phrase data gathering systems rely heavily on statistics, resulting in a word incompatibility problem related to a specific word's inescapable semantic and situation variants. As a result, there is an urgent need to arrange such colossal data systematically to find out the relevant information that can be quickly analyzed and fulfill the users' needs in the relevant context. Over the years ontologies are widely used in the semantic Web to contain unorganized information systematic and structured manner. Still, they have also significantly enhanced the efficiency of various information recovery approaches. Ontological information gathering systems recover files focused on the semantic relation of the search request and the searchable information. This paper examines contemporary ontology-based information extraction techniques for texts, interactive media, and multilingual data types. Moreover, the study tried to compare and classify the most significant developments utilized in the search and retrieval techniques and their major disadvantages and benefits

    Learning as a Nonlinear Line of Attraction for Pattern Association, Classification and Recognition

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    Development of a mathematical model for learning a nonlinear line of attraction is presented in this dissertation, in contrast to the conventional recurrent neural network model in which the memory is stored in an attractive fixed point at discrete location in state space. A nonlinear line of attraction is the encapsulation of attractive fixed points scattered in state space as an attractive nonlinear line, describing patterns with similar characteristics as a family of patterns. It is usually of prime imperative to guarantee the convergence of the dynamics of the recurrent network for associative learning and recall. We propose to alter this picture. That is, if the brain remembers by converging to the state representing familiar patterns, it should also diverge from such states when presented by an unknown encoded representation of a visual image. The conception of the dynamics of the nonlinear line attractor network to operate between stable and unstable states is the second contribution in this dissertation research. These criteria can be used to circumvent the plasticity-stability dilemma by using the unstable state as an indicator to create a new line for an unfamiliar pattern. This novel learning strategy utilizes stability (convergence) and instability (divergence) criteria of the designed dynamics to induce self-organizing behavior. The self-organizing behavior of the nonlinear line attractor model can manifest complex dynamics in an unsupervised manner. The third contribution of this dissertation is the introduction of the concept of manifold of color perception. The fourth contribution of this dissertation is the development of a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique by embedding a set of related observations into a low-dimensional space utilizing the result attained by the learned memory matrices of the nonlinear line attractor network. Development of a system for affective states computation is also presented in this dissertation. This system is capable of extracting the user\u27s mental state in real time using a low cost computer. It is successfully interfaced with an advanced learning environment for human-computer interaction

    On normalization-equivariance properties of supervised and unsupervised denoising methods: a survey

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    Image denoising is probably the oldest and still one of the most active research topic in image processing. Many methodological concepts have been introduced in the past decades and have improved performances significantly in recent years, especially with the emergence of convolutional neural networks and supervised deep learning. In this paper, we propose a survey of guided tour of supervised and unsupervised learning methods for image denoising, classifying the main principles elaborated during this evolution, with a particular concern given to recent developments in supervised learning. It is conceived as a tutorial organizing in a comprehensive framework current approaches. We give insights on the rationales and limitations of the most performant methods in the literature, and we highlight the common features between many of them. Finally, we focus on on the normalization equivariance properties that is surprisingly not guaranteed with most of supervised methods. It is of paramount importance that intensity shifting or scaling applied to the input image results in a corresponding change in the denoiser output

    A Decade of Neural Networks: Practical Applications and Prospects

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Neural Network Workshop, sponsored by NASA and DOD, brings together sponsoring agencies, active researchers, and the user community to formulate a vision for the next decade of neural network research and application prospects. While the speed and computing power of microprocessors continue to grow at an ever-increasing pace, the demand to intelligently and adaptively deal with the complex, fuzzy, and often ill-defined world around us remains to a large extent unaddressed. Powerful, highly parallel computing paradigms such as neural networks promise to have a major impact in addressing these needs. Papers in the workshop proceedings highlight benefits of neural networks in real-world applications compared to conventional computing techniques. Topics include fault diagnosis, pattern recognition, and multiparameter optimization

    Identifying Recurring Patterns with Deep Neural Networks for Natural Image Denoising

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    Image denoising methods must effectively model, implicitly or explicitly, the vast diversity of patterns and textures that occur in natural images. This is challenging, even for modern methods that leverage deep neural networks trained to regress to clean images from noisy inputs. One recourse is to rely on "internal" image statistics, by searching for similar patterns within the input image itself. In this work, we propose a new method for natural image denoising that trains a deep neural network to determine whether patches in a noisy image input share common underlying patterns. Given a pair of noisy patches, our network predicts whether different sub-band coefficients of the original noise-free patches are similar. The denoising algorithm then aggregates matched coefficients to obtain an initial estimate of the clean image. Finally, this estimate is provided as input, along with the original noisy image, to a standard regression-based denoising network. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art color image denoising performance, including with a blind version that trains a common model for a range of noise levels, and does not require knowledge of level of noise in an input image. Our approach also has a distinct advantage when training with limited amounts of training data.Comment: Project page at https://projects.ayanc.org/rpcnn