5 research outputs found

    Response threshold models and stochastic learning automata for self-coordination of heterogeneous multi-task distribution in multi-robot systems.

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    This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating multiple robots. More specifically, it addresses the self-selection of heterogeneous specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this paper we focus on a specifically distributed or decentralized approach as we are particularly interested in a decentralized solution where the robots themselves autonomously and in an individual manner, are responsible for selecting a particular task so that all the existing tasks are optimally distributed and executed. In this regard, we have established an experimental scenario to solve the corresponding multi-task distribution problem and we propose a solution using two different approaches by applying Response Threshold Models as well as Learning Automata-based probabilistic algorithms. We have evaluated the robustness of the algorithms, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results

    Multi-type Fair Resource Allocation for Distributed Multi-Robot Systems

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    Fair resource allocation is essential to ensure that all resource requesters acquire adequate resources and accomplish tasks. We propose solutions to the fairness problem in multi-type resource allocation for multi-robot systems that have multiple resource requesters. We apply the dominant resource fairness (DRF) principle in our solutions to two different systems: single-tasking robots with multi-robot tasks (STR-MRT) and multi-tasking robots with single-robot tasks (MTR-SRT). In STR-MRT, each robot can perform only one task at a time, tasks are divisible, and accomplishing each task requires one or more robots. In MTR-SRT, each robot can perform multiple tasks at a time, tasks are not divisible, and accomplishing each task requires only one robot. We present centralized solutions to the fairness problem in STR-MRT. Meanwhile, we model the decentralized resource allocation in STR-MRT as a coordination game between the robots. Each robot subgroup is formed by robots that strategically select the same resource requester. For a requester associated with a specific subgroup, a consensus-based team formation algorithm further chooses the minimal set of robots to accomplish the task. We leverage the Deep Q-learning Network (DQN) to support requester selection. The results suggest that the DQN outperforms the commonly used Q-learning. Finally, we propose two decentralized solutions to promote fair resource allocation in MTR-SRT, as a centralized solution already exists. We first propose a task-forwarding solution in which the robots need to negotiate the placement of each task. In our second solution, each robot first selects resource requesters and then independently allocates resources to tasks that arrive from the selected requesters. The resource-requester selection phase of the latter solution models a coordination game that is solved by reinforcement learning. The experimental results suggest that both approaches outperform their baselines