17 research outputs found

    Prediction Based Proactive Thermal Virtual Machine Scheduling in Green Clouds

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    Cloud computing has rapidly emerged as a widely accepted computing paradigm, but the research on Cloud computing is still at an early stage. Cloud computing provides many advanced features but it still has some shortcomings such as relatively high operating cost and environmental hazards like increasing carbon footprints. These hazards can be reduced up to some extent by efficient scheduling of Cloud resources. Working temperature on which a machine is currently running can be taken as a criterion for Virtual Machine (VM) scheduling. This paper proposes a new proactive technique that considers current and maximum threshold temperature of Server Machines (SMs) before making scheduling decisions with the help of a temperature predictor, so that maximum temperature is never reached. Different workload scenarios have been taken into consideration. The results obtained show that the proposed system is better than existing systems of VM scheduling, which does not consider current temperature of nodes before making scheduling decisions. Thus, a reduction in need of cooling systems for a Cloud environment has been obtained and validated

    Energy-Based Accounting and Scheduling of Virtual Machines in a Cloud System

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    Computer systems & NetworksVirtualization enables flexible resource provisioning and improves energy efficiency through consolidating virtualized servers into a smaller number of physical servers than that of the virtualized servers. Therefore, it is becoming an essential component for the emerging cloud computing model. Currently, virtualized environment including cloud computing systems bills users for the amount of their processor time, or the number of their virtual machine instances. However, accounting based only on the depreciation cost of server hardware is not an economically proper model because the cooling and energy cost for datacenters has already exceeded the cost to own servers. This paper suggests an estimation model to account energy consumption of each virtual machine without any dedicated measurement hardware. Our estimation model estimates the energy consumption of a virtual machine based on the in-processor events generated by the virtual machine. Based on the estimation model, this paper also proposes the virtual machine scheduling algorithm that is able to provide computing resources according to the energy budget of each virtual machine. The suggested schemes are implemented in the Xen virtualization system, and the evaluation shows the suggested schemes estimate and provide energy consumption with errors less than 5% of the total energy consumption.ope

    LoGA : Low-Overhead GPU Accounting Using Events

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    Over the last few years, GPUs have become common in computing. However, current GPUs are not designed for a shared environment like a cloud, creating a number of challenges whenever a GPU must be multiplexed between multiple users. In particular, the round-robin scheduling used by today\u27s GPUs does not distribute the available GPU computation time fairly among applications. Most of the previous work addressing this problem resorted to scheduling all GPU computation in software, which induces high overhead. While there is a GPU scheduler called NEON which reduces the scheduling overhead compared to previous work, NEON\u27s accounting mechanism frequently disables GPU access for all but one application, resulting in considerable overhead if that application does not saturate the GPU by itself. In this paper, we present LoGA, a novel accounting mechanism for GPU computation time. LoGA monitors the GPU\u27s state to detect GPU-internal context switches, and infers the amount of GPU computation time consumed by each process from the time between these context switches. This method allows LoGA to measure GPU computation time consumed by applications while keeping all applications running concurrently. As a result, LoGA achieves a lower accounting overhead than previous work, especially for applications that do not saturate the GPU by themselves. We have developed a prototype which combines LoGA with the pre-existing NEON scheduler. Experiments with that prototype have shown that LoGA induces no accounting overhead while still delivering accurate measurements of applications\u27 consumed GPU computation time

    TACO: A Scheduling Scheme for Parallel Applications on Multicore Architectures

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    Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems

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    An increasing number of new multicore systems use the Non-Uniform Memory Access architecture due to its scalable memory performance. However, the complex interplay among data locality, contention on shared on-chip memory resources, and cross-node data sharing overhead, makes the delivery of an optimal and predictable program performance difficult. Vir-tualization further complicates the scheduling problem. Due to abstract and inaccurate mappings from virtual hardware to machine hardware, program and system-level optimizations are often not effective within virtual machines. We find that the penalty to access the “uncore ” memory subsystem is an effective metric to predict program perfor-mance in NUMA multicore systems. Based on this metric, we add NUMA awareness to the virtual machine scheduling. We propose a Bias Random vCPU Migration (BRM) algorithm that dynamically migrates vCPUs to minimize the system-wide uncore penalty. We have implemented the scheme in the Xen virtual machine monitor. Experiment results on a two-way Intel NUMA multicore system with various workloads show that BRM is able to improve application performance by up to 31.7 % compared with the default Xen credit scheduler. More-over, BRM achieves predictable performance with, on average, no more than 2 % runtime variations. 1

    Fewer Cores, More Hertz: Leveraging High-Frequency Cores in the OS Scheduler for Improved Application Performance

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    International audienceIn modern server CPUs, individual cores can run at different frequencies, which allows for fine-grained control of the per-formance/energy tradeoff. Adjusting the frequency, however, incurs a high latency. We find that this can lead to a problem of frequency inversion, whereby the Linux scheduler places a newly active thread on an idle core that takes dozens to hundreds of milliseconds to reach a high frequency, just before another core already running at a high frequency becomes idle. In this paper, we first illustrate the significant performance overhead of repeated frequency inversion through a case study of scheduler behavior during the compilation of the Linux kernel on an 80-core Intel R Xeon-based machine. Following this, we propose two strategies to reduce the likelihood of frequency inversion in the Linux scheduler. When benchmarked over 60 diverse applications on the Intel R Xeon, the better performing strategy, S move , improves performance by more than 5% (at most 56% with no energy overhead) for 23 applications, and worsens performance by more than 5% (at most 8%) for only 3 applications. On a 4-core AMD Ryzen we obtain performance improvements up to 56%

    A Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling on NoC Using FDH Cross Efficiency

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    A CrosFDH-GA algorithm is proposed for the task scheduling problem on the NoC-based MPSoC regarding the multicriterion optimization. First of all, four common criterions, namely, makespan, data routing energy, average link load, and workload balance, are extracted from the task scheduling problem on NoC and are used to construct the DEA DMU model. Then the FDH analysis is applied to the problem, and a FDH cross efficiency formulation is derived for evaluating the relative advantage among schedule solutions. Finally, we introduce the DEA approach to the genetic algorithm and propose a CrosFDH-GA scheduling algorithm to find the most efficient schedule solution for a given scheduling problem. The simulation results show that our FDH cross efficiency formulation effectively evaluates the performance of schedule solutions. By conducting comparative simulations, our CrosFDH-GA proposal produces more metrics-balanced schedule solution than other multicriterion algorithms

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic