4 research outputs found

    The application of the in-tree knapsack problem to routing prefix caches

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    Modern routers use specialized hardware, such as Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM), to solve the Longest Prefix Matching Problem (LPMP) quickly. Due to the fact that TCAM is a non-standard type of memory and inherently parallel, there are concerns about its cost and power consumption. This problem is exacerbated by the growth in routing tables, which demands ever larger TCAMs. To reduce the size of the TCAMs in a distributed forwarding environment, a batch caching model is proposed and analyzed. The problem of determining which routing prefixes to store in the TCAMs reduces to the In-tree Knapsack Problem (ITKP) for unit weight vertices in this model. Several algorithms are analysed for solving the ITKP, both in the general case and when the problem is restricted to unit weight vertices. Additionally, a variant problem is proposed and analyzed, which exploits the caching model to provide better solutions. This thesis concludes with discussion of open problems and future experimental work

    Algorithms for scheduling problems in grid

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    Orientador: Eduardo Candido XavierDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta dissertação estudamos algoritmos para resolver problemas de escalonamento de tarefas em grades computacionais. Dado um conjunto de tarefas submetidas a uma grade computacional, deve-se definir em quais recursos essas tarefas serão executadas. Algoritmos de escalonamento são empregados com o objetivo de minimizar o tempo necessário para executar todas as tarefas (makespan) que foram submetidas. Nosso foco é estudar os atuais algoritmos de escalonamento usados em grades computacionais e comparar estes algoritmos. Nesta dissertação apresentamos algoritmos onlines, aproximados e heurísticas para o problema. Como resultados novos, provamos fatores de aproximação para o algoritmo RR quando utilizado para resolver os problemas R; sit|Tj|Cmax, R; sit|Tj|TPCC, R; sit|Tj = L| Cmax e R; sit|Tj = L|TPCC é justo. Por fim, definimos uma interface que adiciona replicação de tarefas a qualquer algoritmo de escalonamento, onde nós mostramos a aproximação desta interface, e apresentamos uma comparação via simulação dos algoritmos sem e com replicação. Nossas simulações mostram que, com a utilização de replicação, houve a redução no makespan de até 80% para o algoritmo Min-min. Nas nossas análises também fazemos uso da métrica RTPCC que calcula exatamente a quantidade de instruções que foram usadas para executar todas as tarefasAbstract: In this dissertation, we studied algorithms to solve task scheduling problems in computational grids. Given a task set that was submitted to a computational grid, the problem is to define in which resources these tasks will be executed and the order they will be executed. Scheduling algorithms are used in order to minimize the time required to execute all tasks (makespan). We studied the most recent scheduling algorithms proposed to be used in computational grids, and then compare them using simulations. In this dissertation we also present approximate algorithms and new heuristics for the problem. As new results, we proved approximation factors to the RR algorithm when applied to solve the problems R; sit|Tj|Cmax, R; sit|Tj|TPCC, R; sit|Tj = L| Cmax and R; sit|Tj = L|TPCC. Finally, we defined an interface that adds task replication capability to any scheduling algorithm. We then show approximation results for algorithms using this interface, and present a comparison of well know algorithms with and without replication. This comparison is done via simulation. Our simulations show that, with replication, there was up to 80% of reduction in the makespan to some algorithms like the Min-minMestradoTeoria da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    A framework for roadmap-based navigation and sector-based localization of mobile robots

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    Personal robotics applications require autonomous mobile robot navigation methods that are safe, robust, and inexpensive. Two requirements for autonomous use of robots for such applications are an automatic motion planner to select paths and a robust way of ensuring that the robot can follow the selected path given the unavoidable odometer and control errors that must be dealt with for any inexpensive robot. Additional difficulties are faced when there is more than one robot involved. In this dissertation, we describe a new roadmapbased method for mobile robot navigation. It is suitable for partially known indoor environments and requires only inexpensive range sensors. The navigator selects paths from the roadmap and designates localization points on those paths. In particular, the navigator selects feasible paths that are sensitive to the needs of the application (e.g., no sharp turns) and of the localization algorithm (e.g., within sensing range of two features). We present a new sectorbased localizer that is robust in the presence of sensor limitations and unknown obstacles while still maintaining computational efficiency. We extend our approach to teams of robots focusing on quickly sensing ranges from all robots while avoiding sensor crosstalk, and reducing the pose uncertainties of all robots while using a minimal number of sensing rounds. We present experimental results for mobile robots and describe a webbased route planner for the Texas A&M campus that utilizes our navigator

    Resource Scheduling for Parallel Database and Scientific Applications

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    We initiate a study of resource scheduling problems in parallel database and scientific applications. Based on this study we formulate a problem. In our formulation, jobs specify their running times and amounts of a fixed number of other resources (like memory, IO) they need. The resourcetime trade-off may be fundamentally different for different resource types. The processor resource is malleable, meaning we can trade processors for time gracefully. Other resources may not be malleable. One way to model them is to assume no malleability: the entire requirement of those resources has to be reserved for a job to begin execution, and no smaller quantity is acceptable. The jobs also have precedences amongst them; in our applications, the precedence structure may be restricted to being a collection of trees or series-parallel graphs. Not much is known about considering precedence and non-malleable resource constraints together. For many other problems, it has been possible to find schedule..