1 research outputs found

    Resource Management Architecture for Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations

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    Most HPC platforms require users to submit a pre-determined number of computation requests (also called jobs). Unfortunately, this is cumbersome when some of the computations are optional, i.e., they are not critical, but their completion would improve results. For example, given a deadline, the number of requests to submit for a Monte Carlo experiment is difficult to choose. The more requests are completed, the better the results are, however, submitting too many might overload the platform. Conversely, submitting too few requests may leave resources unused and misses an opportunity to improve the results. This paper introduces and solves the problem of scheduling optional computations. An architecture which auto-tunes the number of requests is proposed, then implemented in the DIET GridRPC middleware. Real-life experiments show that several metrics are improved, such as user satisfaction, fairness and the number of completed requests. Moreover, the solution is shown to be scalable