8 research outputs found

    Complexity and monitoring of economic operations using a game-theoretic model for cloud computing

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    In this study, a model is presented for allocating cloud computing resources based on economic considerations using tools from game theory. The model, called the Non-Cooperative Game Resource Allocation Algorithm (NCGRAA), is designed to achieve the optimum stage in cloud computing. In addition, the Bargaining Game Resource Allocation Algorithm (BGRAA) is introduced to the existing system to develop the billing process within the constraints of availability and fairness. This system-based algorithm implements methods for converging on and improving the Nash Equilibrium and Nash Bargaining solutions. While the Nash equilibrium helps to develop decision-making concepts with game theory, one of its main goals is to achieve the desired outcome and avoid deviation from the working stage. Nash Bargaining is a unique solution that occurs between two parties and takes into account the process of bargaining to provide a fair solution that is scale invariant and independent. In recent years, cloud computing has become a popular way to manage computing services and enable producers and consumers to interact. This process allows users to obtain goods at an affordable cost from sellers according to their expectations. This research investigates the economic operation monitoring of cloud computing using the gaming theory model. A Static Negotiation Analysis Method with a Bargaining Process (SNAM-BP) for a dynamic conceptual framework is presented to display the weighted relationship between primary issues and keywords used to evaluate the potential partnership of each country.Web of Science112art. no. 5

    Resource allocation in the cloud for video-on-demand applications using multiple cloud service providers

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    Abstract Video-on-demand (VoD) applications have become extensively used nowadays. YouTube is one of the most extensively used VoD application. These applications are used for various purposes like entertainment, education, media, etc., of all age groups. Earlier, these applications were supported by private data centers and application servers. Sufficient infrastructure had to be bought and maintained, to support the demand even during unexpected peak times. This approach caused huge loss of resources when the demand is normal as a large portion of the resources remained idle. To overcome this, VoD application providers moved to the cloud, to host their video content’s. This approach reduced the wastage of resources and the maintenance cost of the VoD application provider. The problem is to determine the number of resources to handle the demand while maintaining QoS for every instance. We have designed two algorithms in this paper, namely the multiple cloud resource allocation (MCRA) algorithm and the hybrid MCRA algorithm. Most of the cloud service providers (CSPs) basically provide two types of resource allocation schemes: (i) the reservation scheme and (ii) the on-demand scheme. The reservation scheme provides time-based tariff prices, where the discount is provided for the resources depending on their quantity and reservation time. This scheme is used in the MCRA algorithm to reduce the cost of the VoD application provider. In Hybrid MCRA algorithm both the reservation scheme and on-demand scheme are implemented, to overcome the drawbacks of the MCRA algorithm which are under-subscription and over-subscription. We have analyzed both the algorithms in terms of cost and allocation of resources. These algorithms can help allocate resources in of cloud for VoD applications in a cost-effective way and at the same time not compromise on the QoS of the video content

    User Oriented Resource Management with Virtualization: A Hierarchical Game Approach

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    The explosive advancements in mobile Internet and Internet of Things challenge the network capacity and architecture. The ossification of wireless networks hinders the further evolution towards the fifth generation of mobile communication systems. Ultra-dense small cell networks are considered as a feasible way to meet high-capacity demands. Meanwhile, ultradense small cell network virtualization also exploits an insightful perspective for the evolution because of

    Gestion de la sécurité des réseaux à l'aide d'un service innovant de Cloud Based Firewall

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    Cloud computing has evolved over the last decade from a simple storage service for more complex services, offering the software as a service (SaaS) platforms as a service (PaaS) and most recently the security as a service (SECaaS). In our work, we started with the simple idea to use the resources offered by the Cloud with a low financial cost to propose new architectures of security service. The security of virtual environments is a major issue for the deployment of the use of the Cloud. Unfortunately, these environments are composed of a set of already existing technologies used in a new way, many security solutions are only traditional reconditioned solutions to solve the Cloud and virtual networks security issues. The work done in this thesis is a response to the resource limitations of physical security devices such as firewalls and propose new security architectures consist of management of network security in the cloud-based services following Security as a Service model and propose novel architectures for managing these services. We took the initiative to propose a completely Cloud-Based architecture. The latter allows a cloud provider to provide firewalling service to its customers. It asks them to subscribe to the offer by guaranteeing treatment (analysis) with a capacity of bandwidth traffic with functional filtering rules and other proposed by the subscriber. The results demonstrated the ability of our architecture to manage and cope with network DDoS attacks and to increase analytical capacity by distributing traffic over multiple virtualLe Cloud Computing a évolué au cours de la dernière décennie, passant d’un simple service de stockage à des services plus complexes, en proposant le software comme service (SaaS), les plateformes comme service(PaaS) et très récemment la sécurité comme service (SECaaS).Dans notre travail, nous sommes partis de l'idée simple d'utiliser les ressources offertes par le Cloud avec un faible coût financier pour proposer des nouvelles architectures de service de sécurité.La sécurité des environnements virtuels est un sujet majeur pour le déploiement de l’usage du Cloud. Malheureusement, comme ces environnements sont composés d’un ensemble de technologies déjà existantes, utilisées d'une manière nouvelle, de nombreuses solutions sécuritaires ne sont que des solutions traditionnelles reconditionnées à la problématique Cloud et réseaux virtuels.Le travail effectué dans le cadre de cette thèse vient répondre à la limitation de ressources des équipements physiques de sécurité comme les Firewalls et a pour objectif de proposer de nouveaux services de sécurité composés d’architectures de gestion de la sécurité des réseaux dans le Cloud basé sur le modèle Security as a Service, ainsi que des architectures de management de ces services.Nous avons pris l’initiative de proposer une architecture totalement Cloud-Based. Cette dernière, permet à un Cloud provider de proposer un service de Firewalling à ses clients. Celui-ci leur demande de s’abonner à l’offre en leur garantissant le traitement (analyse) d’une capacité de bande-passante de trafic avec des règles de filtrages fonctionnelles et d’autres proposées par l’abonné.Les résultats obtenus ont démontré les aptitudes de nos architectures à gérer et à faire face à des attaques réseaux de type DDoS et à augmenter la capacité d’analyse en distribuant le trafic sur plusieurs pare-feu virtuels

    Resource management in the cloud: An end-to-end Approach

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDCloud Computing enables users achieve ubiquitous on-demand , and convenient access to a variety of shared computing resources, such as serves network, storage ,applications and more. As a business model, Cloud Computing has been openly welcomed by users and has become one of the research hotspots in the field of information and communication technology. This is because it provides users with on-demand customization and pay-per-use resource acquisition methods