21 research outputs found

    Radio Resource Sharing for MTC in LTE-A: An Interference-Aware Bipartite Graph Approach

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    International audienceTraditional cellular networks have been considered the most promising candidates to support machine to machine (M2M) communication mainly due to their ubiquitous coverage. Optimally designed to support human to human (H2H) communication, an innovative access to radio resources is required to accommodate M2M unique features such as the massive number of machine type devices (MTDs) as well as the limited data transmission session. In this paper, we consider a simultaneous access to the spectrum in an M2M/H2H coexistence scenario. Taking the advantage of the new device to device (D2D) communication paradigm enabled in long term evolution-advanced (LTE-A), we propose to combine M2M and D2D owing to the MTD low transmit power and thus enabling efficiently the resource sharing. First, we formulate the resource sharing problem as a maximization of the sum-rate, problem for which the optimal solution has been proved to be non deterministic polynomial time hard (NP-Hard). We next model the problem as a novel interference-aware bipartite graph to overcome the computational complexity of the optimal solution. To solve this problem, we consider here a two-phase resource allocation approach. In the first phase, H2H users resource assignment is performed in a conventional way. In the second phase, we introduce two alternative algorithms, one centralized and one semi-distributed to perform M2M resource allocation. The computational complexity of both introduced algorithms whose aim is to solve the M2M resource allocation, is of polynomial complexity. Simulation results show that the semi-distributed M2M resource allocation algorithm achieves quite good performance in terms of network aggregate sum-rate with markedly lower communication overhead compared to the centralized one

    Coexistence of OFDM and FBMC for Underlay D2D Communication in 5G Networks

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication is being heralded as an important part of the solution to the capacity problem in future networks, and is expected to be natively supported in 5G. Given the high network complexity and required signalling overhead associated with achieving synchronization in D2D networks, it is necessary to study asynchronous D2D communications. In this paper, we consider a scenario whereby asynchronous D2D communication underlays an OFDMA macro-cell in the uplink. Motivated by the superior performance of new waveforms with increased spectral localization in the presence of frequency and time misalignments, we compare the system-level performance of a set-up for when D2D pairs use either OFDM or FBMC/OQAM. We first demonstrate that inter-D2D interference, resulting from misaligned communications, plays a significant role in clustered D2D topologies. We then demonstrate that the resource allocation procedure can be simplified when D2D pairs use FBMC/OQAM, since the high spectral localization of FBMC/OQAM results in negligible inter-D2D interference. Specifically, we identify that FBMC/OQAM is best suited to scenarios consisting of small, densely populated D2D clusters located near the encompassing cell's edge.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, Accepted at IEEE Globecom 2016 Workshop

    Relay assisted device-to-device communication with channel uncertainty

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    The gains of direct communication between user equipment in a network may not be fully realised due to the separation between the user equipment and due to the fading that the channel between these user equipment experiences. In order to fully realise the gains that direct (device-to-device) communication promises, idle user equipment can be exploited to serve as relays to enforce device-to-device communication. The availability of potential relay user equipment creates a problem: a way to select the relay user equipment. Moreover, unlike infrastructure relays, user equipment are carried around by people and these users are self-interested. Thus the problem of relay selection goes beyond choosing which device to assist in relayed communication but catering for user self-interest. Another problem in wireless communication is the unavailability of perfect channel state information. This reality creates uncertainty in the channel and so in designing selection algorithms, channel uncertainty awareness needs to be a consideration. Therefore the work in this thesis considers the design of relay user equipment selection algorithms that are not only device centric but that are relay user equipment centric. Furthermore, the designed algorithms are channel uncertainty aware. Firstly, a stable matching based relay user equipment selection algorithm is put forward for underlay device-to-device communication. A channel uncertainty aware approach is proposed to cater to imperfect channel state information at the devices. The algorithm is combined with a rate based mode selection algorithm. Next, to cater to the queue state at the relay user equipment, a cross-layer selection algorithm is proposed for a twoway decode and forward relay set up. The algorithm proposed employs deterministic uncertainty constraint in the interference channel, solving the selection algorithm in a heuristic fashion. Then a cluster head selection algorithm is proposed for device-to-device group communication constrained by channel uncertainty in the interference channel. The formulated rate maximization problem is solved for deterministic and probabilistic constraint scenarios, and the problem extended to a multiple-input single-out scenario for which robust beamforming was designed. Finally, relay utility and social distance based selection algorithms are proposed for full duplex decode and forward device-to-device communication set up. A worst-case approach is proposed for a full channel uncertainty scenario. The results from computer simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms offer spectral efficiency, fairness and energy efficiency gains. The results also showed clearly the deterioration in the performance of networks when perfect channel state information is assumed

    Interference cancellation and Resource Allocation approaches for Device-to-Device Communications

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    Network assisted Device-to-Device (D2D) communication as an underlay to cellular spectrum has attracted much attention in mobile network standards for local area connectivity as a means to improve the cellular spectrum utilization and to reduce the energy consumption of User Equipments (UEs). The D2D communication uses resources of the underlying mobile network which results in different interference scenarios. These include interference from cellular to D2D link, D2D to cellular link and interference among D2D links when multiple D2D links share common resources. In this thesis, an orthogonal precoding interference cancellation method is initially presented to reduce the cellular to D2D and D2D to cellular interferences when the cellular channel resources are being shared by a single D2D link. Three different scenarios have been considered when establishing a D2D communication along with a Base Station-to-UE communication. The proposed method is analytically evaluated in comparison with the conventional precoding matrix allocation method in terms of ergodic capacity. This method is then extended for a cluster based multi-link D2D scenario where interference between D2D pairs also exists in addition to the other two interference scenarios. In this work, cluster denotes a group of devices locally communicating through multi-link D2D communications sharing the same radio resources of the Cluster Head. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated and compared for different resource sharing modes. The analyses illustrate the importance of cluster head in each cluster to save the battery life of devices in that cluster. The outage probability is considered as a performance evaluation matrix for guaranteeing QoS constrain of communication links. Hence, the mathematical expressions for outage probability of the proposed method for single-link and multi-link D2D communications are presented and compared with an existing interference cancellation technique. To execute the cluster based interference cancellation approach, a three-step resource allocation scheme is then proposed. It first performs a mode selection procedure to choose the transmission mode of each UEs. Then a clustering scheme is developed to group the links that can share a common resource to improve the spectral efficiency. For the selection of suitable cellular UEs for each cluster whose resource can be shared, a cluster head selection algorithm is also developed. Maximal residual energy and minimal transmit power have been considered as parameters for the cluster head selection scheme. Finally, the expression for maximum number of links that the radio resource of shared UE can support is analytically derived. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated using a WINNER II A1 indoor office model. The performance of D2D communication practically gets limited due to large distance and/or poor channel conditions between the D2D transmitter and receiver. To overcome these issues, a relay-assisted D2D communication is introduced in this thesis where a device relaying is an additional transmission mode along with the existing cellular and D2D transmission modes. A transmission mode assignment algorithm based on the Hungarian algorithm is then proposed to improve the overall system throughput. The proposed algorithm tries to solve two problems: a suitable transmission mode selection for each scheduled transmissions and a device selection for relaying communication between user equipments in the relay transmission mode. Simulation results showed that our proposed algorithm improves the system performance in terms of the overall system throughput and D2D data rate in comparison with traditional D2D communication schemes

    Secrecy-Optimized Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Undelaying Cellular Networks

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    L’objectif principal de l’introduction de la communication de périphérique-à-périphérique «device-to-device» (D2D) sous-jacente aux systèmes de communication sans fil de cinquième génération (5G), est d’augmenter l’efficacité spectrale (ES). Cependant, la communication D2D sous-jacente aux réseaux cellulaires peut entraîner une dégradation des performances causée par des co-interférences de canal sévères entre les liaisons cellulaires et D2D. De plus, en raison de la complexité du contrôle et de la gestion, les connexions directes entre les appareils à proximité sont vulnérables. En conséquence, la communication D2D n’est pas robuste contre les menaces de sécurité et l’écoute clandestine. Pourtant, les co-interférences de canal peuvent être adoptées pour aider les utilisateurs cellulaires (UC) et les paires D2D afin d’empêcher l’écoute clandestine. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions différents scénarios de problèmes d’allocation de ressources en utilisant le concept de sécurité de couche physique «physical layer security» (PLS) pour la communication D2D sous-jacente aux réseaux cellulaires, tout en satisfaisant les exigences minimales de qualité de service (QoS) des liaisons cellulaires et D2D. Dans le cas où PLS est pris en compte, l’interférence peut aider à réduire l’écoute clandestine. Premièrement, nous formulons un scénario d’allocation de ressources dans lequel chaque bloc de ressources (RB) temps-fréquence de multiplexage par répartition orthogonale en fréquence (OFDM) peut être partagé par une seule CU et une paire D2D dans un réseau unicellulaire. Le problème formulé est réduit au problème de correspondance tridimensionnelle, qui est généralement NP-difficile, et la solution optimale peut être obtenue par des méthodes compliquées, telles que la recherche par force brute et/ou l’algorithme de branchement et de liaison qui ont une complexité de calcul exponentielle. Nous proposons donc une méta-heuristique basée sur l’algorithme de recherche tabou «Tabu Search» (TS) avec une complexité de calcul réduite pour trouver globalement la solution d’allocation de ressources radio quasi-optimale.----------ABSTRACT: The primary goal of introducing device-to-device (D2D) communication underlying fifthgeneration (5G) wireless communication systems is to increase spectral efficiency (ES). However, D2D communication underlying cellular networks can lead to performance degradation caused by severe co-channel interference between cellular and D2D links. In addition, due to the complexity of control and management, direct connections between nearby devices are vulnerable. Thus, D2D communication is not robust against security threats and eavesdropping. On the other hand, the co-channel interference can be adopted to help cellular users (CUs) and D2D pairs to prevent eavesdropping. In this thesis, we investigate different resource allocation problem scenarios using the physical layer security (PLS) concept for the D2D communication underlying cellular networks, while satisfying the minimum quality of service (QoS) requirements of cellular and D2D link. If the PLS is taken into account, the interference can help reduce eavesdropping. First, we formulate a resource allocation scenario in which each orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) time-frequency resource block (RB) can be shared by one single CU and one D2D pair in a single-cell network. The formulated problem is reduced to the threedimensional matching problem, which is generally NP-hard, and the optimal solution can be obtained through the complicated methods, such as brute-force search and/or branch-andbound algorithm that have exponential computational complexity. We, therefore, propose a meta-heuristic based on Tabu Search (TS) algorithm with a reduced computational complexity to globally find the near-optimal radio resource allocation solution

    Parallel and Successive Resource Allocation for V2V Communications in Overlapping Clusters

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    The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has introduced in Rel. 14 a novel technology referred to as vehicle--to--vehicle (V2V) \textit{mode-3}. Under this scheme, the eNodeB assists in the resource allocation process allotting sidelink subchannels to vehicles. Thereupon, vehicles transmit their signals in a broadcast manner without the intervention of the former one. eNodeBs will thereby play a determinative role in the assignment of subchannels as they can effectively manage V2V traffic and prevent allocation conflicts. The latter is a crucial aspect to be enforced in order for the signals to be received reliably by other vehicles. To this purpose, we propose two resource allocation schemes namely bipartite graph matching-based successive allocation (BGM-SA) and bipartite graph matching-based parallel allocation (BGM-PA) which are suboptimal approaches with lesser complexity than exhaustive search. Both schemes incorporate constraints to prevent allocation conflicts from emerging. In this research, we consider overlapping clusters only, which could be formed at intersections or merging highways. We show through simulations that BGM-SA can attain near-optimal performance whereas BGM-PA is subpar but less complex. Additionally, since BGM-PA is based on inter-cluster vehicle pre-grouping, we explore different metrics that could effectively portray the overall channel conditions of pre-grouped vehicles. This is of course not optimal in terms of maximizing the system capacity---since the allocation process would be based on simplified surrogate information---but it reduces the computational complexity

    A Survey on Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular networks, an enabling technology for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), smart cities, and autonomous driving, can deliver numerous on-board data services, e.g., road-safety, easy navigation, traffic efficiency, comfort driving, infotainment, etc. Providing satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) in vehicular networks, however, is a challenging task due to a number of limiting factors such as erroneous and congested wireless channels (due to high mobility or uncoordinated channel-access), increasingly fragmented and congested spectrum, hardware imperfections, and anticipated growth of vehicular communication devices. Therefore, it will be critical to allocate and utilize the available wireless network resources in an ultra-efficient manner. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on resource allocation schemes for the two dominant vehicular network technologies, e.g. Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) and cellular based vehicular networks. We discuss the challenges and opportunities for resource allocations in modern vehicular networks and outline a number of promising future research directions