6,037 research outputs found

    Religious education in Serbia

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    Grußwort zur Eröffnung des Centrums für Religiöse Studien (Wolf D. Ahmed Aries) 27 Festvortrag Kinder Abrahams. Zur Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit eines Miteinander von Juden, Christen und Muslimen (Karl-Josef Kuschet) 33 Beiträge ..

    International Musicological Conference ; Beyond the East - West divide : rethinking Balkan Music's poles of Attraction ; Belgrade, 26-29 September 2013.

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    Радови сарадника Музиколошког института САНУ припадају пројекту Идентитети српске музике од локалних до глобалних оквира: традиције, промене, изазови, рег. бр. 177004 који финансира Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србиј

    Будућност историје музике; Међународни научни скуп Српска академија наука и уметности Београд, 28–30. септембар 2017; Књижица апстраката

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    The conference The Future of Music History is organised within the project Serbian musical identities between local and global frameworks: Traditions, changes, challenges (No. 177004) financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbi

    Descriptive geometry in Serbia at the end of the 19th century, in the work of Dimitrije Stojanović

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    On Problem Based Learning and Application to Computer Games Design Teaching

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    Problem-based learning is a pedagogical approach which started in early 1970s. It is well developed and established until now. Aalborg University in Denmark is one of pioneering world universities in PBL and has accumulated a huge experience in PBL for many different study lines. One of them is Medialogy education, which was established in 2002. This paper presents transfer of experiences from Medialogy education in Denmark to Game development education in Serbia - a new (2 years old) study line successfully developed in the country where game development companies hardly exist, but a need for newly educated programmers is evident

    Musical Legacies of State Socialism : Revisiting Narratives about Post-World War II Europe; International Conference, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade, 24-26. September 2015; book of abstracts

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    Научни скуп је организован у оквиру пројекта Идентитети српске музике од локалних до глобалних оквира: традиције, промене, изазови (No. 177004 (2011-2014)) финансираног од стране Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије http://www.music.sanu.ac.rs/Srpski/MainProject.htm / This conference is organised within the project Serbian musical identities within local and global frameworks: traditions, changes, challenges (No. 177004 (2011-2014)) financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development http://www.music.sanu.ac.rs/English/MainProject.ht

    Review : Best Practices In Educating Sustainability and Heritage

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    This result has been produced as a part of O1 INTELECTUAL OUTPUT "01: Review of the Best Practices on Educating Sustainability and Heritage" within HERSUS project, Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education

    Quality of education : global development goals and local strategies

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    Increasing hairdressing compliance with a child with autism spectrum disorders

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    The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) itself can include problems with hyper responsiveness to different sensory stimuli. These difficulties can lead to different maladaptive behavioral manifestations and prevent children diagnosed with ASD from participating in certain activities. The aim of the present case study was to examine the effectiveness of shaping procedure application in order to increase compliance with haircutting with a six year old boy diagnosed with ASD. The procedure used for increasing compliance while getting a haircut was shaping and we divided the intervention into two phases. Phase one involved teaching the participant to tolerate the presence of the hair clipper on his head, while phase two consisted of increasing participant’s toleration of the sound emitted by the hair clipper. Generalization probe involved taking the participant into a hair salon, where he would receive hair grooming performed by a professional hair stylist. The child mastered phase one in 54 trials that were conducted during five sessions and mastered the goal time in phase two in 89 trials that were conducted during four sessions. In conclusion, shaping procedure appears to be an effective and efficient training procedure for teaching skills that are important for future everyday functioning in society of children with ASD, as well as basic hygiene skills, such as hair cutting. Study limitations and future research implications are discussed