33,033 research outputs found

    Rudder roll stabilization for ships

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    This paper describes the design of an autopilot for rudder roll stabilization for ships. This autopilot uses the rudder not only for course keeping but also for reduction of the roll. The system has a series of properties which make the controller design far from straightforward: the process has only one input (the rudder angle) and two outputs (the heading and the roll angle); the transfer from rudder to roll is non-minimum-phase; because large and high-frequency rudder motions are necessary, the non-linearities of the steering machine cannot be disregarded; the disturbances caused by the waves vary considerably in amplitude and frequency spectrum.\ud \ud In order to solve these problems a new approach to the LQG method has been developed. The control algorithms were tested by means of computer simulations, scale-model experiments and full-scale trials at sea. The results indicate that a rudder roll stabilization system is able to reduce the roll as well as a conventional fin stabilization system, while it requires less investments. Based on the results obtained in this project the Royal Netherlands Navy has decided to implement rudder roll stabilization on a series of ships under construction at this moment

    Concept design of a fast sail assisted feeder container ship

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    A fast sail assisted feeder container ship concept has been developed for the 2020 container market in the South East Asian and Caribbean regions.The design presented has met the requirements of an initial economic study, with a cargo capacity of 1270 twenty-foot equivalent unit containers, meeting the predictions of container throughput derived from historical data. In determining suitable vessel dimensions, account has also been taken for port and berthing restrictions, and considering hydrodynamic performance. The vessel has been designed for a maximum speed of 25 knots, allowing it to meet the demand for trade whilst reducing the number of ships operating on the routes considered.The design development of the fast feeder concept has involved rigorous analyses in a number of areas to improve the robustness of the final design. Model testing has been key to the development of the concept, by increasing confidence in the final result. This is due to the fact that other analysis techniques are not always appropriate or accurate. Two hull forms have been developed to meet requirements whilst utilising different propulsor combinations. This has enabled evaluation of efficiency gains resulting from different hydrodynamic phenomena for each design. This includes an evaluation of the hydrodynamic performance when utilising the sail system. This has been done using a combination of model test results and data from regression analysis. The final propulsor chosen is a contra-rotating podded drive arrangement. Wind tunnel testing has been used to maximise the performance of a Multi-wing sail system by investigating the effects of wing spacing, stagger and sail-container interactions. This has led to an increase in lift coefficient of 32% from initial predictions. The savings in power requirement due to the sail system are lower than initially predicted. However, another benefit of their installation, motion damping, has been identified. Whilst this has not been fully investigated, additional fuel savings are possible as well as improved seakeeping performance.The design is shown to be environmentally sustainable when compared to existing vessels operating on the proposed routes. This is largely due to the use of low-carbon and zero-sulphur fuel (liquefied natural gas) and improvements in efficiency regarding operation. This especially relates to cargo handling and scheduling. Green house gas emissions have been predicted to fall by 42% and 40% in the two regions should the design be adopted. These savings are also due to the use of the Multi-wing sail system, which contributes to reductions in power requirement of up to 6% when the vessel operates at its lower speed of 15 knots. It is demonstrated that the fast feeder is also economically feasible, with predicted daily cost savings of 27% and 33% in the South East Asian and Caribbean regions respectively. Thus the fast feeder container ship concept is a viable solution for the future of container transhipment. <br/

    CFD prediction and validation of ship-bank interaction in a canal

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    This paper utilizes CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) methods to investigate the bank effects on a tanker moving straight ahead at low speed in a canal characterized by surface piercing banks. For varying water depths and ship-to-bank distances, the sinkage and trim as well as the viscous hydrodynamic forces on the hull are predicted mainly by a steady state RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) solver, in which the double model approximation is adopted to simulate the flat free surface. A potential flow method is also applied to evaluate the effect of the free surface and viscosity on the solutions. In addition, focus is placed on V&V (Verification and Validation) based on a grid convergence study and comparison with EFD (Experimental Fluid Dynamics) data, as well as the exploration of the modelling error in RANS computations to enable more accurate and reliable predictions of the bank effects

    Simulation study of helicopter ship landing procedures incoporating measured flow data

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the use of inverse simulation to help identify those regions of a ship's flight deck which provide the safest locations for landing a rotorcraft in various atmospheric conditions. This requires appropriate information on the wind loading conditions around a ship deck and superstructure, and for the current work, these data were obtained from wind tunnel tests of a ship model representative of a typical helicopter carrier/assault ship. A series of wind tunnel tests were carried out on the model in the University of Glasgow's 2.65 × 2.04 m wind tunnel and three-axis measurements of wind speed were made at various locations on the ship deck. Measurements were made at four locations on the flight deck at three different heights. The choice of these locations was made on the basis of preliminary flow visualization tests which highlighted the areas where the most severe wind effects were most likely to occur. In addition, for the case where the wind was from 30 to starboard, measurements were made at three further locations to assess the extent of the wake of the superstructure. The generated wind profiles can then be imposed on the inverse simulation, allowing study of the vehicle and pilot response during a typical landing manoeuvre in these conditions. The power of the inverse simulation for this application is demonstrated by a series of simulations performed using configurational data representing two aircraft types, a Westland Lynx and a transport helicopter flying an approach and landing manoeuvre with the worst atmospheric conditions applied. It is shown from the results that attempting to land in the area aft of the superstructure in a 30° crosswind might lead to problems for the transport configuration due to upgusts in this area. Attempting to perform the landing manoeuvre in an aggressive manner is also shown to lead to diminished control margin in higher winds

    A seakeeping analysis method for an air-lifted vessel

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    A seakeeping analysis in the frequency domain is presented to predict the motion response of an airlifted vessel (ALV) in waves. The ALV is supported by pressurised air in two separate cushion chambers; the pressure variation in the cushions has a significant effect on the motions of the vessel. The adiabatic gas law is used to couple cushion pressure and the free-surface elevation of water inside the chamber. Attention is focused on the waves generated by the pressure, and a method is presented to compute the corresponding free-surface elevation. New numerical schemes are proposed for calculating the threedimensional free-surface elevation for the four wave numbers. Numerical results of the free-surface elevation, escape area, escape volume and motion responses of the ALV are provided. & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    RRS James Cook Cruise 35, 7-19 Jun 2009. Sidescan sonar mapping of the Whittard Canyon, Celtic Margin

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    James Cook cruise 035 was aimed at the detailed mapping of the Whittard Canyon system along the Celtic Margin (NE Atlantic). In 12 days, &gt;700 km of track-lines were surveyed with the Towed Ocean Bottom Instrument (TOBI, carrying a 30 kHz sidescan sonar system with phase bathymetry capability, an 8 kHz chirp profiler and a magnetometer) and 6130 km2 of shipborne multibeam data was acquired over the 4 main branches of the canyon. This comprehensive and highly detailed dataset will provide new insights in canyon morphology, formation, sediment transport processes and into the resulting spatial distribution of benthic habitats. In addition, the data formed an indispensable base map for the planning of ROV dives during the follow-on cruise JC036.<br/

    A comparison of experimental and numerical behaviour characteristics of a ship entering a lock using benchmark test data

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    This paper discusses several papers that were presented at the 3rd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, which had a non-exclusive focus on Ship Behaviour in Locks. For this conference, experimental model test data obtained at Flanders Hydraulics Research had been made public and researchers were encouraged to compare numerical with experimental results [1]. Data of benchmark tests carried out both with self-propelled and captive models were used by researchers for comparison with various numerical tools. The objective of this paper is to give a selected overview of how accurately numerical tools are presently able to predict the hydrodynamic forces that occur on ships approaching locks. Based on this, the paper concludes that experiments and numerical tools complement each other
