6 research outputs found

    Analisis dan Evaluasi Atribut Kualitas pada Software Architecture Sistem RFID Universitas Telkom dengan Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)

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    Perkembangan teknologi identifikasi sudah sangat pesat. Saat ini muncul teknik identifikasi RFID yang berbasis gelombang radio untuk identifikasi barang, hewan, hingga manusia. Teknologi RFID digunakan diberbagai bidang kehidupan manusia, salah satunya pendidikan. Sama halnya dengan sistem lainnya, teknologi RFID juga memiliki arsitektur sistem. Universitas Telkom menerapkan teknologi ini untuk melakukan sistem absensi perkuliahan mahasiswa. Dalam penerapannya terdapat beberapa kendala pada atribut kualitas sistem. Sehingga dibutuhkan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap atribut kualitas arsitektur system absensi tersebut agar menjadi lebih baik kedepannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) untuk melakukan evaluasi atribut kualitas arsitektur system. Metode ini menggunakan scenario dari tiap atribut kualitas yang menjadi acuan untuk analisis pendekatan arsitektur system. Atribut kualitas yang dianalisis adalah reliability, performance dan usability. Hasil dari analisis ini berupa poin sensivitas, tradeoff dan resiko arsitektural dari masing-masing scenario atribut kualitas yang digunakan sebagai bagian untuk rekomendasi perbaikan sistem tersebu

    Smart technologies: Enablers of construction components reuse?

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    Purpose: The exploitation of smart technologies such as, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) for tracking and archiving the properties of structural components, is an innovative disruption in the construction sector. It could stimulate reuse of construction components, rather than their wastage addressing a serious pressing problem. Methods: This study explores the potential of smart technologies to facilitate construction components reuse, and develops a guidance list for promoting their redistribution back to the supply chain. A preliminary assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the RFID technology is presented in order to depict its current and future potential in promoting construction components’ sustainable lifecycle management, and in capturing and creating value. Results: For both RFID and BIM technologies to operate successfully, the right amount and flow of information at each stage of the design-construction-deconstruction-reuse-disposal process is a prerequisite. Although a number of limitations related to the technical operability and recycling of RFID tags currently withhold its roll-out, technological innovation may provide solutions for the future, enabling it to become mainstream. Conclusions: the use of RFID in the construction sector can create the right conditions for the development of new business models based on the reuse and lifecycle management of components, unlocking multiple technical, environmental, economic, and social benefits. With technological innovation enhancing the capabilities of RFID, and with policy interventions controlling and managing its uptake at all stages of the supply chain, its use as a construction components reuse enabler might soon become realised

    Innovation technology towards Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste management

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    Purpose–The vast amount of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste generation reported implicates that construction industry didn’t perform well in handling resource management.Research gap which shows that effectiveness in waste management has highly correlation with knowledge acquaintance level of the practitioners. This study has investigated the acquaintance level of project upstream stakeholders to standards of C&D waste innovations. Design/methodology/approach–Aqualitative methodhas been deployed to assess and review insights and opinions from respondents through their experiences and exposure on C&Dwaste innovations. Semi-structured interview with 10 respondents in order to probe with more findings from respondents.Findings–Highest acquaintance level on C&D waste innovation standard in using Building Information Modelling (BIM)following by using RFID, barcode, GIS, and mechanical sorting innovations and lastly none from SMART Waste innovation.Research limitations/implications–This paper is limited on the responses coverage on Penang area which doesn’t represented findings to the whole construction industry in Malaysia. Originality/value–The paper findings depicted the current status of the industry towards waste management efforts with innovation.This also help to foster initiative plans in deciding which lifecycle of project should be given emphasizing by the regulators as all waste innovations have its own respective functions,timeline and varied effectivenes

    A common structured integrated collaborative digitised (CrOsS) framework for the historic building repair and maintenance (R&M) sector

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    The UK historic building repair and maintenance (R&M) sector generates £9.7 billion in output. However, challenging delivering quality R&M are project under-performance, a lack of collaborative project practices, resulting in poor communication, underpinned by persistent skills shortages. These are not solely UK concerns; various international studies have echoed similar issues, however, to maintain focus, the scope of the research is within the UK context, in particular Scotland’s stone-built heritage. Adopting a four stage qualitative participatory exploratory action research strategy; this research aims to develop a framework, to support an effective integrated multi-disciplinary, collaborative, structured, and digitised Project Management and on-site practice approach, to aid increased efficiencies. Firstly, a synthesis of the relevant academic literature and industrial reports enabled direction towards the acquisition of appropriate intelligence, in order to guide and inform the study’s theoretical foundation. Secondly, 14 semi-structured interviews with Scottish SMEs were executed, which bounded the key findings under three main themes; senior management, human resource, and technical. Concurrently, through co-operative industry engagement, the generation of a best practice historic building SME R&M four-phase process map was undertaken. Thirdly, a common structured collaborative process standard framework was developed and finally, validated through active industry participation; a demonstration project, four semi-structured interviews, and two focus groups of six industry practitioners. The validation feedback confirmed that the developed framework is valid, credible, acceptable, and applicable as a process standard designed to offer a process model, map, and management tool.The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Heriot Watt Universit

    Maritime Transport ‘16

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