265,593 research outputs found

    The Isotope Effect in Superconductors

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    We review some aspects of the isotope effect (IE) in superconductors. Our focus is on the influence of factors not related to the pairing mechanism. After summarizing the main results obtained for conventional superconductors, we review the effect of magnetic impurities, the proximity effect and non-adiabaticity on the value of the isotope coefficient (IC). We discuss the isotope effect of TcT_c and of the penetration depth δ\delta. The theory is applied to conventional and high-TcT_c superconductors. Experimental results obtained for YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} related materials (Zn and Pr-substituted as well as oxygen-depleted systems) and for La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures. Review article to appear in "Pair Correlation in Many Fermions Systems", Plenum Press 199

    Motion of domain walls and the dynamics of kinks in the magnetic Peierls potential

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    We study the dynamics of magnetic domain walls in the Peierls potential due to the discreteness of the crystal lattice. The propagation of a narrow domain wall (comparable to the lattice parameter) under the effect of a magnetic field proceeds through the formation of kinks in its profile. We predict that, despite the discreteness of the system, such kinks can behave like sine-Gordon solitons in thin films of materials such as yttrium iron garnets, and we derive general conditions for other materials. In our simulations we also observe long-lived breathers. We provide analytical expressions for the effective mass and limiting velocity of the kink in excellent agreement with our numerical results.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures (incl. supp. mat.

    Helical damping and anomalous critical non-Hermitian skin effect

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    Non-Hermitian skin effect and critical skin effect are unique features of non-Hermitian systems. In this Letter, we study an open system with its dynamics of single-particle correlation function effectively dominated by a non-Hermitian damping matrix, which exhibits Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 skin effect, and uncover the existence of a novel phenomenon of helical damping. When adding perturbations that break anomalous time reversal symmetry to the system, the critical skin effect occurs, which causes the disappearance of the helical damping in the thermodynamic limit although it can exist in small size systems. We also demonstrate the existence of anomalous critical skin effect when we couple two identical systems with Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 skin effect. With the help of non-Bloch band theory, we unveil that the change of generalized Brillouin zone equation is the necessary condition of critical skin effect.Comment: 7+5 pages, 4+5 figure

    Influence of the nonlinearity parameter on the solar-wind sub-ion magnetic energy spectrum: FLR-Landau fluid simulations

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    The cascade of kinetic Alfv\'en waves (KAWs) at the sub-ion scales in the solar wind is numerically simulated using a fluid approach that retains ion and electron Landau damping, together with ion finite Larmor radius corrections. Assuming initially equal and isotropic ion and electron temperatures, and an ion beta equal to unity, different simulations are performed by varying the propagation direction and the amplitude of KAWs that are randomly driven at a transverse scale of about one fifth of the proton gyroradius in order to maintain a prescribed level of turbulent fluctuations. The resulting turbulent regimes are characterized by the nonlinearity parameter, defined as the ratio of the characteristic times of Alfv\'en wave propagation and of the transverse nonlinear dynamics. The corresponding transverse magnetic energy spectra display power laws with exponents spanning a range of values consistent with spacecraft observations. The meandering of the magnetic field lines together with the ion temperature homogenization along these lines are shown to be related to the strength of the turbulence, measured by the nonlinearity parameter. The results are interpreted in terms of a recently proposed phenomenological model where the homogenization process along field lines induced by Landau damping plays a central role

    Rheology in dense assemblies of spherocylinders: frictional vs. frictionless

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the steady shear flow of dense assemblies of anisotropic spherocylindrical particles of varying aspect ratios. Comparing frictionless and frictional particles we discuss the specific role of frictional inter-particle forces for the rheological properties of the system. In the frictional system we evidence a shear-thickening regime, similar to that for spherical particles. Furthermore, friction suppresses alignment of the spherocylinders along the flow direction. Finally, the jamming density in frictional systems is rather insensitive to variations in aspect-ratio, quite contrary to what is known from frictionless systems
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