39 research outputs found

    Biometrics to Enhance Smartcard Security (Simulating MOC using TOC)

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    A novel protocol is proposed to address the problem of user authentication to smartcards using devices that are currently inexpen- sive. The protocol emulates expensive Match On Card (MOC) smart- cards, which can compute a biometric match, by cheap Template on Card (TOC) smartcards, which only store a biometric template. The actual match is delegated to an extension of the cryptographic module running on the card host, which is called Cryptoki according to the PKCS#11[9] standard. Compliance to such a standard increases the portability of the protocol. Informal reasoning confirms the protocol strenghts, though its formal verification in terms of established equational techniques appears to be at hand

    Under Quantum Computer Attack: Is Rainbow a Replacement of RSA and Elliptic Curves on Hardware?

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    Among cryptographic systems, multivariate signature is one of the most popular candidates since it has the potential to resist quantum computer attacks. Rainbow belongs to the multivariate signature, which can be viewed as a multilayer unbalanced Oil-Vinegar system. In this paper, we present techniques to exploit Rainbow signature on hardware meeting the requirements of efficient high-performance applications. We propose a general architecture for efficient hardware implementations of Rainbow and enhance our design in three directions. First, we present a fast inversion based on binary trees. Second, we present an efficient multiplication based on compact construction in composite fields. Third, we present a parallel solving system of linear equations based on Gauss-Jordan elimination. Via further other minor optimizations and by integrating the major improvement above, we implement our design in composite fields on standard cell CMOS Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). The experimental results show that our implementation takes 4.9 us and 242 clock cycles to generate a Rainbow signature with the frequency of 50 MHz. Comparison results show that our design is more efficient than the RSA and ECC implementations

    Attacking quantum key distribution by light injection via ventilation openings

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    Quantum cryptography promises security based on the laws of physics with proofs of security against attackers of unlimited computational power. However, deviations from the original assumptions allow quantum hackers to compromise the system. We present a side channel attack that takes advantage of ventilation holes in optical devices to inject additional photons that can leak information about the secret key. We experimentally demonstrate light injection on an ID~Quantique Clavis2 quantum key distribution platform and show that this may help an attacker to learn information about the secret key. We then apply the same technique to a prototype quantum random number generator and show that its output is biased by injected light. This shows that light injection is a potential security risk that should be addressed during the design of quantum information processing devices

    Conformance testing from UML specifications. Experience Report

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    International audienceUMLAUT is a framework for building tools dedicated to the manipulation of models described using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). TGV is a tool for the generation of conformance test suites for protocols. Both tools are connected so that it is possible to specify an application in UML and derive automatically some test cases. In this article, the integration of those tools in an industrial process is evaluated through a case study. This case study, proposed by Gemplus, is a Java Card applet: a classical electronic purse

    Fast Leakage Assessment

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    We describe a fast technique for performing the computationally heavy part of leakage assessment, in any statistical moment (or other property) of the leakage samples distributions. The proposed technique outperforms by orders of magnitude the approach presented at CHES 2015 by Schneider and Moradi. We can carry out evaluations that before took 90 CPU-days in 4 CPU-hours (about a 500-fold speed-up). As a bonus, we can work with exact arithmetic, we can apply kernel-based density estimation methods, we can employ arbitrary pre-processing functions such as absolute value to power traces, and we can perform information-theoretic leakage assessment. Our trick is simple and elegant, and lends itself to an easy and compact implementation. We fit a prototype implementation in about 130 lines of C code

    Efficient Methods for Exploiting Faults Induced at AES Middle Rounds

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    Faults occurred during the operations in a hardware device cause many problems such as performance deterioration, unreliable output, etc. If a fault occurs in a cryptographic hardware device, the effect can be even serious because an adversary may exploit it to find the secret information stored in the device. More precisely, the adversary can find the key of a block cipher using differential information between correct and faulty ciphertexts obtained by inducing faults during the computation of ciphertexts. This kind of attack is called \emph{Differential Fault Analysis} (DFA). Among many ciphers \emph{Advanced Encryption Standard} (AES) has been the main target of DFA due to its popularity. AES is widely used in different platforms and systems including Intel and AMD microprocessors. Normally DFA on AES exploits faults induced at the last few rounds. Hence, a general countermeasure is to recompute the last few rounds of AES and compare it with the original output. As redundancy is a costly countermeasure, one should ascertain exactly which rounds need to be protected. In 2006, Phan and Yen introduced a new type of DFA, so called Square-DFA, that works even when faults are induced into some middle rounds. However, it is impractical as it requires several hundreds of faulty ciphertexts as well as a bit fault model. In this article, we propose new attacks that need only dozens of faulty ciphertexts in a byte fault model. Normally it is believed that randomly corrupting a byte is easier than corrupting a specific bit. In addition, we extend the attacks to the AES-192 and AES-256, which is the first result in the literature

    Mask Compression: High-Order Masking on Memory-Constrained Devices

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    Masking is a well-studied method for achieving provable security against side-channel attacks. In masking, each sensitive variable is split into dd randomized shares, and computations are performed with those shares. In addition to the computational overhead of masked arithmetic, masking also has a storage cost, increasing the requirements for working memory and secret key storage proportionally with dd. In this work, we introduce mask compression. This conceptually simple technique is based on standard, non-masked symmetric cryptography. Mask compression allows an implementation to dynamically replace individual shares of large arithmetic objects (such as polynomial rings) with Îş\kappa-bit cryptographic seeds (or temporary keys) when they are not in computational use. Since Îş\kappa does not need to be larger than the security parameter (e.g., Îş=256\kappa=256 bits) and each polynomial share may be several kilobytes in size, this radically reduces the memory requirement of high-order masking. Overall provable security properties can be maintained by using appropriate gadgets to manage the compressed shares. We describe gadgets with Non-Inteference (NI) and composable Strong-Non Interference (SNI) security arguments. Mask compression can be applied in various settings, including symmetric cryptography, code-based cryptography, and lattice-based cryptography. It is especially useful for cryptographic primitives that allow quasilinear-complexity masking and hence are practically capable of very high masking orders. We illustrate this with a d=32d=32 (Order-31) implementation of the recently introduced lattice-based signature scheme Raccoon on an FPGA platform with limited memory resources

    Improved Trace-Driven Cache-Collision Attacks against Embedded AES Implementations

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    In this paper we present two attacks that exploit cache events, which are visible in some side channel, to derive a secret key used in an implementation of AES. The first is an improvement of an adaptive chosen plaintext attack presented at ACISP 2006. The second is a new known plaintext attack that can recover a 128-bit key with approximately 30 measurements to reduce the number of key hypotheses to 2^30. This is comparable to classical Dierential Power Analysis; however, our attacks are able to overcome certain masking techniques. We also show how to deal with unreliable cache event detection in the real-life measurement scenario and present practical explorations on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor