124 research outputs found

    Learning from Digital Library Evaluations

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    In this paper we analyse evaluation studies of the Europeana digital library from its launch in 2009 until today. Using Saracevic’s digital library evaluation framework, the studies are categorised by their constructs, contexts, criteria, and methodologies. Concentrating on studies that evaluate Europeana services or single components, we show gaps in the evaluation of certain Europeana aspects. Finally, we derive strategies for building an evaluation archive that serves as memory and supports comparisons.Im vorliegenden Artikel analysieren wir Evaluationsstudien der digitalen Bibliothek Europeana von 2009 bis heute. Unter Berücksichtigung von Saracevic’ Evaluationsframework für digitale Bibliotheken werden die Studien nach ihren Konstrukten, Kontexten, Kriterien und Methodologien kategorisiert. Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf Studien, die Dienstleistungen oder einzelne Komponenten von Europeana evaluieren, und zeigt Lücken in der Evaluation bestimmter Aspekte von Europeana auf. Schließlich werden Strategien diskutiert, um ein Evaluationsarchiv zu entwickeln, welches sowohl der Langzeitarchivierung dient als auch Vergleiche von Evaluationsergebnissen unterstützt.Peer Reviewe

    Comparing methods for finding search sessions on a specified topic: A double case study

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    Users searching for different topics in a collection may show distinct search patterns. To analyze search behavior of users searching for a specific topic, we need to retrieve the sessions containing this topic. In this paper, we compare different topic representations and approaches to find topic-specific sessions. We conduct our research in a double case study of two topics, World War II and feminism, using search logs of a historical newspaper collection. We evaluate the results using manually created ground truths of over 600 sessions per topic. The two case studies show similar results: The query-based methods yield high precision, at the expense of recall. The document-based methods find more sessions, at the expense of precision. In both approaches, precision improves significantly by manually curating the topic representations. This study demonstrates how different methods to find sessions containing specific topics can be applied by digital humanities scholars and practitioners

    B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation

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    Finding a suitable open access journal to publish scientific work is a complex task: Researchers have to navigate a constantly growing number of journals, institutional agreements with publishers, funders’ conditions and the risk of Predatory Publishers. To help with these challenges, we introduce a web-based journal recommendation system called B!SON. It is developed based on a systematic requirements analysis, built on open data, gives publisher-independent recommendations and works across domains. It suggests open access journals based on title, abstract and references provided by the user. The recommendation quality has been evaluated using a large test set of 10,000 articles. Development by two German scientific libraries ensures the longevity of the project

    Supporting Account-based Queries for Archived Instagram Posts

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    Social media has become one of the primary modes of communication in recent times, with popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram leading the way. Despite its popularity, Instagram has not received as much attention in academic research compared to Facebook and Twitter, and its significant role in contemporary society is often overlooked. Web archives are making efforts to preserve social media content despite the challenges posed by the dynamic nature of these sites. The goal of our research is to facilitate the easy discovery of archived copies, or mementos, of all posts belonging to a specific Instagram account in web archives. We proposed two approaches to support account-based queries for archived Instagram posts. The first approach uses existing technologies in the Internet Archive by using WARC revisit records to incorporate Instagram usernames into the WARC-Target-URI field in the WARC file header. The second approach involves building an external index that maps Instagram user accounts to their posts. The user can query this index to retrieve all post URLs for a particular user, which they can then use to query web archives for each individual post. The implementation of both approaches was demonstrated, and their advantages and disadvantages were discussed. This research will enable web archivists to make informed decisions on which approach to adopt based on practicality and unique requirements for their archives

    ClioPatria: A SWI-Prolog Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

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    ClioPatria is a comprehensive semantic web development framework based on SWI-Prolog. SWI-Prolog provides an efficient C-based main-memory RDF store that is designed to cooperate naturally and efficiently with Prolog, realizing a flexible RDF-based environment for rule based programming. ClioPatria extends this core with a SPARQL and LOD server, an extensible web frontend to manage the server, browse the data, query the data using SPARQL and Prolog and a Git-based plugin manager. The ability to query RDF using Prolog provides query composition and smooth integration with application logic. ClioPatria is primarily positioned as a prototyping platform for exploring novel ways of reasoning with RDF data. It has been used in several research projects in order to perform tasks such as data integration and enrichment and semantic search

    Capture All the URLs: First Steps in Web Archiving

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    Kütüphanecilikte lego modelleri

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, günümüzün değişen dünya düzeninde yaşanmakta olan teknolojik ve sosyolojik gelişmelerin kütüphaneciler üzerindeki çalışma alışkanlıklarına nasıl etki ettiğini tartışmak ve bu etkilerin nasıl karşılanması gerektiğine dair bir öneri sunmaktır. Yeni bir işbirliği modeli olarak öne sürdüğümüz bu çalışmada kütüphanecilerin, kullanıcılarının ihtiyaçlarını karşılarken sahip olmaları gereken yetkinliklerine ve kütüphanecilerin mesleki gelişimlerini tamamlamalarına dair çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmaktadır. Çalışmanın çıkış noktası her yıl IFLA ve ALA tarafından yayınlanan eğilim raporlarıdır ve yine bu kuruluşların geleceğin eğilimleri konusunda yaptıkları çalışmaların sonuçlarıdır. Çalışmada bu bilgiler ışığında, kütüphanecilere özgün bir “LEGO” modeli sunulmaktadır. Bu model kütüphanecilik alanındaki eğilimlerde ya da farklı disiplinlerde uzmanlaşmış kütüphanecilerin, meslektaşlarını yüksek öğrenimleri sonrasında iş hayatlarında desteklemeleri üzerine kurulmuş bir modeldir. Her bir kütüphanecinin bir LEGO parçası olduğu varsayılarak ve her bir LEGO parçasının bir araya geldiğinde bir yapı oluşturduğu düşünülerek yola çıkılmaktadır. Güncel eğilimlerde uzmanlaşmış ve deneyim sahibi olmuş kişilerin, meslektaşlarına önderlik ederek ve onların da yetenek ve görüşlerinden beslenerek bir LEGO modeli oluşturması, diğer bir deyişle uzmanlık alanlarında meslektaşlarının da uzmanlaşması için desteklemesi adına bir iş birliğine gidilmesi gerekmektedir

    Metadata categorization for identifying search patterns in a digital library

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    Purpose: For digital libraries, it is useful to understand how users search in a collection. Investigating search patterns can help them to improve the user interface, collection management and search algorithms. However, search patterns may vary widely in different parts of a collection. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to identify these search patterns within a well-curated historical newspaper collection using the existing metadata.Design/methodology/approach: The authors analyzed search logs combined with metadata