1,277 research outputs found

    The VIVID model : accessible IT e-learning environments for the vision impaired

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    Sighted learners and vision impaired learners experience different problems when accessing e-learning environments. Web designers use complex visual images and interactive features which learners with vision impairment are unable to access. Learners with vision impairment must rely on assistive technologies to acquire the information they are seeking. Vision impaired learners must have conversion facilities to translate the contents of these displays into readable and accessible formats.This research identifies problems faced by learners with vision impairment and demonstrates how e-learning environments must be modified to ensure success. The most significant problems are the lack of accessibility to teaching materials and an inability to participate in the learning experience to the same extent as sighted learners. Learning materials designed for sighted learners are often unsuited to those with vision impairment. Frequently, text provided is too small and unable to be altered; colour graphics are of little value unless accompanied by text or audio description and interactive Web sites present numerous challenges in navigation. Most courses are designed for sighted learners and learners with vision impairment struggle to maintain the required timeframe because of difficulties in reading texts and documents, completing assignments and sourcing reference materials due to their inaccessible formats and presentation.These problems result in lower academic achievement for vision impaired learners, which in turn lead to a lack of choices in employment opportunities. Learning environments for people with vision impairment need specific consideration in design and implementation. This ensures that the learning materials meet their needs and allow maximum accessibility so that the learners can achieve the same outcomes as their sighted peers.There is a small number of existing models to assist the design of e-learning sites for people with a disability. Kelley’s holistic model (2005) and Seale’s contextualised model (2006) are designed for people with disabilities in general and not specifically for those with vision impairment. Lazar’s Web accessibility integration model (2004) does not take into account the importance of social elements. Prougestaporn’s WAVIP model, (2010) whilst it has generic guidelines, the model is limited in its scope.Venable’s Design Science Research method was chosen to investigate the specific problems faced by vision impaired learners enrolled in IT e-learning courses. The characteristics of approximately one hundred adult vision impaired learners were investigated using two case study environments. The data were collected by observation and semi-structured interviews. Additionally, data were collected from these same learners to identify their specific needs in a Web-based learning situation. Accessibility needs were also identified and analysed. These activities involved the Problem Diagnosis stage in the Design Science Research model. Accessibility guidelines and legal and statutory requirements from several sources were also investigated. The components needed to deliver an effective, fully accessible IT curriculum in two Web-based e-learning environments for the vision impaired was then identified.Information was compiled from studying two learning environments for the vision impaired. Data instruments used in this phase were observations and semi-structured interviews with vision impaired learners and teachers. These activities involved the Problem Diagnosis and Theory Building stages of the Venable model. The relationships between the characteristics and needs of the learner, and the components of the learning environment for an Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) curriculum were analysed and then synthesised to build a conceptual model of an effective Web-based e-learning environment for the vision impaired.A new theoretical model, the Vision Impaired using Virtual IT Discovery (VIVID) was then developed. This holistic framework takes into account the specific needs of vision impaired learners. It also includes a social element which vision impaired learners identified as being extremely important to the success of their learning. This activity involved both the Technology Design/Invention state and the Theory Building stage in the Venable model.An evaluation was carried out by a focus group of eight experts in the field of accessible and e-learning course design and the model was then modified to incorporate their suggestions.The resulting model is a high level, comprehensive conceptual model that can be applied in differing pedagogical environments relating to IT education for adult learners with vision disabilities. It provides a framework to guide education managers, instructional designers and developers who are creating accessible IT e-learning environments for the vision impaired.Whilst this model relates only to the IT area, further research could extend its use to other curriculum areas and to those learners with multiple disabilities

    Synchronizing Audio and Haptic to Read Webpage

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    Constantly emerging technologies present new interactive ways to convey information on the Web. The new and enhanced website design has gradually improved sighted users‟ understanding on the Web content but on the other hand, it creates more obstacles to the visually impaired. The significant technological gap in assistive technology and the Web presents on-going challenges to maintain web accessibility, especially for disabled users. The limitations of current assistive technology to convey non-textual information including text attributes such as bold, underline, and italic from the Web further restrict the visually impaired from acquiring comprehensive understanding of the Web content. This project addresses this issues by investigating the problems faced by the visually impaired when using the current assistive technology. The significance of text attributes to support accessibility and improve understanding of the Web content is also being studied. For this purpose several qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are adopted to test the hypotheses. The project also examines the relationship between multimodal technology using audio and haptic modalities and the mental model generated by the visually impaired while accessing webpage. The findings are then used as a framework to develop a system that synchronizes audio and haptic to read webpages and represents text attributes to visually impaired users is to be develop. From the prototype built, pilot testing and user testing are conducted to evaluate the system. The result and recommendations are shared at the end of project for future enhancement

    A comparative study of D2L's Performance with a purpose built E-learning user interface for visual- and hearing-Impaired students

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    An e-learning system in an academic setting is an efficient tool for all students especially for students with physical impairments. This thesis discusses an e-learning system through the design and development of an e-learning user interface for students with visual- and hearing- impairment. In this thesis the tools and features in the user interface required to make the learning process easy and effective for students with such disabilities have been presented. Further, an integration framework is proposed to integrate the new tools and features into the existing e-learning system Desire-To-Learn (D2L). The tools and features added to the user interface were tested by the selected participants with visually-and hearing- impaired students from Laurentian University’s population. Two questionnaires were filled out to assess the usability methods for both the D2L e-learning user interface at Laurentian University and the new e-learning user interface designed for students with visual and hearing impairment. After collecting and analyzing the data, the results from different usability factors such as effectiveness, ease of use, and accessibility showed that the participants were not completely satisfied with the existing D2L e-learning system, but were satisfied with the proposed new user interface. Based on the new interface, the results showed also that the tools and features proposed for students with visual and hearing impairment can be integrated into the existing D2L e-learning system.Master of Science (MSc) in Computational Science

    Include 2011 : The role of inclusive design in making social innovation happen.

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    Include is the biennial conference held at the RCA and hosted by the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design. The event is directed by Jo-Anne Bichard and attracts an international delegation

    Visually-impaired people studying via ebook: investigating current use and potential for improvement

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    Everyday activities and tasks should be easy to perform for everyone, especially in an educational context, in order to foster inclusivity and assure equal opportunities for all. In this paper, we investigate strategies and issues experienced by visually impaired people when studying via eBook. An online survey was designed to investigate preferences regarding the different formats and understand what types of actions are possible and desirable when using eBooks in an educational context. We collected the views and experiences of 75 visually-impaired people, which revealed the need to develop tools that can provide both full accessibility and high usability when reading for study. Visually impaired people would like to rely on the same widely used strategies that sighted people use when studying a text. In addition, 92% of the visually-impaired people participating in the online survey declared they were interested in a (new) reading app. The results could orient the design of new digital reading tools and functionalities that can improve interaction

    Creating a transportation app for visually impaired people

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    Client for this thesis was Bernmobil. Bernmobil provides public transportation services in the Bern area by busses and trams. The idea for this assignment came from the interest to provide services for a specific target group, visually impaired people. The goal of this thesis was to develop a concept of an assistive mobile application for visually impaired users to help them use public transportation by themselves. Literature research was used as the research method, which was based on the previous projects and reports on this field, including guidelines of the assistive application development and documentations about existing public transportation applications for visually impaired. The analysis and research for this project started by defining the problems, which visually impaired face when using public transportation. From a list of existing problems, four were picked which were found to be the most relevant. Guidelines for assistive application development define what is to be taken into consideration when developing an application for visually impaired users. Research of existing applications were used to define which features this kind of application includes, where they are used, and how the application for the visually impaired works. The conceptual design and interface of this application was based on the literature research. The four major features of the conceptual application (planning the route, information about arriving vehicle, information while on board and information about abnormalities on the route) solve the problems defined by the literature research. Interaction between user and the application works by screen reader and touch-based gestures. The interface is designed to be simple, only including features that are relevant and necessary. As a conclusion, companies and developers have made big efforts to design assistive applications for visually impaired. There is a lot of research concerning this matter on the general level. On the field of public transportation, there is still work to do. There are some public transportation applications that work locally in different parts of the world. World-wide there are only a few public transportation applications but they are not designed specifically for visually impaired users. So there is a gap to fill for Bernmobil to provide more accessible public transportation for their customers

    Auditory Displays for People with Visual Impairments during Travel

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    Menschen mit Blindheit oder Sehbehinderungen begegnen beim Reisen zahlreichen Barrieren, was sich auf die Lebensqualität auswirkt. Obwohl spezielle elektronische Reisehilfen schon seit vielen Jahren im Mittelpunkt der Forschung stehen, werden sie von der Zielgruppe nach wie vor kaum genutzt. Dies liegt unter anderem daran, dass die von den Nutzern benötigten Informationen von der Technologie nur unzureichend bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem entsprechen die Schnittstellen selten den Bedürfnissen der Nutzer. In der vorliegender Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Defizite ein und definieren die Anforderungen für barrierefreies Reisen in Bezug auf den Informationsbedarf (Was muss vermittelt werden?) und die nichtfunktionalen Anforderungen (Wie muss es vermittelt werden?). Außerdem schlagen wir verschiedene auditive Displays vor, die die Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen während einer Reise berücksichtigen. Wir entwerfen, implementieren und evaluieren unsere Schnittstellen nach einem nutzerzentriertem Ansatz, wobei wir während des gesamten Prozesses Nutzer und Experten aus diesem Bereich einbeziehen. In einem ersten Schritt erheben wir den Informationsbedarf von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Allgemeinen und von Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen im Besonderen, wenn sie sich in Gebäuden bewegen. Außerdem vergleichen wir die gesammelten Informationen mit dem, was derzeit in OpenStreetMap (OSM), einer freien geografischen Datenbank, kartiert werden kann, und machen Vorschläge zur Schließung der Lücke. Unser Ziel ist es, die Kartierung aller benötigten Informationen zu ermöglichen, um sie in Lösungen zur Unterstützung des unabhängigen Reisens zu verwenden. Nachdem wir die Frage beantwortet haben, welche Informationen benötigt werden, gehen wir weiter und beantworten die Frage, wie diese den Nutzern vermittelt werden können. Wir definieren eine Sammlung nicht-funktionaler Anforderungen, die wir in einer Befragung mit 22 Mobilitätstrainern verfeinern und bewerten. Anschließend schlagen wir eine Grammatik - oder anders ausgedrückt, eine strukturierte Art der Informationsvermittlung - für Navigationsanweisungen bei Reisen im Freien vor, die Straßenränder, das Vorhandensein von Gehwegen und Kreuzungen berücksichtigt - alles wichtige Informationen für Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen. Darüber hinaus können mit unserer Grammatik auch Orientierungspunkte, Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hindernisse vermittelt werden, was die Reise zu einem ganzheitlichen und sichereren Erlebnis macht. Wir implementieren unsere Grammatik in einen bestehenden Prototyp und evaluieren sie mit der Zielgruppe. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass in Gebäuden Beschreibungen der Umgebung die Erstellung von mentalen Karten unterstützen und damit die Erkundung und spontane Entscheidungsfindung besser fördern als Navigationsanweisungen. Wir definieren daher eine Grammatik für die Vermittlung von Informationen über die Umgebung in Innenräumen für Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen. Wir bewerten die Grammatik in einer Online-Studie mit 8 Nutzern aus der Zielgruppe. Wir zeigen, dass die Nutzer strukturierte Sätze mit fester Wortreihenfolge benötigen. Schließlich implementieren wir die Grammatik als Proof-of-Concept in eine bestehende prototypische App. Sprachausgabe ist zwar Stand der Technik im Bereich der Ausgabeschnittstellen für Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen, hat aber auch Nachteile: es ist für Menschen mit Leseschwäche unzugänglich und kann für manche Nutzer zu langsam sein. Wir nehmen uns dieses Problems an und untersuchen den Einsatz von Sonifikation in Form von auditiven Symbolen in Kombination mit Parameter-Mapping zur Vermittlung von Informationen über Objekte und deren Verortung in der Umgebung. Da eine erste Evaluierung positive Ergebnisse lieferte, erstellten wir in einem nutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsansatz einen Datensatz mit kurzen auditiven Symbolen für 40 Alltagsgegenstände. Wir evaluieren den Datensatz mit 16 blinden Menschen und zeigen, dass die Töne intuitiv sind. Schließlich vergleichen wir in einer Nutzerstudie mit 5 Teilnehmern Sprachausgabe mit nicht-sprachlicher Sonifikation. Wir zeigen, dass Sonifikation für die Vermittlung von groben Informationen über Objekte in der Umgebung genau so gut geeignet ist wie Sprache, was die Benutzerfreundlichkeit angeht. Abschließend listen wir einige Vorteile von Sprache und Sonifikation auf, die zum Vergleich und als Entscheidungshilfe dienen sollen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Bedürfnissen von Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigungen während der Reise in Bezug auf die benötigten Informationen und Schnittstellen. In einem nutzerzentrierten Ansatz schlagen wir verschiedene akustische Schnittstellen vor, die auf sprachlicher und nicht-sprachlicher Sonifikation basieren. Anhand mehrerer Nutzerstudien, an denen sowohl Nutzer als auch Experten beteiligt sind, entwerfen, implementieren und evaluieren wir unsere Schnittstellen. Wir zeigen, dass elektronische Reisehilfen in der Lage sein müssen, große Mengen an Informationen auf strukturierte Weise zu vermitteln, jedoch angepasst an den Nutzungskontext und die Präferenzen und Fähigkeiten der Nutzer

    Introducing Accessibility Requirements Through External Stakeholder Utilization in an Undergraduate Requirements Engineering Course

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    Undergraduate software engineering courses aim to prepare students to deliver software in a variety of domains. The manner in which these courses are conducted varies, though team projects with real or imaginary stakeholders are common. While the key course concepts vary from the entire lifecycle to specific aspects of design, concepts like accessibility are rare. This paper will present a study of team projects in a requirements engineering course. One group of students conducted projects with accessibility requirements while another group of students delivered projects without accessibility requirements. The course content was the same, including discussion of accessibility. To support the understanding of accessibility, stakeholders with disabilities were included in the requirements engineering process. Both teams benefited from the experience as indirect knowledge acquisition occurred. Students from a previous offering of the course, with no external stakeholder interaction, demonstrated lower levels of accessibility understanding

    Visual-Tactile Image Representation For The Visually Impaired Using Braille Device

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    Nowadays Internet usage is dramatically increasing all over the world and the information dissemination and acquisition is easier for sighted users. Unfortunately, visually impaired are still facing difficulties in interaction with websites. Particularly, screen reader is unable to facilitate disabled users to identify images such as basic geometric shapes. Inability to identify the shapes displayed on the screen creates restriction to interact and comprehend the content of websites for visually impaired. Thus, this project examines earlier researches and eases the web interaction of the blind people by identifying the shape of visual image converted into tactile representation using Braille device. For further investigation of the hypotheses, qualitative and quantitative method is used. The study findings are addressed to build a system that tackles the issue that screen reader is unable to address. System evaluation is executed upon producing the prototype of the system which comprises of user testing. The system is expected to improve understanding the content of webpage and enhance the interaction of visually impaired with web. Future recommendations and further findings will be discussed when system prototype milestone is fulfilled

    Bahasa Melayu (BM) Screen Reader for Visually Impaired Internet Users

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    Currently, the Internet usage is rising at a frenzied rate as knowledge and information sharing becomes easy and is time-saving. Regrettably, the visually impaired do not enjoy this liberty and they are facing difficulties in using computer and the Internet to seize any shared and available information. This difficulty is faced especially among the visually impaired Malay language medium Internet user. Specifically, existing screen reader cannot fully cater for users who need to browse the Malay language web pages. The inability of screen reader narration to enunciate Malay words correctly has become a restriction for the visually impaired to acquire any information in the Malay language. Narration of the words are done by non-Malay speakers and the enunciation of those words confuses and at times, do not help users. Thus, this project addresses this issue by investigating the difficulties for visually impaired Internet user to understand what is spoken when using screen readers without a native Malay narrator or speaker. This project aims to reduce the time needed for the visually impaired to understand the information in the Malay language read by the narrator of the screen reader. This project also strives to develop a screen reader prototype, which is able to read in Bahasa Melayu (BM) using local accent. To achieve all the objectives, preliminary interviews and testing session were conducted to collect data to test the hypothesis made. The findings are then will be used as main source of data to develop a prototype of the screen reader. From the built prototype, user testing will be conducted with a sample group of visually impaired to test the functionalities and evaluate the effectiveness of the software. The results and recommendations will be shared by the end of the project as a key milestone for future enhancement
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