227,017 research outputs found

    Students' awareness and requirements of mobile learning services among Malaysian students in the higher education environment

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    M-learning is considered as the next generation of e-learning using mobile technologies.It has been aviable alternative for online learning.Students’awareness of such technology is one of the most focus for success adoption.This study aims to investigate students' awareness and requirements of mobile learning services among Malaysian students in the higher education environment.The study found that the higher education environment now has the necessary mobile technology infrastructure to utilize m-learning.Moreover, the results of the survey show that students have adequate knowledge and good awareness to use such technology in their education environment.Regarding the university mobile applications that students would like to use individually through mobile technologies, the exam result and course registration were the highest in rank, followed by calendar and schedule services.The highest limitations were the cost of transaction and slow data exchange with networks, followed by concerns over confidentiality of personal information

    An educational tool for enhanced mobile e-Learning for technical higher education using mobile devices for augmented reality

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    In all dimensions of education and all subjects, Smartphones have turned out to be broadly acknowledged technology. It plays an essential task in advanced online education systems. Because of smart devices� effortlessness and extension property, it is getting to be mandatory for portable applications. This paper analyses the research on Smart Devices (SD) to incorporate visual simulation into e-learning. The researchers created an Augmented Reality (AR) platform for e-learners to expand the coursebook with graphics and virtual multimedia applications. This paper recommends a Mobile e-Learning (MeL) application termed �MeL app. The advanced MeL app methods have been tested using Mann-Whitney �U� Test in the lecture hall using real-time learners. The proposed MeL app planned to create the learning practice easier, focusing on e-learner�s requirements by encouraging e-learners and instructor relationships to maintain communicative development-based e-learning for Technical Higher Education (THE). Software engineering learners assess this proposed framework in THE. Future work in this investigation incorporates new highlights, testing the device in extreme situations, evaluating the instructive perspectives utilizing more significant and increasingly various understudy and beginner inhabitants, and at last, extending the application space

    Future of Mobile Learning During and After Global (Covid-19) Pandemic: College of Basic Education as Case

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    The declaration of world health organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 that the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is a global pandemic has urged countries around the world to impose severe restrictions on their populations in a bid to stop the spread of infection. Imposing social distancing policy has consequence to stop different sectors from daily operations and education one of these sectors. This movement has consequence to accelerate the need for alternative. Mobile learning known as the ability to provide educational content on personal pocket devices, or personal digital assistants (PDAs). This style of learning is in its early stages in terms of both pedagogies and its technologies. M-learning represents a new era in learning and educational development in terms of enhancing the educational outcomes and offering mobile training for employees who are busy off campus. The opposite argument here is that this approach of learning might not be sufficient to fulfill the educational process requirements. Aim of this study is to assess from students points of view, current applications of m-learning in Kuwait’s College of Basic Education and evaluate the potential of this approach. Sample of the study consist of fifty-two students (30 male and 22 female) determined by a purposive sampling method. Collected data via online questionnaire to assess the participant’s perceptions and the analysis has revealed a positive attitude towards the utilization of m-learning in higher education; the average perception of was above average, with a mean of 3.54 out of 5.00. No statistical differences were found reflecting students’ gender (female/ male) or their level of experience with information and communications technology (weak, above average, or advanced). As a result, the study recommends accelerating the development of courses taught and incorporating mobile learning delivery. Adopting a blended learning strategy based on m-learning can motivate the students’ learning and reduce the fears of adopting mobile technology within the curriculum. Keywords: Covid-19, M-learning, E-learning, Instructive knowledge, Distance learning DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-17-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    A Teaching-Learning Initiative with Tablet Computing

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    Mobile computing and electronic books are the top emerging technologies to impact higher education.1 The rapid expansion of technology in the health care setting has created a growing recognition that there is a need for adoption of a sound set of innovative teaching-learning strategies related to information management and technology applications in undergraduate nursing curriculum. Success in these technology-related strategies will rest on the degree to which schools comprehensively integrate technology with teaching-learning strategies in the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Tablet computing has the potential to enhance educational experiences by providing a delivery option for teaching and learning practices that enable learners to interact with content, and each other, in immediate and seamless ways.2 The literature that exists on integrating tablet computers in the health professions focuses on the use of tablet computing for teaching medical students and enhancing resident clinical rotations.3-6 This paper describes the stages of a tablet computing integration initiative in a school of nursing including: 1) creating the infrastructure; 2) planning technology requirements; 3) designing faculty development sessions focused on curricular integration; and 4) building ongoing communication and support for students

    The technology and operational readiness of students for mobile learning at a South African Higher Education Institution

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    Recent accessibility drives and price wars between the major South African (SA) cell phone companies suggest that the landscape for the adoption of mobile learning (m-learning) at the Higher Education Institution (HEI) level may be changing. As such, there is a need to gauge the current mobile readiness of students for m-learning. Mobile technology readiness refers to the extent to which students have access to mobile devices (not only handsets), and can afford data bundles that meet or exceed the requirements of a base set of currently available m-learning applications (Naicker and Van der Merwe 2012). Mobile operational readiness refers to students’ awareness of, attitude towards, support and training that is required for m-learning. This study conducted an assessment of the technology and operational readiness of students at a SA HEI. An in-depth literature survey was undertaken to delineate technology and operational readiness of students for m-learning. For technology readiness, an investigation was conducted on m- learning applications that are currently available and the technology requirements of these mobile applications. This was undertaken to determine the extent that the current student mobile handset profile match these requirements. The literature review also included a search for mobile opeeratratiioonnaall ffaactorctorss ssuuchch aass ssttuuddeennttss’’ aawwaarenerenessss ooff aanndd aattttiittuuddee ttoowwaarrddss mm--lleaearrnininngg as well as m-learning support and training that students require. The philosophical underpinning of this study was based on Activity Theory. The strategy of inquiry employed was a case study approach. Data was collected from students at the Durban University of Technology, a resident based SA HEI. A mixed methods data collection strategy was employed. The researcher used a field survey questionnaire as the primary research instrument to assess mobile technology and operational readiness. Focus group interviews were used as a secondary data gathering tool to triangulate and strengthen the results. The results were presented using descriptive and inferential statistics and were analyzed using the lens of activity theory. In terms of technology readiness, despite a high level of ownership and reasonable compliance with application requirements, data costs remain prohibitive. In assessing operational readiness, despite a positive attitude, the majority of the students require awareness, ongoing support and training. Several recommendations based on the findings are offered. For example, one of the findings showed that mobile connectivity affordability was low amongst students and it is recommended that the HEI work around exorbitant connectivity costs by combining m-learning technologies to form meaningful m-learning approaches at a minimum cost. Another finding showed low awareness of m-learning at the HEI. A recommendation advanced to combat this finding is for the HEI to encourage and support dialogue among key stakeholders. This study concludes that any m-learning endeavour to implement m-learning at this HEI is bound to fail as only a small percentage of students are aware of m-learning and can afford data bundles to implement m-learning in its true sense. As an implication of this study to other HEI’s, the researcher suggests that regular mobile readiness surveys be conducted.Science and Technology EducationM. Sc. (Information Systems

    Evaluating the development of wearable devices, personal data assistants and the use of other mobile devices in further and higher education institutions

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    This report presents technical evaluation and case studies of the use of wearable and mobile computing mobile devices in further and higher education. The first section provides technical evaluation of the current state of the art in wearable and mobile technologies and reviews several innovative wearable products that have been developed in recent years. The second section examines three scenarios for further and higher education where wearable and mobile devices are currently being used. The three scenarios include: (i) the delivery of lectures over mobile devices, (ii) the augmentation of the physical campus with a virtual and mobile component, and (iii) the use of PDAs and mobile devices in field studies. The first scenario explores the use of web lectures including an evaluation of IBM's Web Lecture Services and 3Com's learning assistant. The second scenario explores models for a campus without walls evaluating the Handsprings to Learning projects at East Carolina University and ActiveCampus at the University of California San Diego . The third scenario explores the use of wearable and mobile devices for field trips examining San Francisco Exploratorium's tool for capturing museum visits and the Cybertracker field computer. The third section of the report explores the uses and purposes for wearable and mobile devices in tertiary education, identifying key trends and issues to be considered when piloting the use of these devices in educational contexts

    Using design-based research to develop a Mobile Learning Framework for Assessment Feedback

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    Students’ lack of engagement with their assessment feedback and the lack of dialogue and communication for feedback are some of the issues that affect educational institutions. Despite the affordance that mobile technologies could bring in terms of assessment feedback, research in this area is scarce. The main obstacle for research on mobile learning assessment feedback is the lack of a cohesive and unified mobile learning framework. This paper thus presents a Mobile Learning Framework for Assessment Feedback (MLFAF), developed using a design-based research approach. The framework emerged from the observation of, and reflection upon, the different stages of a research project that investigated the use of a mobile web application for summative and formative assessment feedback. MLFAF can be used as a foundation to study the requirements when developing and implementing wide-scale mobile learning initiatives that underpin longitudinal practices, as opposed to short-term practices. The paper also provides design considerations and implementation guidelines for the use of mobile technology in assessment feedback to increase student engagement and foster dialogic feedback communication channels
