2,016 research outputs found

    Manipulative use of risk as a stance in political communication

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    As in many other areas of life, the notion of risk has recently become central to discourses related to politics. This research paper shows how political and media representatives use the notion of risk in their rhetoric, making it an important part of and a powerful resource for manipulation. It is demonstrated how stances taken by speakers on different political issues reflect their social, political and moral views, showing that risk has become a common construct around which a political situation in the modern world is described, organized and practiced. In most general terms stance is understood here as the way of expression one’s viewpoint concerning the object of interaction, which in this study is risk. The theoretical background of the research is situated within socially constructivist approaches to discourse analysis. We argue that risk has become one of the defining social and cultural characteristics of modern society. The research focuses on the ways stances on risks are constructed at the linguistic level, by means of certain structural and formal qualities, and on how these linguistic features are related to social interaction under the conditions of political, moral, economic and social crisis in Ukraine

    The how and why of syntactic relations

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    Human communication takes place when one person does something that when seen or heard by another person is taken to be done with the intention to communicate, and the other person, having seen the communicator show his or her intention to communicate, then uses inference to determine what the communicator intends to communicate. This is possible because the addressee assumes that the communicator is a rational person, that is, acts with goals in mind (see Grice 1975), and so must be doing the act for a reason, and it is worth the addressee’s effort to try to determine what that reason is, that is, determine the relevance of the act


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    Washington University Record, February 16, 1978

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    Supporting musicological investigations with information retrieval tools: an iterative approach to data collection

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    Digital musicology research often proceeds by extending and enriching its evidence base as it progresses, rather than starting with a complete corpus of data and metadata, as a consequence of an emergent research need. In this paper, we consider a research workflow which assumes an incremental approach to data gathering and annotation. We describe tooling which implements parts of this workflow, developed to support the study of nineteenth-century music arrangements, and evaluate the applicability of our approach through interviews with musicologists and music editors who have used the tools. We conclude by considering extensions of this approach and the wider implications for digital musicology and music information retrieval

    Завдання для проведення тестового контролю з предмету: «Практична фонетика англійської мови». «Фоностилістика»

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    Standard English falls into a number of functional styles having, of course, some central points of resemblance. The difference between functional styles brings about quite distinct types of pronunciation which primarily affects the system of intonation. So, Phonostylistics investigates peculiarities of the speech organization from stylistical point of view. It also studies the use of non-standard pronunciation for creating local or social colouring, comic or satirical effect, etc. The knowledge of intonational functional styles fosters speech perception habits. Reading aloud and texts declamation are essential to work out the speech culture, which envisages the development of enunciation and correct pronunciation skills, as well as text orientation skills which allow to unite words into speech sequences and phonopassages, and single out main ideas

    Discussion imperatives and interactive learning technologies in university education institutions of Ukraine: basic approaches and application of european experience

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    В результаті адаптації національної освіти України до європейського стандарту та вимог Болонського процесу, а не тільки традиційної моделі покращення освіти, в українських університетських навчальних закладах відбувся перехід до активних та інтерактивних технологій навчання. Модернізація системи університетської освіти в Україні зумовлена переходом до новітньої освітньої системи та технології, які успішно зарекомендували себе себе в європейських університетських навчальних закладах. Це дослідження охоплювало сім українських університетських навчальних закладів, які впроваджують стратегії інтерактивного навчання, що спрямоване на активну взаємодію між учнем та вчителем за допомогою інтерактивних технологій: навчання в грі та навчання в дискусії.В результате адаптации национального образования Украины к европейскому стандарту и требованиям Болонского процесса, а не только традиционнаой модели улучшения качества образования, в украинских университетских учебных заведениях произошел переход к технологиям активного и интерактивного обучения. Модернизация системы университетского образования в Украине связана с переходом на новейшие образовательные системы и технологии, которые успешно зарекомендовали себя в европейских университетских учебных заведениях. Это исследование охватывало семь украинских высших учебных заведений, реализующие стратегии интерактивного обучения, направленные на активное взаимодействие ученика и учителя посредством использования базовых интерактивных технологий: обучение в игре и обучение в дискуссии.As a result of the adaptation of Ukraine’s national education to European standards and the requirements of the Bologna Process, not only the traditional model of education has been improved in Ukrainian university education institutions, but also the transition to active and interactive learning technologies has taken place. Modernization of the university education system in Ukraine is due to the transition to the latest educational systems and technologies that have successfully proven themselves in European university education institutions. This study covered seven Ukrainian university education institutions that implement interactive learning strategies aimed at active interaction between student and teacher through the use of basic interactive technologies: learning in the game and training in discussion