1,600 research outputs found

    Effective customer requirements management using an information supply based model

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    Managing customer requirements is a crucial process in any project, especially when these requirements usually keep changing throughout a project life cycle. Despite the high importance of customer requirement management in any project, there is no avail

    Experiences in the assessment of the requirement management process

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    The focus of this paper is to outline the practical experiences and the lessons learned derived from the assessment of the requirements management process in two industrial case studies. Furthermore this paper explains the main structure of an alternative assessment approach that has been used in the appraisal of the two case studies. The assessment approach helped us to know the current state of the organizational requirement management process. We have to point out that these practical experiences and the lessons learned can be helpful to reduce risks and costs of the on-site assessment process

    UML Based Requirement Management Process in Mobile Multimedia Software Projects

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    Requirements management is an important sub-process in software development lifecycle. Its purpose is to assure that the project outcome meets the expectations of the customers and other internal or external stakeholders. Without a proper requirement management projects will certainly fail to deliver within the promised time, budget, scope and quality. To better cope with the requirement related challenges extended Unified Modeling Language (UML) methodologies were studied. These UML extensions can be used to model the business processes and requirements. Currently the UML is extensively used in the industry to design software systems. But when used also to model the business processes and requirements a number of benefits over the tradional way of managing requirements result: tracebility from requirements to design and to implementation is much easier, communication of complex issues and their relation to requirements is much enhanced, understanding of the system behaviour is distributed in the project team and the system model describing the product is more complete, integrated and accurate. As a result of this thesis new type of requirement management process was created. This process is embeddable and applicable to any implementation language and many types of development processes and projects. To succesfully deploy such a process one has to have the necessary tool support and the organisation must be UML literate.Vaatimushallinta on tärkeä aliprosessi ohjelmistojen kehityksessä. Sen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että projektin tuotos vastaa asiakkaan ja muiden sisäisten ja ulkoisten projektiin osallisten sovittuja odotuksia. Ilman toimivaa vaatimushallintaprosessia projektit eivät onnistu pysymään luvatuissa aika, budjetti, laajuus ja laatukehyksissään. Vaatimuksiin liittyvien haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi tutkittiin viimeaikaisia laajennuksia UML kuvauskieleen. Näitä UML laajennuksia käyttämällä voidaan mallintaa asiakkaan liiketoimintaprosessit ja vaatimukset. Nykyisin UML:ää käytetään laajasti ohjelmistonsuunnittelussa. Mutta kun sitä käytetään myös mallintamaan liiketoimintaprosesesseja ja vaatimuksia siitä seuraa useita parannuksia perinteiseen tapaan hallita vaatimuksia: vaatimusten jäljittäminen toteutukseen on paljon helpompaa, ongelmallisten asioiden ja niiden vaatimusrelaation kommunikointi on tehokkaampaa, järjestelmän kokonaisuuden hahmottaminen on jakautunut laajemmalle projektitiimissä ja toimitettavaa järjestelmää kuvaavasta mallista tulee kattavampi, integroiduimpi ja enemmän todellisuutta vastaava. Tutkimuksen tuotoksena on uudentyyppinen vaatimushallintaprosessi. Tämä aliprosessi on sulautettavissa ja sovellettavissa mille tahansa ohjelmointikielelle. Se sopii monentyyppisiin ohjelmistonkehitysprosesseihin ja projekteihin. Organisaation täytyy myös hallita UML ja siihen liittyvien työkalujen käyttö

    Assessment of the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire

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    This research advocates the idea that although requirements management process is not carried out in many organizations there is some people within the organization that perform some requirements management practices. However, these practices are usually not documented and as consequence are not spread across the organization. This paper proposes an assessment methodology based on a two-stage questionnaire to identify which practices of the requirements management process are performed but not documented, which practices require to be prioritized and which are not implemented due to bad management or unawareness. In order to validate the assessment methodology, the questionnaire was applied to an industrial case study

    Evaluating the relationship between communication management practices and project outcomes : a case study of Eswatini (Swaziland) construction industry

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    Abstract: Communication management is viewed as an imperative factor associated with performance improvement in construction projects. In Eswatini, it is established that projects experience poor project delivery associated with poor communication management practices. This study seeks to elucidate communication management practices informed by local culture and relate it to project outcome. A questionnaire survey of practitioners registered with Eswatini construction industry council was adopted for the study. Data was collected from 66 respondents. Principal axis factoring established nine practices namely; information technology, communication technology, communication skills and competence, communication management plan, teamwork, clear channels within organisation’s structure, project brief requirement management, project brief risk requirement management and context of environment as being key factors to project positive outcome. Spearman’s rho established..

    An AHP-Based Framework for Effective Requirement Management in Agile Software Development (ASD)

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    In Agile changes may be made at any time throughout the project lifetime in agile projects. These changes, however, often lead to longer turnaround times and higher costs while having a substantial influence on the activities and quality of project management. The suggested framework's main goal is to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of the requirement engineering process by successfully managing requirements changes, particularly in contexts where Agile Software Development (ASD) is practiced. The Agile methodology has gained popularity as a strategy for developing software because it can adjust to changing requirements and deliver software gradually. To make sure that the software being produced satisfies stakeholder expectations and adds value to the firm, good requirement management is essential. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize requirements based on their relative relevance and urgency, this article introduces a framework for requirement management in Agile Projects. The most important requirements are taken care of first thanks to this strategy, which enables a more organized and informed decision-making process. We demonstrate the actual use of our framework in real-world contexts and highlight its efficacy in solving the issues faced by Agile projects by including a case study and an accompanying table. The suggested framework also supports the three core tenets of the Agile approach—transparency, cooperation, and continuous improvement—to foster an environment of excellence and ongoing learning within the Agile team. By developing these fundamental ideas, our framework not only supports Agile teams' continual growth and development but also helps them manage and prioritize requirements more efficiently, which ultimately improves project results and increases organizational value