529 research outputs found

    Representing Small Ordinals by Finite Automata

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    It is known that an ordinal is the order type of the lexicographic ordering of a regular language if and only if it is less than omega^omega. We design a polynomial time algorithm that constructs, for each well-ordered regular language L with respect to the lexicographic ordering, given by a deterministic finite automaton, the Cantor Normal Form of its order type. It follows that there is a polynomial time algorithm to decide whether two deterministic finite automata accepting well-ordered regular languages accept isomorphic languages. We also give estimates on the size of the smallest automaton representing an ordinal less than omega^omega, together with an algorithm that translates each such ordinal to an automaton

    Covering of ordinals

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    The paper focuses on the structure of fundamental sequences of ordinals smaller than ϵ0\epsilon_0. A first result is the construction of a monadic second-order formula identifying a given structure, whereas such a formula cannot exist for ordinals themselves. The structures are precisely classified in the pushdown hierarchy. Ordinals are also located in the hierarchy, and a direct presentation is given.Comment: Accepted at FSTTCS'0

    Well-Pointed Coalgebras

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    For endofunctors of varieties preserving intersections, a new description of the final coalgebra and the initial algebra is presented: the former consists of all well-pointed coalgebras. These are the pointed coalgebras having no proper subobject and no proper quotient. The initial algebra consists of all well-pointed coalgebras that are well-founded in the sense of Osius and Taylor. And initial algebras are precisely the final well-founded coalgebras. Finally, the initial iterative algebra consists of all finite well-pointed coalgebras. Numerous examples are discussed e.g. automata, graphs, and labeled transition systems

    The FC-rank of a context-free language

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    We prove that the finite condensation rank (FC-rank) of the lexicographic ordering of a context-free language is strictly less than ωω\omega^\omega

    Coalgebraic Behavioral Metrics

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    We study different behavioral metrics, such as those arising from both branching and linear-time semantics, in a coalgebraic setting. Given a coalgebra α ⁣:XHX\alpha\colon X \to HX for a functor H ⁣:SetSetH \colon \mathrm{Set}\to \mathrm{Set}, we define a framework for deriving pseudometrics on XX which measure the behavioral distance of states. A crucial step is the lifting of the functor HH on Set\mathrm{Set} to a functor H\overline{H} on the category PMet\mathrm{PMet} of pseudometric spaces. We present two different approaches which can be viewed as generalizations of the Kantorovich and Wasserstein pseudometrics for probability measures. We show that the pseudometrics provided by the two approaches coincide on several natural examples, but in general they differ. If HH has a final coalgebra, every lifting H\overline{H} yields in a canonical way a behavioral distance which is usually branching-time, i.e., it generalizes bisimilarity. In order to model linear-time metrics (generalizing trace equivalences), we show sufficient conditions for lifting distributive laws and monads. These results enable us to employ the generalized powerset construction

    Algebraic cocompleteness and finitary functors

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    A number of categories is presented that are algebraically complete and cocomplete, i.e., every endofunctor has an initial algebra and a terminal coalgebra. For all finitary (and, more generally, all precontinuous) set functors the initial algebra and terminal coalgebra are proved to carry a canonical partial order with the same ideal CPO-completion. And they also both carry a canonical ultrametric with the same Cauchy completion

    Abstract Learning Frameworks for Synthesis

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    We develop abstract learning frameworks (ALFs) for synthesis that embody the principles of CEGIS (counter-example based inductive synthesis) strategies that have become widely applicable in recent years. Our framework defines a general abstract framework of iterative learning, based on a hypothesis space that captures the synthesized objects, a sample space that forms the space on which induction is performed, and a concept space that abstractly defines the semantics of the learning process. We show that a variety of synthesis algorithms in current literature can be embedded in this general framework. While studying these embeddings, we also generalize some of the synthesis problems these instances are of, resulting in new ways of looking at synthesis problems using learning. We also investigate convergence issues for the general framework, and exhibit three recipes for convergence in finite time. The first two recipes generalize current techniques for convergence used by existing synthesis engines. The third technique is a more involved technique of which we know of no existing instantiation, and we instantiate it to concrete synthesis problems