11 research outputs found

    Content related rights transmission with MPEG-21 in the educational field

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    One of the main issues affecting educational content distribution and sharing is to ensure that the terms and conditions defined by the content owners are respected by the others, such as distributors and consumers. Authorship and the content integrity are the most basic rights that authors want to preserve in the educational field. To ensure that content and associated rights are protected, cryptographic techniques and mechanisms are applied to content, rights, protection keys and related metadata that are packaged in a digital object. ARMS is a new platform that was developed to preserve author rights in the educational field applying the MPEG-21 standard concepts. A web based services interface is established with the educational Academic Management System of the Academic institution in order to verify the user eligibility in this domain. After obtaining the usage license the user can send the license to other users, if that privilege has been granted. Our proposal uses MPEG-21 concepts in order to enable rights transmission among the main participants in the educational environment but with a mechanism where the inheritance rights established by the author are uphold. Through the integration between ARMS and the Academic Management Information System hosted in the educational institutions, user academic data can be retrieved in order to verify his eligibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    The aDORe federation architecture: digital repositories at scale

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    Access Interfaces for Open Archival Information Systems based on the OAI-PMH and the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services

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    In recent years, a variety of digital repository and archival systems have been developed and adopted. All of these systems aim at hosting a variety of compound digital assets and at providing tools for storing, managing and accessing those assets. This paper will focus on the definition of common and standardized access interfaces that could be deployed across such diverse digital respository and archival systems. The proposed interfaces are based on the two formal specifications that have recently emerged from the Digital Library community: The Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and the NISO OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services (OpenURL Standard). As will be described, the former allows for the retrieval of batches of XML-based representations of digital assets, while the latter facilitates the retrieval of disseminations of a specific digital asset or of one or more of its constituents. The core properties of the proposed interfaces are explained in terms of the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS).Comment: Accepted paper for PV 2005 "Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data" (http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/events/pv-2005/

    The aDORe Federation Architecture

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    The need to federate repositories emerges in two distinctive scenarios. In one scenario, scalability-related problems in the operation of a repository reach a point beyond which continued service requires parallelization and hence federation of the repository infrastructure. In the other scenario, multiple distributed repositories manage collections of interest to certain communities or applications, and federation is an approach to present a unified perspective across these repositories. The high-level, 3-Tier aDORe federation architecture can be used as a guideline to federate repositories in both cases. This paper describes the architecture, consisting of core interfaces for federated repositories in Tier-1, two shared infrastructure components in Tier-2, and a single-point of access to the federation in Tier-3. The paper also illustrates two large-scale deployments of the aDORe federation architecture: the aDORe Archive repository (over 100,000,000 digital objects) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Ghent University Image Repository federation (multiple terabytes of image files).Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    A Tecnologia Open Archives Initiative: Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) e suas possibilidades de aplicação em repositórios digitais

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    TCC (graduação em Biblioteconomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, FlorianópolisEste estudo propõe uma análise da literatura científica a respeito da tecnologia Open Archives Initiative-Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE), constatando as possibilidades de aplicação em repositórios digitais. A Iniciativa dos Arquivos Abertos é responsável pelo desenvolvimento e ascensão de padrões de interoperabilidade que promovem a comunicação entre sistemas culminando na disseminação de conteúdo informacional dos repositórios digitais. O OAI-ORE, propende permitir que objetos complexos sejam reutilizados e trocados entre repositórios, transcendendo a idéia de apenas hospedar conteúdo estático. A implementação de estudos e análises se justifica, neste trabalho, em função da crescente demanda por informações específicas e particularizadas e seu conseqüente armazenamento em repositórios digitais que se sobressaem significativamente em relação aos métodos tradicionais, no fornecimento de subsídios à pesquisa científica. Os objetivos deste estudo compreendem a enumeração de possibilidades de aplicação da tecnologia OAI-ORE em repositórios digitais por meio de levantamento, identificação e análise de documentos impressos e eletrônicos. A análise de conteúdo de Bardin foi empregada visando à obtenção de elementos para o desenvolvimento dos estudos a respeito desta tecnologia. Em campo acadêmico-científico, a reutilização e troca de objetos digitais mostra-se como mais uma alternativa que, proporciona otimização das potencialidades de recuperação e disseminação da informação