4,798 research outputs found

    Integral monodromy groups of Kloosterman sheaves

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    We show that integral monodromy groups of Kloosterman \ell-adic sheaves of rank n2n\ge 2 on Gm/Fq\mathbb{G}_m/\mathbb{F}_q are as large as possible when the characteristic \ell is large enough, depending only on the rank. This variant of Katz's results over C\mathbb{C} was known by works of Gabber, Larsen, Nori and Hall under restrictions such as \ell large enough depending on char(Fq)\operatorname{char}(\mathbb{F}_q) with an ineffective constant, which is unsuitable for applications. We use the theory of finite groups of Lie type to extend Katz's ideas, in particular the classification of maximal subgroups of Aschbacher and Kleidman-Liebeck. These results will apply to study reductions of hyper-Kloosterman sums in forthcoming work.Comment: 27 pages; incorporating the referees' comments. To appear in Mathematik

    Local-global conjectures and blocks of simple groups

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    We give an expanded treatment of our lecture series at the 2017 Groups St Andrews conference in Birmingham on local-global conjectures and the block theory of finite reductive groups

    Unipotent elements forcing irreducibility in linear algebraic groups

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    Let GG be a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field KK of characteristic p>0p > 0. We consider connected reductive subgroups XX of GG that contain a given distinguished unipotent element uu of GG. A result of Testerman and Zalesski (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2013) shows that if uu is a regular unipotent element, then XX cannot be contained in a proper parabolic subgroup of GG. We generalize their result and show that if uu has order pp, then except for two known examples which occur in the case (G,p)=(C2,2)(G, p) = (C_2, 2), the subgroup XX cannot be contained in a proper parabolic subgroup of GG. In the case where uu has order >p> p, we also present further examples arising from indecomposable tilting modules with quasi-minuscule highest weight.Comment: 33 page

    Linear sofic groups and algebras

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    We introduce and systematically study linear sofic groups and linear sofic algebras. This generalizes amenable and LEF groups and algebras. We prove that a group is linear sofic if and only if its group algebra is linear sofic. We show that linear soficity for groups is a priori weaker than soficity but stronger than weak soficity. We also provide an alternative proof of a result of Elek and Szabo which states that sofic groups satisfy Kaplansky's direct finiteness conjecture.Comment: 34 page

    Representation spaces of the Jordan plane

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