6,340 research outputs found

    Machine learning and its applications in reliability analysis systems

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    In this thesis, we are interested in exploring some aspects of Machine Learning (ML) and its application in the Reliability Analysis systems (RAs). We begin by investigating some ML paradigms and their- techniques, go on to discuss the possible applications of ML in improving RAs performance, and lastly give guidelines of the architecture of learning RAs. Our survey of ML covers both levels of Neural Network learning and Symbolic learning. In symbolic process learning, five types of learning and their applications are discussed: rote learning, learning from instruction, learning from analogy, learning from examples, and learning from observation and discovery. The Reliability Analysis systems (RAs) presented in this thesis are mainly designed for maintaining plant safety supported by two functions: risk analysis function, i.e., failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) ; and diagnosis function, i.e., real-time fault location (RTFL). Three approaches have been discussed in creating the RAs. According to the result of our survey, we suggest currently the best design of RAs is to embed model-based RAs, i.e., MORA (as software) in a neural network based computer system (as hardware). However, there are still some improvement which can be made through the applications of Machine Learning. By implanting the 'learning element', the MORA will become learning MORA (La MORA) system, a learning Reliability Analysis system with the power of automatic knowledge acquisition and inconsistency checking, and more. To conclude our thesis, we propose an architecture of La MORA

    Deductive Fault Simulation Technique for Asynchronous Circuits

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    Fault simulator for acpASC needs to deal with hazards, oscillations and races. The simplest algorithm for simulating faults is the serial fault simulation technique which was successfully used for the acpASC. Faster fault simulation techniques, for example deductive fault simulation, was previously used for the combinational and synchronous sequential circuits only. In this paper a deductive fault simulator for the stuck-at faults of acSI acpASC is presented. An algorithm for the propagation of the fault lists is proposed which can deal with the complex gates of the acpASC. The implemented deductive fault simulator was tested using acSI benchmark circuits. The experimental results show significant reduction of the computation time and negligible increase of the memory requirements in comparison with the serial fault simulation technique

    Knowledge-based diagnosis for aerospace systems

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    The need for automated diagnosis in aerospace systems and the approach of using knowledge-based systems are examined. Research issues in knowledge-based diagnosis which are important for aerospace applications are treated along with a review of recent relevant research developments in Artificial Intelligence. The design and operation of some existing knowledge-based diagnosis systems are described. The systems described and compared include the LES expert system for liquid oxygen loading at NASA Kennedy Space Center, the FAITH diagnosis system developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the PES procedural expert system developed at SRI International, the CSRL approach developed at Ohio State University, the StarPlan system developed by Ford Aerospace, the IDM integrated diagnostic model, and the DRAPhys diagnostic system developed at NASA Langley Research Center

    Formalization of Transform Methods using HOL Light

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    Transform methods, like Laplace and Fourier, are frequently used for analyzing the dynamical behaviour of engineering and physical systems, based on their transfer function, and frequency response or the solutions of their corresponding differential equations. In this paper, we present an ongoing project, which focuses on the higher-order logic formalization of transform methods using HOL Light theorem prover. In particular, we present the motivation of the formalization, which is followed by the related work. Next, we present the task completed so far while highlighting some of the challenges faced during the formalization. Finally, we present a roadmap to achieve our objectives, the current status and the future goals for this project.Comment: 15 Pages, CICM 201

    Analysis of Hardware Descriptions

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    The design process for integrated circuits requires a lot of analysis of circuit descriptions. An important class of analyses determines how easy it will be to determine if a physical component suffers from any manufacturing errors. As circuit complexities grow rapidly, the problem of testing circuits also becomes increasingly difficult. This thesis explores the potential for analysing a recent high level hardware description language called Ruby. In particular, we are interested in performing testability analyses of Ruby circuit descriptions. Ruby is ammenable to algebraic manipulation, so we have sought transformations that improve testability while preserving behaviour. The analysis of Ruby descriptions is performed by adapting a technique called abstract interpretation. This has been used successfully to analyse functional programs. This technique is most applicable where the analysis to be captured operates over structures isomorphic to the structure of the circuit. Many digital systems analysis tools require the circuit description to be given in some special form. This can lead to inconsistency between representations, and involves additional work converting between representations. We propose using the original description medium, in this case Ruby, for performing analyses. A related technique, called non-standard interpretation, is shown to be very useful for capturing many circuit analyses. An implementation of a system that performs non-standard interpretation forms the central part of the work. This allows Ruby descriptions to be analysed using alternative interpretations such test pattern generation and circuit layout interpretations. This system follows a similar approach to Boute's system semantics work and O'Donnell's work on Hydra. However, we have allowed a larger class of interpretations to be captured and offer a richer description language. The implementation presented here is constructed to allow a large degree of code sharing between different analyses. Several analyses have been implemented including simulation, test pattern generation and circuit layout. Non-standard interpretation provides a good framework for implementing these analyses. A general model for making non-standard interpretations is presented. Combining forms that combine two interpretations to produce a new interpretation are also introduced. This allows complex circuit analyses to be decomposed in a modular manner into smaller circuit analyses which can be built independently

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Cirquent calculus deepened

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    Cirquent calculus is a new proof-theoretic and semantic framework, whose main distinguishing feature is being based on circuits, as opposed to the more traditional approaches that deal with tree-like objects such as formulas or sequents. Among its advantages are greater efficiency, flexibility and expressiveness. This paper presents a detailed elaboration of a deep-inference cirquent logic, which is naturally and inherently resource conscious. It shows that classical logic, both syntactically and semantically, is just a special, conservative fragment of this more general and, in a sense, more basic logic -- the logic of resources in the form of cirquent calculus. The reader will find various arguments in favor of switching to the new framework, such as arguments showing the insufficiency of the expressive power of linear logic or other formula-based approaches to developing resource logics, exponential improvements over the traditional approaches in both representational and proof complexities offered by cirquent calculus, and more. Among the main purposes of this paper is to provide an introductory-style starting point for what, as the author wishes to hope, might have a chance to become a new line of research in proof theory -- a proof theory based on circuits instead of formulas.Comment: Significant improvements over the previous version